Lab Head: Devika-Narain
Lab Description
Losing the ability to precisely time movements can lead to debilitating disorders. Our research approaches this problem from three facets. First, we investigate the neural mechanisms that enable the brain to exert precise temporal control of movement by integrating prior experience. Second, we use closed-loop brain-computer interfaces to restore and rehabilitate movement that ameliorates motor dysfunction arising from impaired cortico-cerebellar circuits. Third, we develop machine learning tools that enable precise large-scale perturbations of neural activity and allow us to reliably decode information embedded in high-dimensional neural activity data.
Our mechanistic questions are addressed using a combination of computational, behavioral, and neurophysiological techniques in rodents and humans. To study appropriate intervention technologies, we collaborate with clinicians, patients, and healthy human controls to characterize impairments in eliciting temporal behaviors. To study optimal timing, we use probabilistic theory and computational models to investigate how humans and rodents learn such timing behaviors.
We have two PhD positions available. For further inquiries, please feel free to email Devika at
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