
Bidirectional Cerebellar Control of Everything

Lab Members

Chris de Zeeuw
Prof.Dr. Chris de Zeeuw (CI)
Full Professor (Chair)
Lab Head
Laurens Bosman
Dr. Laurens Bosman
Assistant Professor
Robin Broersen
Dr. Robin Broersen
Assistant Professor
Lieke Kros
Dr. Lieke Kros
Assistant Professor
Vincenzo Romano
Dr Vincenzo Romano
Postdoctoral Fellow
Peipei Zhai
Peipei Zhai
Phd Student
Staf Bauer
Staf Bauer
Phd Student
Xiang Wang
Xiang Wang
Phd Student
Si yang Yu
Si yang Yu
Phd Student
Hehe Zhao
Hehe Zhao
Phd Student
Lorenzo Bina
Lorenzo Bina
Phd Student
Fares Khazneh
Fares Khazneh
Master Student
Robert Yavryan
Robert Yavryan
Master Student
Zixiang Zhong
Zixiang Zhong
Master Student
Thomas Klumperman
Thomas Klumperman
Master Student
Iris Cornelissen
Iris Cornelissen
Master Student
Jein Jung
Jein Jung
Bachelor Student
Stephanie Dijkhuizen
Stephanie Dijkhuizen
Project Manager
Elise Buitenhuis
Elise Buitenhuis
Research Advisor
Elize Haasdijk
Ing Elize Haasdijk
Research Technician
Nathalie van Wingerden
Nathalie van Wingerden
Research Technician
Wibien Haga van
Wibien Haga van
Bachelor Student
Erika Sabel Goedknegt
Erika Sabel Goedknegt
Research Technician
Polina Kairiukstyte
Polina Kairiukstyte
Bachelor Student
Mandy Mahmoed
Mandy Mahmoed
Marcelina Kepa
Marcelina Kepa
Bachelor Student
Willem Brink van den
Willem Brink van den
Bachelor Student

Recent Publications

A Study on Potential Sources of Perineuronal Net-Associated Sema3A in Cerebellar Nuclei Reveals Toxicity of Non-Invasive AAV-Mediated Cre Expression in the Central Nervous System.

Gimenez GA, Romijn M, van den Herik J, Meijer W, Eggers R, Hobo B, De Zeeuw CI, Canto CB, Verhaagen J, Carulli D
in International journal of molecular sciences 2025

Acute aerobic exercise enhances associative learning in regular exercisers but not in non-regular exercisers.

in Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 2025

Encoding of cerebellar dentate neuron activity during visual attention in rhesus macaques.

Flierman NA, Koay SA, van Hoogstraten WS, Ruigrok TJH, Roelfsema P, Badura A, De Zeeuw CI
in eLife 2025

Neuronal dynamics of cerebellum and medial prefrontal cortex in adaptive motor timing.

How and where Effectively Apply Cerebellum Stimulation: The frequency-dependent Modulation of Cerebellar Output by Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation.

Romano V, Manto M
in Cerebellum (London, England) 2025

Four-dimensional computational ultrasound imaging of brain hemodynamics.

Meeting summary of The NYO3 5th NO-Age/AD meeting and the 1st Norway-UK joint meeting on ageing and dementia: recent progress on the mechanisms and interventional strategies.

Wang HL, Siow R, Schmauck-Medina T, Zhang J, Sandset PM, Filshie C, Lund Ø, Partridge L, Bergersen LH, Juel Rasmussen L, Palikaras K, Sotiropoulos I, Storm-Mathisen J, Rubinsztein DC, Spillantini MG, De Zeeuw CI, Watne LO, Vyhnalek M, Veverova K, Liang KX, Tavernarakis N, Bohr VA, Yokote K, Saarela J, Nilsen H, Gonos ES, Scheibye-Knudsen M, Chen G, Kato H, Selbæk G, Fladby T, Nilsson P, Simonsen A, Aarsland D, Lautrup S, Ottersen OP, Cox LS, Fang EF
in The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences 2024

Different Purkinje cell pathologies cause specific patterns of progressive gait ataxia in mice.

Jaarsma D, Birkisdóttir MB, van Vossen R, Oomen DWGD, Akhiyat O, Vermeij WP, Koekkoek SKE, De Zeeuw CI, Bosman LWJ
in Neurobiology of disease 2024

Disynaptic inhibitory cerebellar control over caudal medial accessory olive.

A role for the cerebellum in motor-triggered alleviation of anxiety.

Zhang XY, Wu WX, Shen LP, Ji MJ, Zhao PF, Yu L, Yin J, Xie ST, Xie YY, Zhang YX, Li HZ, Zhang QP, Yan C, Wang F, De Zeeuw CI, Wang JJ, Zhu JN
in Neuron 2024

Patient-Specific Vascular Flow Phantom for MRI- and Doppler Ultrasound Imaging.

Soloukey S, Generowicz B, Warnert E, Springeling G, Schouten J, De Zeeuw C, Dirven C, Vincent A, Kruizinga P
in Ultrasound in medicine & biology 2024

Mesoscale simulations predict the role of synergistic cerebellar plasticity during classical eyeblink conditioning.

Geminiani A, Casellato C, Boele HJ, Pedrocchi A, De Zeeuw CI, D'Angelo E
in PLoS computational biology 2024

Plasticity mechanisms of genetically distinct Purkinje cells.

in BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology 2024

Purkinje cell models: past, present and future

in Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 2024

Keeping track of time: An interaction of mossy fibers and climbing fibers.

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There are currently no vacancies on our lab.

Purkinje cell specific modification of PKC

Purkinje cell specific modification of PKC