Publications Directory

Order By: A-Z Year Type



81. Correction to: A Systematic Review of Direct Outputs from the Cerebellum to the Brainstem and Diencephalon in Mammals.

in Cerebellum (London, England) 2023

82. cAMP-EPAC-PKCε-RIM1α signaling regulates presynaptic long-term potentiation and motor learning.

Wang XT, Zhou L, Dong BB, Xu FX, Wang DJ, Shen EW, Cai XY, Wang Y, Wang N, Ji SJ, Chen W, Schonewille M, Zhu JJ, De Zeeuw CI, Shen Y
in eLife 2023

83. Delay eyeblink conditioning performance and brain-wide c-Fos expression in male and female mice.

84. Music to prevent deliriUm during neuroSurgerY (MUSYC): a single-centre, prospective randomised controlled trial.

Kappen PR, Mos MI, Jeekel J, Dirven CMF, Kushner SA, Osse RJ, Coesmans M, Poley MJ, van Schie MS, van der Holt B, Klimek M, Vincent AJPE
in BMJ open 2023

85. Psychotic experiences, suicidality and non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents: Independent findings from two cohorts.

Steenkamp LR, de Neve-Enthoven NGM, João AM, Bouter DC, Hillegers MHJ, Hoogendijk WJG, Blanken LME, Kushner SA, Tiemeier H, Grootendorst-van Mil NH, Bolhuis K
in Schizophrenia research 2023

86. Publisher Correction: Purkinje cell microzones mediate distinct kinematics of a single movement.

Blot FGC, White JJ, van Hattem A, Scotti L, Balaji V, Adolfs Y, Pasterkamp RJ, De Zeeuw CI, Schonewille M
in Nature communications 2023

87. Case report: High-resolution, intra-operative µDoppler-imaging of spinal cord hemangioblastoma.

Soloukey S, Verhoef L, Generowicz BS, De Zeeuw CI, Koekkoek SKE, Vincent AJPE, Dirven CMF, Harhangi BS, Kruizinga P
in Frontiers in surgery 2023

88. Lobule-Related Action Potential Shape- and History-Dependent Current Integration in Purkinje Cells of Adult and Developing Mice.

Beekhof GC, Schonewille M
in Cells 2023

89. The integrated brain network that controls respiration.

90. Myopia control in Mendelian forms of myopia.

van der Sande E, Polling JR, Tideman JWL, Meester-Smoor MA, Thiadens AAHJ, Tan E, De Zeeuw CI, Hamelink R, Willuhn I, Verhoeven VJM, Winkelman BHJ, Klaver CCW
in Ophthalmic & physiological optics : the journal of the British College of Ophthalmic Opticians (Optometrists) 2023

91. Olov Oscarsson's Description of Afferent Pathways to the Cerebellum: Excellent Physiology, Base for Anatomy, and Road Toward Understanding Function

in Cerebellum (London, England) 2023

92. UBE3A expression during early postnatal brain development is required for proper dorsomedial striatal maturation.

Rotaru DC, Wallaard I, de Vries M, van der Bie J, Elgersma Y
in JCI insight 2023

93. Brain development after intrauterine exposure to lithium: A magnetic resonance imaging study in school-age children.

Poels EMP, Kamperman AM, Bijma HH, Honig A, van Kamp IL, Kushner SA, Hoogendijk WJG, Bergink V, White T
in Bipolar disorders 2023

94. Cerebellar nuclei: Associative motor learning in zebrafish.

Broersen R, Canto CB, De Zeeuw CI
in Current biology : CB 2023

95. How inhibitory and excitatory inputs gate output of the inferior olive.

Loyola S, Hoogland TM, Hoedemaker H, Romano V, Negrello M, De Zeeuw CI
in eLife 2023


96. Corrigendum: The use of progeroid DNA repair-deficient mice for assessing anti-aging compounds, illustrating the benefits of nicotinamide riboside.

