Lab Head: Sebastiaan-Koekkoek
Lab Description
Associative learning is a broad category that includes many of our daily learning activities that involve the formation of associations among stimuli and/or responses. Classical (or Pavlovian) conditioning is one of the forms of associative learning and is induced by a procedure in which a generally neutral stimulus is paired with a stimulus that generally elicits a response. Our lab evolved around this simple learning task.
We generally use eyeblink conditioning procedures to study all aspects of associative learning but over the years we have continuously developed new methods to broaden the scientific toolkit we can employ to understand this behavior. This development endeavor over time has led to a substantial engineering division in the lab consisting of electrical as well as computer engineers and scientists.
Since 2019, together with Pieter Kruizinga and Christos Strydis (Head of the Neurocomputing Lab) we have started CUBE, a multidisciplinary center where we develop functional ultrasound into a new brain imaging method that will help us in getting the bigger picture of the awake behaving brain in both mice as well as humans.
Lab Members
Recent Publications
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