81. The Sleep Quality- and Myopia-Linked PDE11A-Y727C Variant Impacts Neural Physiology by Reducing Catalytic Activity and Altering Subcellular Compartmentalization of the Enzyme.
Sbornova I, van der Sande E, Milosavljevic S, Amurrio E, Burbano SD, Das PK, Do HH, Fisher JL, Kargbo P, Patel J, Porcher L, De Zeeuw CI, Meester-Smoor MA, Winkelman BHJ, Klaver CCW, Pocivavsek A, Kelly MP
in Cells 2023
82. Whisker kinematics in the cerebellum.
Zhai P, Romano V, Soggia G, Bauer S, van Wingerden N, Jacobs T, van der Horst A, White JJ, Mazza R, De Zeeuw CI
in The Journal of physiology 2023
83. Purkinje-cell-specific MeCP2 deficiency leads to motor deficits and autistic-like behavior due to aberrations in PTP1B-TrkB-SK signaling
Fang-Xiao Xu, Xin-Tai Wang, Xin-Yu Cai, Jia-Yu Liu, Jing-Wen Guo, Fan Yang, Wei Chen, Martijn Schonewille, Chris De Zeeuw, Lin Zhou, Ying Shen
in Cell Reports 2023
84. Biomechanical characteristics of rib fracture fixation systems.
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in Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon) 2023
85. Synaptic mechanisms for associative learning in the cerebellar nuclei.
86. Pre-ataxic loss of intrinsic plasticity and motor learning in a mouse model of SCA1
Catarina Osório, Joshua J White, Heiling Lu, Gerrit C Beekhof, Francesca Romana Fiocchi, Charlotte A Andriessen, Stephanie Dijkhuizen, Laura Post, Martijn Schonewille
in Brain 2023
87. Activity map of a cortico-cerebellar loop underlying motor planning
88. Age-related impairments and influence of visual feedback when learning to stand with unexpected sensorimotor delays.
89. A disynaptic basal ganglia connection to the inferior olive: potential for basal ganglia influence on cerebellar learning.
in Frontiers in systems neuroscience 2023
90. Age-related differences of cerebellar cortex and nuclei: MRI findings in healthy controls and its application to spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA6) patients.
Dominik Jäschke, Katharina M. Steiner, Dae-In Chang, Jens Claaßen, Ellen Uslar, Andreas Thieme, Marcus Gerwig, Viktor Pfaffenrot, Thomas Hulst, Alexander Gussew, Stefan Maderwald, Sophia L. Göricke, Martina Minnerop, Mark E. Ladd, Jürgen R. Reichenbach, Dagmar Timmann, Andreas Deistung
in NeuroImage 2023
91. Somatic Integration of Incoherent Dendritic Inputs in the Gerbil Medial Superior Olive.
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in The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2023
92. A simplified protocol for the generation of cortical brain organoids.
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in Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 2023
93. Purkinje-cell-specific DNA repair-deficient mice reveal that dietary restriction protects neurons by cell-intrinsic preservation of genomic health.
Birkisdóttir MB, Van't Sant LJ, Brandt RMC, Barnhoorn S, Hoeijmakers JHJ, Vermeij WP, Jaarsma D
in Frontiers in aging neuroscience 2023
94. HNRNPC haploinsufficiency affects alternative splicing of intellectual disability-associated genes and causes a neurodevelopmental disorder.
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in American journal of human genetics 2023
95. A common cause for nystagmus in different congenital stationary night blindness mouse models.
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in The Journal of physiology 2023
96. Cognitive-Affective Functions of the Cerebellum.
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in The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2023
97. Ultrasonic Imaging Through Aberrating Layers Using Covariance Matching.
Pim van der Meulen, Mario Coutiño, Johannes G. Bosch, Pieter Kruizinga, Geert Leus
in IEEE Trans. Computational Imaging 2023
98. Correction to: A Systematic Review of Direct Outputs from the Cerebellum to the Brainstem and Diencephalon in Mammals.
in Cerebellum (London, England) 2023
99. cAMP-EPAC-PKCε-RIM1α signaling regulates presynaptic long-term potentiation and motor learning.
