681. The anatomy of fear learning in the cerebellum: A systematic meta-analysis
Lange, I., Kasanova Z., Goossens L. , Leibold N., De Zeeuw C. I., van Amelsvoort T., Schruers K.
in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 2015
682. The Formation of Hierarchical Decisions in the Visual Cortex
Lorteije J. A. M., Zylberberg A., Ouellette B. G. , De Zeeuw C. I. , Sigman M. , Roelfsema P. R.
in Neuron 2015
683. Cerebellum.
684. The anatomical relationship of the superficial radial nerve and the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve: A possible factor in persistent neuropathic pain
Poublon A. R., Walbeehm E. T., Duraku L. S., Eilers P. H. C., Kerver A. L. A., Kleinrensink G. J., Coert J. H.
in Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 68(2): 237-242 2015
685. Spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 protein aggregates cause deficits in motor learning and cerebellar plasticity
Mark M. D., Krause M, Boele H. J., Kruse W., S. Pollok, T. Kuner, D. Dalkara, S. Koekkoek, C. I. De Zeeuw and S. Herlitze
in Journal of Neuroscience 2015
686. A 1-night operant learning task without food-restriction differentiates among mouse strains in an automated home-cage environment
Remmelink, E., M. Loos, B. Koopmans, E. Aarts, S. van der Sluis, A. B. Smit, M. Verhage, B. M. P. C. Neuro, A. B. Brussaard, J. G. Borst, Y. Elgersma, N. Galjart, G. T. van derHorst, C. N. Levelt, C. M. Pennartz, A. B. Smit, B. M. Spruijt, M. Verhage and C. I. de Zeeuw
in Behavioural Brain Research 2015
687. A quantitative non-invasive assessment of femoroacetabular impingement with CT-based dynamic simulation - Cadaveric validation study Clinical diagnostics and imaging
Röling, M. A., M. I. Visser, E. H. Oei, P. Pilot, G. J. Kleinrensink and R. M. Bloem
in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 16(1):50 2015
688. Functional properties of GABA synaptic inputs onto GABA neurons in monkey prefrontal cortex
Rotaru, D. C., C. Olezene, T. Miyamae, N. V. Povysheva, A. V. Zaitsev, D. A. Lewis and G. Gonzalez-Burgos
in Journal of Neurophysiology 2015
689. Ubiquitin ligase TRIM3 controls hippocampal plasticity and learning by regulating synaptic γ-actin levels
Schreiber, J., M. J. Végh, J. Dawitz, T. Kroon, M. Loos, D. Labonté, K. W. Li, P. Van Nierop, M. T. Van Diepen and C. I. De Zeeuw
in The Journal of cell biology 2015
690. Differential Changes in the Peptidergic and the Non-Peptidergic Skin Innervation in Rat Models for Inflammation, Dry Skin Itch, and Dermatitis
Schüttenhelm, B. N., L. S. Duraku, J. F. Dijkstra, E. T. Walbeehm and J. C. Holstege
in Journal of Investigative Dermatology 135(8): 2049-2057 2015
691. Thinking in Possibilities: Unleashing Cognitive Creativity Through Assessment in a Problem-Based Learning Environment
Servant, V. F. C., G. Noordzij, E. J. Spierenburg and M. A. Frens
in Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education 2015
692. Ube3a reinstatement identifies distinct developmental windows in a murine Angelman syndrome model
Silva-Santos, S., G. M. Van Woerden, C. F. Bruinsma, E. Mientjes, M. A. Jolfaei, B. Distel, S. A. Kushner and Y. Elgersma
in Journal of Clinical Investigation 2015
693. Cerebellar cortex and cerebellar nuclei are concomitantly activated during eyeblink conditioning: A 7T fMRI study in humans
Thürling, M., F. Kahl, S. Maderwald, R. M. Stefanescu, M. Schlamann, H. J. Boele, C. I. De Zeeuw, J. Diedrichsen, M. E. Ladd, S. K. E. Koekkoek and D. Timmann
in Journal of Neuroscience 2015
694. Short-term results of a randomized controlled trial comparing primary suture with primary glued mesh augmentation to prevent incisional hernia
Timmermans, L., H. H. Eker, E. S. Steyerberg, A. Jairam, D. De Jong, E. G. J. M. Pierik, S. S. Lases, A. C. Van Der Ham, I. Dawson, J. Charbon, C. Schuhmacher, J. R. Izbicki, P. Neuhaus, P. Knebel, R. Fortelny, G. J. Kleinrensink, J. Jeekel and J. F. Lange
in Annals of Surgery 261(2): 276-281 2015
695. Mechanical strength and rheological properties of tissue adhesives with regard to colorectal anastomosis an ex vivo study
Vakalopoulos, K. A., Z. Wu, L. Kroese, G. J. Kleinrensink, J. Jeekel, R. Vendamme, D. Dodou and J. F. Lange
in Annals of Surgery 2015
696. The Effects of Perioperative Music Interventions in Pediatric Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
van der Heijden, M. J. E., S. Oliai Araghi, M. van Dijk, J. Jeekel and M. G. M. Hunink
in PLoS ONE 2015
697. Distinct roles of α-and βCaMKII in controlling long-term potentiation of GABAA-receptor mediated transmission in murine Purkinje cells
in Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 2014
698. Gait shows a sex-specific pattern of associations with daily functioning in a community-dwelling population of older people.
