121. Cortical Inhibition and Plasticity in Major Depressive Disorder.
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123. Development of a post-mortem human specimen flow model for advanced bleeding control training.
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124. Controlling absence seizures from the cerebellar nuclei via activation of the G signaling pathway.
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125. The Role of GJD2(Cx36) in Refractive Error Development.
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126. A novel automated approach for improving standardization of the marble burying test enables quantification of burying bouts and activity characteristics
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127. The MAP3K7 gene: further delineation of clinical characteristics and genotype/phenotype correlations.
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128. The use of progeroid DNA repair-deficient mice for assessing anti-aging compounds, illustrating the benefits of nicotinamide riboside.
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129. From first report to clinical trials: a bibliometric overview and visualization of the development of Angelman syndrome research.
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131. Visual selective attention and visual search performance in children with CVI, ADHD, and Dyslexia: a scoping review.
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132. Meeting Report: Aging Research and Drug Discovery.
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134. Addressing the inconsistent electric fields of tDCS by using patient-tailored configurations in chronic stroke: Implications for treatment.
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135. Hallucinations and Brain Morphology Across Early Adolescence: A Longitudinal Neuroimaging Study.
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136. Dissecting schizophrenia phenotypic variation: the contribution of genetic variation, environmental exposures, and gene-environment interactions.
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139. Myelination synchronizes cortical oscillations by consolidating parvalbumin-mediated phasic inhibition.
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141. Improving the Security of the IEEE 802.15.6 Standard for Medical BANs.
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144. A Systematic Review of Direct Outputs from the Cerebellum to the Brainstem and Diencephalon in Mammals.
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145. Postsynaptic plasticity of Purkinje cells in mice is determined by molecular identity.
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146. Tsc1 Haploinsufficiency Leads to Pax2 Dysregulation in the Developing Murine Cerebellum
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147. Applicability of devices available for the measurement of intracompartmental pressures: a cadaver study.
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148. Adult gene reinstatement restores the learning and plasticity deficits of knockout mice.
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149. The Hippocampal Response to Acute Corticosterone Elevation Is Altered in a Mouse Model for Angelman Syndrome.
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150. Multidimensional analysis of behavior predicts genotype with high accuracy in a mouse model of Angelman syndrome.
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151. Measuring Cerebellar Processing and Sensorimotor Functions in Non-Human Primates
152. Genetic barcoding systematically comparing genes in del(5q) MDS reveals a central role for CSNK1A1 in clonal expansion.
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153. Focused ultrasound neuromodulation on a multiwell MEA.
154. A custom interconnection multi-FPGA framework for distributed processing applications.
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155. A cross-species spatiotemporal proteomic analysis identifies UBE3A-dependent signaling pathways and targets.
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156. Detection of visual field defects using Eye Movement Pediatric Perimetry in children with intracranial lesions: feasibility and applicability.
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158. High-resolution micro-Doppler imaging during neurosurgical resection of an arteriovenous malformation: illustrative case
159. Automated causal inference in application to randomized controlled clinical trials.
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160. Biallelic PAX5 mutations cause hypogammaglobulinemia, sensorimotor deficits, and autism spectrum disorder.
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in The Journal of experimental medicine 2022
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