Birkisdóttir MB, van Galen I, Brandt RMC, Barnhoorn S, van Vliet N, van Dijk C, Nagarajah B, Imholz S, van Oostrom CT, Reiling E, Gyenis Á, Mastroberardino PG, Jaarsma D, van Steeg H, Hoeijmakers JHJ, Dollé MET, Vermeij WP
in Frontiers in aging 2022

97. Molecular and behavioral consequences of Ube3a gene overdosage in mice.

Punt AM, Judson MC, Sidorov MS, Williams BN, Johnson NS, Belder S, den Hertog D, Davis CR, Feygin MS, Lang PF, Jolfaei MA, Curran PJ, van IJcken WF, Elgersma Y, Philpot BD
in JCI insight 2022

98. Eye tracking: empirical foundations for a minimal reporting guideline.

Holmqvist K, Örbom SL, Hooge ITC, Niehorster DC, Alexander RG, Andersson R, Benjamins JS, Blignaut P, Brouwer AM, Chuang LL, Dalrymple KA, Drieghe D, Dunn MJ, Ettinger U, Fiedler S, Foulsham T, van der Geest JN, Hansen DW, Hutton SB, Kasneci E, Kingstone A, Knox PC, Kok EM, Lee H, Lee JY, Leppänen JM, Macknik S, Majaranta P, Martinez-Conde S, Nuthmann A, Nyström M, Orquin JL, Otero-Millan J, Park SY, Popelka S, Proudlock F, Renkewitz F, Roorda A, Schulte-Mecklenbeck M, Sharif B, Shic F, Shovman M, Thomas MG, Venrooij W, Zemblys R, Hessels RS
in Behavior research methods 2022

99. The neuroinvasiveness, neurotropism, and neurovirulence of SARS-CoV-2.

Bauer L, Laksono BM, de Vrij FMS, Kushner SA, Harschnitz O, van Riel D
in Trends in neurosciences 2022

100. Unperceived motor actions of the balance system interfere with the causal attribution of self-motion.

Tisserand R, Rasman BG, Omerovic N, Peters RM, Forbes PA, Blouin JS
in PNAS nexus 2022

101. Purkinje Cell Activity Resonation Generates Rhythmic Behaviors at the Preferred Frequency of 8 Hz.

102. Interpreting thoughts during sleep.

De Zeeuw CI, Canto CB
in Science (New York, N.Y.) 2022

103. Deconvolution of the Functional Ultrasound Response in the Mouse Visual Pathway Using Block-Term Decomposition.

Erol A, Soloukey C, Generowicz B, van Dorp N, Koekkoek S, Kruizinga P, Hunyadi B
in Neuroinformatics 2022

104. Purkinje Cell Activity in the Medial and Lateral Cerebellum During Suppression of Voluntary Eye Movements in Rhesus Macaques.

Avila E, Flierman NA, Holland PJ, Roelfsema PR, Frens MA, Badura A, De Zeeuw CI
in Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 2022

105. Case Report: Developmental Delay and Acute Neuropsychiatric Episodes Associated With a Mutation in the Gene (c.328G>A p.Glu110Lys).

Dwyer BK, Veenma DCM, Chang K, Schulman H, Van Woerden GM
in Frontiers in pharmacology 2022

106. Teachers

Annemiek van Leendert, Michiel Doorman, Paul Drijvers, Johan Pel, Johannes van der Steen
in Technol. Knowl. Learn. 2022

107. cATR Tracing Approach to Identify Individual Intermediary Neurons Based on Their Input and Output: A Proof-of-Concept Study Connecting Cerebellum and Central Hubs Implicated in Developmental Disorders.

108. Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Targeting the Entire Motor Network Does Not Increase Corticospinal Excitability.

Van der Cruijsen J, Jonker ZD, Andrinopoulou ER, Wijngaarden JE, Tangkau DA, Tulen JHM, Frens MA, Ribbers GM, Selles RW
in Frontiers in human neuroscience 2022

109. Cortical Inhibition and Plasticity in Major Depressive Disorder.

Castricum J, Birkenhager TK, Kushner SA, Elgersma Y, Tulen JHM
in Frontiers in psychiatry 2022

110. Effect on diagnostic accuracy of cognitive reasoning tools for the workplace setting: systematic review and meta-analysis.