699. Patterns of cognitive function in aging: the Rotterdam Study.
Hoogendam YY, Hofman A, van der Geest JN, van der Lugt A, Ikram MA
in European journal of epidemiology 2014
700. Temporal and Region-Specific Requirements of alphaCaMKII in Spatial and Contextual Learning
Achterberg, K. G., Buitendijk, G. H., Kool, M. J., Goorden, S. M., Post, L., Slump, D. E., Silva, A. J., van Woerden, G. M., Kushner, S. A. and Elgersma, Y.
in J Neurosci 2014
701. Conditional deletion of α-CaMKII impairs integration of adult-generated granule cells into dentate gyrus circuits and hippocampus-dependent learning
Arruda-Carvalho, M., Restivo, L., Guskjolen, A., Epp, J. R., Elgersma, Y., Josselyn, S. A. and Frankland, P. W.
in Journal of Neuroscience 2014
702. Cell-Autonomous Progeroid Changes in Conditional Mouse Models for Repair Endonuclease XPG Deficiency
Barnhoorn, S., Uittenboogaard, L. M., Jaarsma, D., Vermeij, W. P., Tresini, M., Weymaere, M., Menoni, H., Brandt, R. M. C., de Waard, M. C., Botter, S. M., Sarker, A. H., Jaspers, N. G. J., van der Horst, G. T. J., Cooper, P. K., Hoeijmakers, J. H. J. and van der Pluijm, I.
in PLoS Genetics 2014
703. A cerebellar learning model of Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex adaptation in wild-type and mutant mice
in Journal of Neuroscience 2014
704. Polarity-dependent effects of trans-cranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in cerebellar learning depends on the state of neuronal network
in BRAIN STIMULATION: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation 2014
705. A Quick Assessment of Visuospatial Abilities in Adolescents Using the Design Organization Test (DOT).
706. Rotterdam Advanced Multiple Plate: A novel method to measure cold hyperalgesia and allodynia in freely behaving rodents
707. Anatomy education and classroom versus laparoscopic dissection-based training: A randomized study at one medical school
Brinke, B. T., Klitsie, P. J., Timman, R., Busschbach, J. J. V., Lange, J. F. and Kleinrensink, G. J.
in Academic Medicine 2014
708. Patterns of cognitive function in aging: The Rotterdam Study
Hoogendam, Y. Y., Hofman, A., Van Der Geest, J. N., Van Der Lugt, A. and Ikram, M. A.
in European Journal of Epidemiology 2014
709. The role of cerebellar volume in cognition in the general elderly population
Hoogendam, Y. Y., Van Der Geest, J. N., Niessen, W. J., Van Der Lugt, A., Hofman, A., Vernooij, M. W. and Ikram, M. A.
in Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders 2014
710. Older age relates to worsening of fine motor skills: A population based study of middle-aged and elderly persons
Hoogendam, Y. Y., van der Geest'>van der Lijn, F., Vernooij, M. W., Hofman, A., Niessen, W. J., van der Geest'>van der Lugt, A., Ikram, M. A. and van der Geest, J. N.
in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2014
711. Frequency selectivity without resonance in a fluid waveguide.
in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2014
712. A role for Bicaudal-D2 in radial cerebellar granule cell migration
Jaarsma, D., Van Den Berg, R., Wulf, P. S., Van Erp, S., Keijzer, N., Schlager, M. A., De Graaff, E., De Zeeuw, C. I., Jeroen Pasterkamp, R., Akhmanova, A. and Hoogenraad, C. C.
in Nature Communications 2014
713. Corrigendum: A role for Bicaudal-D2 in radial cerebellar granule cell migration
Jaarsma, D., Van Den Berg, R., Wulf, P. S., Van Erp, S., Keijzer, N., Schlager, M. A., De Graaff, E., De Zeeuw, C. I., Pasterkamp, R. J., Akhmanova, A. and Hoogenraad, C. C.
in Nature Communications 2014
714. Postmortem ultrastructural analysis of a cornea transplanted with descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty
Livny, E., Parker, J. S., Van Der Kaaij, M., Haasdijk, E. D., Van Der Wees, J., Bruinsma, M. and Melles, G. R. J.
in Cornea 2014
715. Non-associative Potentiation of Perisomatic Inhibition Alters the Temporal Coding of Neocortical Layer 5 Pyramidal Neurons
Lourenço, J., Pacioni, S., Rebola, N., van Woerden, G. M., Marinelli, S., DiGregorio, D. and Bacci, A.
in PLoS Biology 2014
716. Autonomic responses to social and nonsocial pictures in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
Louwerse, A., Tulen, J. H. M., van der Geest, J. N., van der Ende, J., Verhulst, F. C. and Greaves-Lord, K.
in Autism Research 2014
717. Treatment of intractable epilepsy in tuberous sclerosis complex with everolimus is not yet evidence-based
719. A novel 3-D FPGA architecture targeting communication intensive applications.
720. Towards scalable arithmetic units with graceful degradation.
Danny P. Riemens, Georgi Gaydadjiev, Chris I. De Zeeuw, Christos Strydis
in ACM Trans. Embedded Comput. Syst. 2014
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