
Integrative Neurobiology of Psychiatric Disorders

Lab Members

Steven Kushner
Prof.Dr. Steven Kushner (S.A.)
Full Professor
Lab Head
Jurate Aleknaviciute
Dr. Jurate Aleknaviciute
Postdoctoral Fellow
Amir Asghari
Amir Asghari
Phd Student
Bas Lendemeijer
Bas Lendemeijer
Phd Student
Hilde Smeenk
Hilde Smeenk
Phd Student
Suzan Linssen
Suzan Linssen
Master Student
Anniek Meesters
Anniek Meesters
Research Technician
Sakshi Bansal
Sakshi Bansal
Scientific Researcher
Denise Slump
Denise Slump
Research Technician
Mark van der Kroeg
Mark van der Kroeg
Research Technician

Recent Publications

Running in the FAMILY: understanding and predicting the intergenerational transmission of mental illness.

van Houtum LAEM, Baaré WFC, Beckmann CF, Castro-Fornieles J, Cecil CAM, Dittrich J, Ebdrup BH, Fegert JM, Havdahl A, Hillegers MHJ, Kalisch R, Kushner SA, Mansuy IM, Mežinska S, Moreno C, Muetzel RL, Neumann A, Nordentoft M, Pingault JB, Preisig M, Raballo A, Saunders J, Sprooten E, Sugranyes G, Tiemeier H, van Woerden GM, Vandeleur CL, van Haren NEM
in European child & adolescent psychiatry 2024

Morphological correlates of pyramidal cell axonal myelination in mouse and human neocortex.

Pascual-García M, Unkel M, Slotman JA, Bolleboom A, Bouwen B, Houtsmuller AB, Dirven C, Gao Z, Hijazi S, Kushner SA
in Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) 2024

Brain development after intrauterine exposure to lithium: A magnetic resonance imaging study in school-age children.

Poels EMP, Kamperman AM, Bijma HH, Honig A, van Kamp IL, Kushner SA, Hoogendijk WJG, Bergink V, White T
in Bipolar disorders 2023

A simplified protocol for the generation of cortical brain organoids.

Eigenhuis KN, Somsen HB, van der Kroeg M, Smeenk H, Korporaal AL, Kushner SA, de Vrij FMS, van den Berg DLC
in Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 2023

Music to prevent deliriUm during neuroSurgerY (MUSYC): a single-centre, prospective randomised controlled trial.

Kappen PR, Mos MI, Jeekel J, Dirven CMF, Kushner SA, Osse RJ, Coesmans M, Poley MJ, van Schie MS, van der Holt B, Klimek M, Vincent AJPE
in BMJ open 2023

Psychotic experiences, suicidality and non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents: Independent findings from two cohorts.

Steenkamp LR, de Neve-Enthoven NGM, João AM, Bouter DC, Hillegers MHJ, Hoogendijk WJG, Blanken LME, Kushner SA, Tiemeier H, Grootendorst-van Mil NH, Bolhuis K
in Schizophrenia research 2023

Myelination synchronizes cortical oscillations by consolidating parvalbumin-mediated phasic inhibition.

Dubey M, Pascual-Garcia M, Helmes K, Wever DD, Hamada MS, Kushner SA, Kole MHP
in eLife 2022

Long-term association of pregnancy and maternal brain structure: the Rotterdam Study.

Aleknaviciute J, Evans TE, Aribas E, de Vries MW, Steegers EAP, Ikram MA, Tiemeier H, Kavousi M, Vernooij MW, Kushner SA
in European journal of epidemiology 2022

Cortical Inhibition and Plasticity in Major Depressive Disorder.

Castricum J, Birkenhager TK, Kushner SA, Elgersma Y, Tulen JHM
in Frontiers in psychiatry 2022

The neuroinvasiveness, neurotropism, and neurovirulence of SARS-CoV-2.

Bauer L, Laksono BM, de Vrij FMS, Kushner SA, Harschnitz O, van Riel D
in Trends in neurosciences 2022

Hallucinations and Brain Morphology Across Early Adolescence: A Longitudinal Neuroimaging Study.

Steenkamp LR, Blok E, Muetzel RL, White T, Hillegers MHJ, Blanken LME, Bolhuis K, Tiemeier H, Kushner SA
in Biological psychiatry 2022

Dissecting schizophrenia phenotypic variation: the contribution of genetic variation, environmental exposures, and gene-environment interactions.

Zhang H, Khan A, Kushner SA, Rzhetsky A
in Schizophrenia (Heidelberg, Germany) 2022

Schizophrenia polygenic risk is associated with child mental health problems through early childhood adversity: evidence for a gene-environment correlation.

Bolhuis K, Steenkamp LR, Blanken LME, Neumann A, Jansen PR, Hillegers MHJ, Cecil CAM, Tiemeier H, Kushner SA
in European child & adolescent psychiatry 2021

miR-142-3p Regulates Cortical Oligodendrocyte Gene Co-expression Networks Associated with Tauopathy.

Hinman JD, Ngo KJ, Kim D, Chen C, Abraham CR, Ghanbari M, Ikram MA, Kushner SA, Kawaguchi R, Coppola G, Goth K, Bellusci S, Hernandez I, Kosik KS, Fogel BL
in Human molecular genetics 2021

Monogenic Causes of Apparently Idiopathic Perinatal Intracranial Hemorrhage.

Hausman-Kedem M, Malinger G, Modai S, Kushner SA, Shiran SI, Ben-Sira L, Roth J, Constantini S, Fattal-Valevski A, Ben-Shachar S
in Annals of neurology 2021
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1 Maria Pascual Garcia -


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