Publications Directory

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401. 3D functional ultrasound imaging of pigeons.

Rau R, Kruizinga P, Mastik F, Belau M, de Jong N, Bosch JG, Scheffer W, Maret G
in NeuroImage 2018

402. Fast Volumetric Imaging Using a Matrix Transesophageal Echocardiography Probe with Partitioned Transmit-Receive Array.

Bera D, van den Adel F, Radeljic-Jakic N, Lippe B, Soozande M, Pertijs MAP, Verweij MD, Kruizinga P, Daeichin V, Vos HJ, van der Steen AFW, Bosch JG, de Jong N
in Ultrasound in medicine & biology 2018

403. Monodisperse Versus Polydisperse Ultrasound Contrast Agents: Non-Linear Response, Sensitivity, and Deep Tissue Imaging Potential.

Segers T, Kruizinga P, Kok MP, Lajoinie G, de Jong N, Versluis M
in Ultrasound in medicine & biology 2018

404. Spectroscopic photoacoustic imaging of radiofrequency ablation in the left atrium.

Iskander-Rizk S, Kruizinga P, van der Steen AFW, van Soest G
in Biomedical optics express 2018

405. Attack-tree-based Threat Modeling of Medical Implants.

Muhammad Ali Siddiqi, Robert M. Seepers, Mohammad Hamad, Vassilis Prevelakis, Christos Strydis
in 2018

406. Combining visual sensory functions and visuospatial orienting functions in children with visual pathology: A longitudinal study.

in Brain & development 2018

407. Single-Cell Stimulation in Barrel Cortex Influences Psychophysical Detection Performance.

Tanke N, Borst JGG, Houweling AR
in The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2018

408. A Longer Interstimulus Interval Yields Better Learning in Adults and Young Adolescents.

Kjell K, Löwgren K, Rasmussen A
in Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 2018

409. Enhanced Transmission at the Calyx of Held Synapse in a Mouse Model for Angelman Syndrome.

in Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 2018

410. Maternal and paternal cannabis use during pregnancy and the risk of psychotic-like experiences in the offspring

Bolhuis K, Kushner SA, Yalniz S, Hillegers MHJ, Jaddoe VWV, Tiemeier H, El Marroun H
in Schizophrenia Research 2018

411. No evidence for an interaction between 5-HTTLPR genotype and early life adversity in cortisol responsivity to psychosocial stress in women.

Aleknaviciute J, Tulen JHM, de Rijke YB, van der Kroeg M, Kooiman CG, Kushner SA
in BJPsych Open 2018

412. The basal interstitial nucleus (BIN) of the cerebellum provides diffuse ascending inhibitory input to the floccular granule cell layer.

Jaarsma D, Blot FGC, Wu B, Venkatesan S, Voogd J, Meijer D, Ruigrok TJH, Gao Z, Schonewille M, De Zeeuw CI
in The Journal of comparative neurology 2018

413. Long term neurodevelopmental consequences of intrauterine exposure to lithium and antipsychotics: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Poels EM, Schrijver L, Kamperman AM, Hillegers MH, Hoogendijk WJ, Kushner SA, Roza SJ
in European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2018

414. Cerebellar learning properties are modulated by the CRF receptor in granular cells.

Ezra-Nevo G, Prestori F, Locatelli F, Soda T, Ten Brinke MM, Engel M, Boele HJ, Botta L, Leshkowitz D, Ramot A, Tsoory M, Biton IE, Deussing J, D'Angelo E, De Zeeuw CI, Chen A
in The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2018

415. Psychotic-like experiences in pre-adolescence: what precedes the antecedent symptoms of severe mental illness?

Bolhuis K, Verhoeff ME, Blanken LM, Cibrev D, Jaddoe VWV, Verhulst FC, Hillegers MHJ, Kushner SA, Tiemeier H
in Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2018

416. A Reconfigurable Ultrasound Transceiver ASIC With 24×40 Elements for 3-D Carotid Artery Imaging.

Eunchul Kang, Qing Ding, Maysam Shabanimotlagh, Pieter Kruizinga, Zu-yao Chang, Emile Noothout, Hendrik J. Vos, Johan G. Bosch, Martin D. Verweij, Nico de Jong, Michiel A. P. Pertijs
in J. Solid-State Circuits 2018

417. Differentiating Cerebellar Impact on Thalamic Nuclei.

Gornati SV, Schäfer CB, Eelkman Rooda OHJ, Nigg AL, De Zeeuw CI, Hoebeek FE
in Cell reports 2018

418. ACO2 homozygous missense mutation associated with complicated hereditary spastic paraplegia.

Bouwkamp CG, Afawi Z, Fattal-Valevski A, Quadri M, Breedveld GJ, Masalha R, Mandel H, Abu Tailakh M, van Eijcken WF, Vernooij MW, Bonifati V, Kushner SA
in Neurology Genetics 2018

419. Chloride Homeostasis in Neurons With Special Emphasis on the Olivocerebellar System: Differential Roles for Transporters and Channels.