Staal J, Hooftman J, Gunput STG, Mamede S, Frens MA, Van den Broek WW, Alsma J, Zwaan L
in BMJ quality & safety 2022

111. Development of a post-mortem human specimen flow model for advanced bleeding control training.

Vrancken SM, Borger van der Burg BLS, Stark PW, van Waes OJF, DuBose JJ, Benjamin ER, Lieber A, Verhofstad MHJ, Kleinrensink GJ, Hoencamp R
in Injury 2022

112. Controlling absence seizures from the cerebellar nuclei via activation of the G signaling pathway.

Schwitalla JC, Pakusch J, Mücher B, Brückner A, Depke DA, Fenzl T, De Zeeuw CI, Kros L, Hoebeek FE, Mark MD
in Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS 2022

113. The Role of GJD2(Cx36) in Refractive Error Development.

van der Sande E, Haarman AEG, Quint WH, Tadema KCD, Meester-Smoor MA, Kamermans M, De Zeeuw CI, Klaver CCW, Winkelman BHJ, Iglesias AI
in Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 2022

114. A novel automated approach for improving standardization of the marble burying test enables quantification of burying bouts and activity characteristics

Lucas Wahl, A. Mattijs Punt, Tara Arbab, Ingo Willuhn, Ype Elgersma, Aleksandra Badura
in eNeuro 2022

115. The MAP3K7 gene: further delineation of clinical characteristics and genotype/phenotype correlations.

van Woerden GM, Senden R, de Konink C, Trezza RA, Baban A, Bassetti JA, van Bever Y, Bird LM, van Bon BW, Brooks AS, Guan Q, Klee EW, Marcelis C, Rosado JM, Schimmenti LA, Shikany AR, Terhal PA, Nicole Weaver K, Wessels MW, van Wieringen H, Hurst AC, Gooch CF, Steindl K, Joset P, Rauch A, Tartaglia M, Niceta M, Elgersma Y, Demirdas S
in Human mutation 2022

116. The use of progeroid DNA repair-deficient mice for assessing anti-aging compounds, illustrating the benefits of nicotinamide riboside.

Birkisdóttir MB, van Galen I, Brandt RMC, Barnhoorn S, van Vliet N, van Dijk C, Nagarajah B, Imholz S, van Oostrom CT, Reiling E, Gyenis Á, Mastroberardino PG, Jaarsma D, van Steeg H, Hoeijmakers JHJ, Dollé MET, Vermeij WP
in Frontiers in aging 2022

117. From first report to clinical trials: a bibliometric overview and visualization of the development of Angelman syndrome research.

118. A midbrain-thalamus-cortex circuit reorganizes cortical dynamics to initiate movement.

Inagaki HK, Chen S, Ridder MC, Sah P, Li N, Yang Z, Hasanbegovic H, Gao Z, Gerfen CR, Svoboda K
in Cell 2022

119. Visual selective attention and visual search performance in children with CVI, ADHD, and Dyslexia: a scoping review.

Hokken MJ, Krabbendam E, van der Zee YJ, Kooiker MJG
in Child neuropsychology : a journal on normal and abnormal development in childhood and adolescence 2022

120. Meeting Report: Aging Research and Drug Discovery.

Meron E, Thaysen M, Angeli S, Antebi A, Barzilai N, Baur JA, Bekker-Jensen S, Birkisdottir M, Bischof E, Bruening J, Brunet A, Buchwalter A, Cabreiro F, Cai S, Chen BH, Ermolaeva M, Ewald CY, Ferrucci L, Florian MC, Fortney K, Freund A, Georgievskaya A, Gladyshev VN, Glass D, Golato T, Gorbunova V, Hoejimakers J, Houtkooper RH, Jager S, Jaksch F, Janssens G, Jensen MB, Kaeberlein M, Karsenty G, de Keizer P, Kennedy B, Kirkland JL, Kjaer M, Kroemer G, Lee KF, Lemaitre JM, Liaskos D, Longo VD, Lu YX, MacArthur MR, Maier AB, Manakanatas C, Mitchell SJ, Moskalev A, Niedernhofer L, Ozerov I, Partridge L, Passegué E, Petr MA, Peyer J, Radenkovic D, Rando TA, Rattan S, Riedel CG, Rudolph L, Ai R, Serrano M, Schumacher B, Sinclair DA, Smith R, Suh Y, Taub P, Trapp A, Trendelenburg AU, Valenzano DR, Verburgh K, Verdin E, Vijg J, Westendorp RGJ, Zonari A, Bakula D, Zhavoronkov A, Scheibye-Knudsen M
in Aging 2022