- j.white@erasmusmc.nl
- Room: Ee-1257
- Dr. Molewaterplein 40, Faculty Building, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Dr. Joshua White (J.)
- Position: PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Erasmus MC
2. Purkinje Cell Activity Resonation Generates Rhythmic Behaviors at the Preferred Frequency of 8 Hz.
Bauer S, van Wingerden N, Jacobs T, van der Horst A, Zhai P, Betting JLF, Strydis C, White JJ, De Zeeuw CI, Romano V
in Biomedicines 2022
3. Postsynaptic plasticity of Purkinje cells in mice is determined by molecular identity.
in Communications biology 2022
4. Region-specific preservation of Purkinje cell morphology and motor behavior in the ATXN1[82Q] mouse model of spinocerebellar ataxia 1.
White JJ, Bosman LWJ, Blot FGC, Osório C, Kuppens BW, Krijnen WHJJ, Andriessen C, De Zeeuw CI, Jaarsma D, Schonewille M
in Brain pathology (Zurich, Switzerland) 2021
5. In vivo 5-ethynyluridine (EU) labelling detects reduced transcription in Purkinje cell degeneration mouse mutants, but can itself induce neurodegeneration.
in Acta neuropathologica communications 2021
6. Differential spatiotemporal development of Purkinje cell populations and cerebellum-dependent sensorimotor behaviors.
Beekhof GC, Osório C, White JJ, van Zoomeren S, van der Stok H, Xiong B, Nettersheim IH, Mak WA, Runge M, Fiocchi FR, Boele HJ, Hoebeek FE, Schonewille M
in eLife 2021