Rahmati N, Hoebeek FE, Peter S, De Zeeuw CI
in Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 2018

420. Single transcription factor based generation of oligodendrocytes from human pluripotent stem cells.

García-León JA, Kumar M, Boon R, Chau D, One J, Wolfs E, Eggermonts K, Berckmans P, Gunhanlar N, De Vrij FM, Pavie B, Corthout N, Kushner SA, Carlos J, Dávila C, Lambrichts I, Hu WS, Verfaillie CM
in Stem Cell Reports 2018

421. Calibration techniques for single-sensor ultrasound imaging with a coding mask.

Pim van der Meulen, Pieter Kruizinga, Johannes G. Bosch, Geert Leus
in 2018

422. Cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation interacts with BDNF Val66Met in motor learning.

van der Vliet R, Jonker ZD, Louwen SC, Heuvelman M, de Vreede L, Ribbers GM, De Zeeuw CI, Donchin O, Selles RW, van der Geest JN, Frens MA
in Brain stimulation 2018

423. Are infectious agents involved in the pathogenesis of postpartum psychosis?

De Witte LD, Snijders G, Litjens M, Kamperman AM, Kushner SA, Kahn RS, Bergink V
in Journal of Affective Disorders 2018

424. Protein kinase C activity is a protective modifier of Purkinje neuron degeneration in cerebellar ataxia.

Chopra R, Wasserman AH, Pulst SM, De Zeeuw CI, Shakkottai VG
in Human molecular genetics 2018

425. Attack-tree-based Threat Modeling of Medical Implants

Muhammad Ali Siddiqi, Robert M. Seepers, Mohammad Hamad, Vassilis Prevelakis and Christos Strydis
in PROOFS 2018. 7th International Workshop on Security Proofs for Embedded Systems 2018

426. Individual Differences in Motor Noise and Adaptation Rate Are Optimally Related.

427. Correction to: Cerebellar Modules and Their Role as Operational Cerebellar Processing Units: A Consensus paper.

Apps R, Hawkes R, Aoki S, Bengtsson F, Brown AM, Chen G, Ebner TJ, Isope P, Jörntell H, Lackey EP, Lawrenson C, Lumb B, Schonewille M, Sillitoe RV, Spaeth L, Sugihara I, Valera A, Voogd J, Wylie DR, Ruigrok TJH
in Cerebellum (London, England) 2018

428. Visual search accelerates during adolescence.

Burggraaf R, van der Geest JN, Frens MA, Hooge ITC
in Journal of vision 2018

429. Cerebellar Modules and Their Role as Operational Cerebellar Processing Units.

Apps R, Hawkes R, Aoki S, Bengtsson F, Brown AM, Chen G, Ebner TJ, Isope P, Jörntell H, Lackey EP, Lawrenson C, Lumb B, Schonewille M, Sillitoe RV, Spaeth L, Sugihara I, Valera A, Voogd J, Wylie DR, Ruigrok TJH
in Cerebellum (London, England) 2018

430. Pain Experience is Somatotopically Organized and Overlaps with Pain Anticipation in the Human Cerebellum.

Michelle Welman FHS, Smit AE, Jongen JLM, Tibboel D, van der Geest JN, Holstege JC
in Cerebellum (London, England) 2018

431. Nerve reinnervation and itch behavior in a rat burn wound model.

Saffari TM, Schüttenhelm BN, van Neck JW, Holstege JC
in Wound repair and regeneration : official publication of the Wound Healing Society [and] the European Tissue Repair Society 2018

432. Sensorimotor control of standing balance

433. Neurons of the inferior olive respond to broad classes of sensory input while subject to homeostatic control

Ju C, Bosman LW, Hoogland TM, Velauthapillai A, Murugesan P, Warnaar P, Negrello M, De Zeeuw CI
in 2018

434. An anatomical study on the effectiveness of Arthrex Mini TightRope ligament reconstruction in an unstable trapeziometacarpal joint.

Friebel TR, Walbeehm ET, Kleinrensink GJ, Ray S, Zuidam JM
in Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery 2018

435. Optimal surgical approach for the treatment of Quervains disease: A surgical-anatomical study.

Poublon AR, Kleinrensink GJ, Kerver A, Coert JH, Walbeehm ET
in World journal of orthopedics 2018

436. Mesh versus suture repair of umbilical hernia in adults: a randomised, double-blind, controlled, multicentre trial.

Kaufmann R, Halm JA, Eker HH, Klitsie PJ, Nieuwenhuizen J, van Geldere D, Simons MP, van der Harst E, van 't Riet M, van der Holt B, Kleinrensink GJ, Jeekel J, Lange JF
in Lancet (London, England) 2018

437. Comparing different modalities for the diagnosis of incisional hernia: a systematic review.

Kroese LF, Sneiders D, Kleinrensink GJ, Muysoms F, Lange JF
in Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery 2018

438. Potentiation of cerebellar Purkinje cells facilitates whisker reflex adaptation through increased simple spike activity

Romano V, De Propris L, Bosman LW, Warnaar P, ten Brinke MM, Lindeman S, Ju C, Velauthapillai A, Spanke J, Guerra EM, Hoogland TM, Negrello M, D'Angelo E, De Zeeuw CI
in 2018

439. A dynamical systems perspective on flexible motor timing.

E.D. Remington*, S.W. Egger*, D. Narain, J. Wang & M. Jazayeri
in Trends in Cognitive Science 2018

440. Flexible sensorimotor computations through rapid reconfiguration of cortical dynamics.

E.D. Remington, D. Narain, E.A. Hosseini, and M. Jazayeri
in Neuron 2018