Wang XT, Zhou L, Dong BB, Xu FX, Wang DJ, Shen EW, Cai XY, Wang Y, Wang N, Ji SJ, Chen W, Schonewille M, Zhu JJ, De Zeeuw CI, Shen Y
in eLife 2023
100. Delay eyeblink conditioning performance and brain-wide c-Fos expression in male and female mice.
101. Music to prevent deliriUm during neuroSurgerY (MUSYC): a single-centre, prospective randomised controlled trial.
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in BMJ open 2023
102. Psychotic experiences, suicidality and non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents: Independent findings from two cohorts.
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in Schizophrenia research 2023
103. Publisher Correction: Purkinje cell microzones mediate distinct kinematics of a single movement.
Blot FGC, White JJ, van Hattem A, Scotti L, Balaji V, Adolfs Y, Pasterkamp RJ, De Zeeuw CI, Schonewille M
in Nature communications 2023
104. Case report: High-resolution, intra-operative µDoppler-imaging of spinal cord hemangioblastoma.
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in Frontiers in surgery 2023
105. Lobule-Related Action Potential Shape- and History-Dependent Current Integration in Purkinje Cells of Adult and Developing Mice.
106. The integrated brain network that controls respiration.
in eLife 2023
107. Myopia control in Mendelian forms of myopia.
van der Sande E, Polling JR, Tideman JWL, Meester-Smoor MA, Thiadens AAHJ, Tan E, De Zeeuw CI, Hamelink R, Willuhn I, Verhoeven VJM, Winkelman BHJ, Klaver CCW
in Ophthalmic & physiological optics : the journal of the British College of Ophthalmic Opticians (Optometrists) 2023
108. Olov Oscarsson's Description of Afferent Pathways to the Cerebellum: Excellent Physiology, Base for Anatomy, and Road Toward Understanding Function
109. UBE3A expression during early postnatal brain development is required for proper dorsomedial striatal maturation.
110. Brain development after intrauterine exposure to lithium: A magnetic resonance imaging study in school-age children.
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in Bipolar disorders 2023
111. Cerebellar nuclei: Associative motor learning in zebrafish.
112. How inhibitory and excitatory inputs gate output of the inferior olive.
in eLife 2023
113. Corrigendum: The use of progeroid DNA repair-deficient mice for assessing anti-aging compounds, illustrating the benefits of nicotinamide riboside.
Birkisdóttir MB, van Galen I, Brandt RMC, Barnhoorn S, van Vliet N, van Dijk C, Nagarajah B, Imholz S, van Oostrom CT, Reiling E, Gyenis Á, Mastroberardino PG, Jaarsma D, van Steeg H, Hoeijmakers JHJ, Dollé MET, Vermeij WP
in Frontiers in aging 2022
114. Molecular and behavioral consequences of Ube3a gene overdosage in mice.
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in JCI insight 2022
115. Eye tracking: empirical foundations for a minimal reporting guideline.
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in Behavior research methods 2022
116. The neuroinvasiveness, neurotropism, and neurovirulence of SARS-CoV-2.
in Trends in neurosciences 2022
117. Unperceived motor actions of the balance system interfere with the causal attribution of self-motion.
118. Purkinje Cell Activity Resonation Generates Rhythmic Behaviors at the Preferred Frequency of 8 Hz.
Bauer S, van Wingerden N, Jacobs T, van der Horst A, Zhai P, Betting JLF, Strydis C, White JJ, De Zeeuw CI, Romano V
in Biomedicines 2022
119. Interpreting thoughts during sleep.
120. Deconvolution of the Functional Ultrasound Response in the Mouse Visual Pathway Using Block-Term Decomposition.
in Neuroinformatics 2022
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