
Auditory Neuroscience

Lab Members

Gerard Borst
Prof.Dr. Gerard Borst (JGG)
Full Professor
Lab Head
Martijn Sierksma
Martijn Sierksma
Postdoctoral Fellow
Sofja Solovjova
Sofja Solovjova
Master Student
Teresa Niederlander
Teresa Niederlander
Master Student

Recent Publications

Developmental fine-tuning of medial superior olive neurons mitigates their predisposition to contralateral sound sources.

Sodium salicylate improves detection of amplitude-modulated sound in mice.

van den Berg MM, Wong AB, Houtak G, Williamson RS, Borst JGG
in iScience 2024

Somatic Integration of Incoherent Dendritic Inputs in the Gerbil Medial Superior Olive.

Mackenbach Y, Borst JGG
in The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2023

Neuronal responses in mouse inferior colliculus correlate with behavioral detection of amplitude modulated sound.

van den Berg MM, Busscher E, Borst JGG, Wong AB
in Journal of neurophysiology 2023

Headplate Installation and Craniotomy for Awake In Vivo Electrophysiological Recordings or Two-Photon Imaging of the Mouse Inferior Colliculus

Kraakman, B., Solovjova, S., Borst, J. G. G. and Wong, A. B.
in Bio-protocol 2023

Using ephaptic coupling to estimate the synaptic cleft resistivity of the calyx of Held synapse.

in PLoS computational biology 2021

Neurometric correlates of sensitive high-frequency sound amplitude modulation detection by mice

van den Berg MM, Busscher E, Borst JGG and Wong AB
in 2021

Headplate and cranial window surgery for two-photon imaging of inferior colliculus in transgenic mice.

Wong, A.B. Borst, J.G.G.
in Bio-protocol 2021

Electrical match between initial segment and somatodendritic compartment for action potential backpropagation in retinal ganglion cells.

Goethals S, Sierksma MC, Nicol X, Reaux-Le Goazigo A, Brette R
in Journal of neurophysiology 2021

Plug-and-play adaptive optics for commercial laser scanning fluorescence microscopes based on an adaptive lens

Pozzi, P., M. Quintavalla, A. B. Wong, J. G. G. Borst, S. Bonora and M. Verhaegen (2020)
in Opt Lett 2020

Structure-function relation of the developing calyx of Held synapse in vivo.

Sierksma MC, Slotman JA, Houtsmuller AB, Borst JGG
in The Journal of physiology 2020

Tonotopic and non-auditory organization of the mouse dorsal inferior colliculus revealed by two-photon imaging.

Single-Cell Stimulation in Barrel Cortex Influences Psychophysical Detection Performance.

Tanke N, Borst JGG, Houweling AR
in The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2018

Enhanced Transmission at the Calyx of Held Synapse in a Mouse Model for Angelman Syndrome.

in Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 2018

A Test of the Stereausis Hypothesis for Sound Localization in Mammals.

in The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2017
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