481. Spatiotemporal network coding of physiological mossy fiber inputs by the cerebellar granular layer.
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in PLoS computational biology 2017
482. The Sleeping Cerebellum.
483. Motor Learning Requires Purkinje Cell Synaptic Potentiation through Activation of AMPA-Receptor Subunit GluA3.
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484. The Role of the BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism in Recovery of Aphasia After Stroke.
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485. Excitatory Cerebellar Nucleocortical Circuit Provides Internal Amplification during Associative Conditioning.
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in Neuron 2016
486. Impaired Neurite Contact Guidance in Ubiquitin Ligase E3a (Ube3a)-Deficient Hippocampal Neurons on Nanostructured Substrates.
487. Exome-sequencing in a large population-based study reveals a rare Asn396Ser variant in the LIPG gene associated with depressive symptoms.
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in Molecular psychiatry 2016
488. DNAJC6 Mutations Associated With Early-Onset Parkinson
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in Annals of neurology 2016
490. Eye movements in patients with Whiplash Associated Disorders: a systematic review.
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491. Synaptic vesicle dynamic changes in a model of fragile X
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492. Dynamics of Cochlear Nonlinearity.
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493. Resilient Chip Multiprocessors with Mixed-Grained Reconfigurability.
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in IEEE Micro 2016
494. A Method to Quantify Visual Information Processing in Children Using Eye Tracking.
in Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE 2016
495. Quantification of visual function assessment using remote eye tracking in children: validity and applicability.
in Acta ophthalmologica 2016
496. Early identification of cerebral visual impairments in infants born extremely preterm.
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497. Cerebellar function and ischemic brain lesions in migraine patients from the general population.
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498. Design study to develop screen savers aimed at improving hand hygiene behavior.
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499. Gait patterns associated with thyroid function: The Rotterdam Study
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in Scientific Reports 2016
500. Heterogeneous expression of t-type ca2+ channels defines different neuronal populations in the inferior olive of the mouse
501. Erratum to 'Is aortoiliac calcification linked to colorectal anastomotic leakage? A case-control study'
Boersema, G. S. A., Vakalopoulos, K. A., Kock, M. C. J. M., van Ooijen, P. M. A., Havenga, K., Kleinrensink, G. J., Jeekel, J. and Lange, J. F.
in International Journal of Surgery 2016
502. Is aortoiliac calcification linked to colorectal anastomotic leakage? A case-control study
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503. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves colorectal anastomotic healing
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504. The effect of neurodegeneration on visuomotor behavior in Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease
505. Author response
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506. Adrenocorticotropic hormone elicits gonadotropin secretion in premenopausal women.
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508. Borderline and Cluster C personality disorders manifest distinct physiological responses to psychosocial stress
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in Psychoneuroendocrinology 2016
509. Eye movements in patients with Whiplash Associated Disorders: A systematic review
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in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2016
510. Circulating cytotoxic T cells and natural killer cells as potential predictors for antidepressant response in melancholic depression: Restoration of T regulatory cell populations after antidepressant therapy.
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in Psychopharmacology 2016
511. GABAergic Neuron-Specific Loss of Ube3a Causes Angelman Syndrome-Like EEG Abnormalities and Enhances Seizure Susceptibility
Judson, M. C., Wallace, M. L., Sidorov, M. S., Burette, A. C., Gu, B., van Woerden, G. M., King, I. F., Han, J. E., Zylka, M. J., Elgersma, Y., Weinberg, R. J. and Philpot, B. D.
in Neuron 2016
512. Postpartum Relapse in Bipolar Disorder and Postpartum Psychosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
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in American Journal of Psychiatry 2016
513. Unilateral fusion of the scaphoid and the trapezium.
514. Training for endoscopic surgical procedures should be performed in the dissection room: a randomized study
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in Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques 2016
515. Tryptophan pathway alterations in the postpartum period and in acute postpartum psychosis and depression.
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in Journal of Affective Disorders 2016
516. Modeled changes of cerebellar activity in mutant mice are predictive of their learning impairments.
517. Development of salience-driven and visually-guided eye movement responses
518. Dysfunctional cerebellar Purkinje cells contribute to autism-like behaviour in Shank2-deficient mice.
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in Nature communications 2016
519. The molecular, temporal and region-specific requirements of the beta isoform of Calcium/Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type 2 (CAMK2B) in mouse locomotion
in Scientific Reports 2016
520. SLC26A11 (KBAT) in Purkinje Cells Is Critical for Inhibitory Transmission and Contributes to Locomotor Coordination.
Rahmati N, Vinueza Veloz MF, Xu J, Barone S, Rodolfo Ben Hamida N, Schonewille M, Hoebeek FE, Soleimani M, De Zeeuw CI
in eNeuro 2016
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