Publications Directory

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561. Angiotensin II type 2 receptor- and acetylcholine-mediated relaxation: essential contribution of female sex hormones and chromosomes.

Pessôa BS, Slump DE, Ibrahimi K, Grefhorst A, van Veghel R, Garrelds IM, Roks AJ, Kushner SA, Danser AH, van Esch JH
in Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979) 2015

562. Visuo-vestibular information processing by unipolar brush cells in the rabbit flocculus.

Hensbroek RA, Ruigrok TJ, van Beugen BJ, Maruta J, Simpson JI
in Cerebellum (London, England) 2015

563. Circulating cytotoxic T cells and natural killer cells as potential predictors for antidepressant response in melancholic depression. Restoration of T regulatory cell populations after antidepressant therapy.

Grosse L, Carvalho LA, Birkenhager TK, Hoogendijk WJ, Kushner SA, Drexhage HA, Bergink V
in Psychopharmacology 2015

564. Energy Flux in the Cochlea: Evidence Against Power Amplification of the Traveling Wave

Marcel van der Heijden and Corstiaen C. P. Versteegh
in J Assoc Res Otolaryng 2015

565. Cerebellar output controls generalized spike-and-wave discharge occurrence.

Kros L, Eelkman Rooda OH, Spanke JK, Alva P, van Dongen MN, Karapatis A, Tolner EA, Strydis C, Davey N, Winkelman BH, Negrello M, Serdijn WA, Steuber V, van den Maagdenberg AM, De Zeeuw CI, Hoebeek FE
in Annals of neurology 2015

566. Questioning cochlear amplification

Marcel van der Heijden and Corstiaen C. P. Versteegh
in AIP Conference Proceedings 2015

567. Rab3-interacting molecules 2α and 2β promote the abundance of voltage-gated CaV1.3 Ca2+ channels at hair cell active zones

Jung, S., T. Oshima-Takago, R. Chakrabarti, A. B. Wong, Z. Jing, G. Yamanbaeva, M. M. Picher, S. M. Wojcik, F. Göttfert, F. Predoehl, K. Michel, S. W. Hell, S. Schoch, N. Strenzke, C. Wichmann and T. Moser (2015)
in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2015

568. The Effect of Cataract on Eye Movement Perimetry.

Thepass G, Pel JJ, Vermeer KA, Creten O, Bryan SR, Lemij HG, van der Steen J
in Journal of ophthalmology 2015

569. The Effect of Neurodegeneration on Visuomotor Behavior in Alzheimer

de Boer C, van der Steen J, Mattace-Raso F, Boon AJ, Pel JJ
in Motor control 2015

570. Heritability and genome-wide association analyses of human gait suggest contribution of common variants.

Adams H. H. H., Verlinden V. J. A., Callisaya M. L., van Duijn C. M., Hofman A., Thomson R., Uitterlinden A. G., Vernooij M. W., van der Geest J. N., Srikanth V.
in The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences: glv081. 2015

571. PAK2 is an effector of TSC1/2 signaling independent of mTOR and a potential therapeutic target for Tuberous Sclerosis Complex.

Alves, M. M., Fuhler G. M., Queiroz K. C. S., Scholma J., Goorden S., Anink J., Arnold Spek C., Hoogeveen-Westerveld M., Bruno M. J., Nellist M., Elgersma Y., Aronica E., Peppelenbosch M. P.
in Scientific Reports 2015

572. Evolving Models of Pavlovian Conditioning: Cerebellar Cortical Dynamics in Awake Behaving Mice.

Brinke M.T., Boele H. J., Spanke J. K. , Potters J. W., Kornysheva K., Wulff P., Ijpelaar I. J. A.C.H.G , Koekkoek S. K. E., De Zeeuw C. I.
in Cell Reports. 2015

573. Dissociation of locomotor and cerebellar deficits in a murine Angelman syndrome model.

Bruinsma, C. F., Schonewille M., Gao Z., Aronica E. M. A., Judson M. C., Philpot B. D., Hoebeek F. E., Van Woerden G. M., De Zeeuw C. I. , Elgersma Y.
in Journal of Clinical Investigation 125(11): 4305-4315. 2015

574. Neurodevelopmental disease: A molecular tightrope.

575. Risk factors for inguinal hernia in middle-aged and elderly men: results from the Rotterdam Study."

de Goede B.,Timmermans L., van Kempen B. J., van Rooij F. J., Kazemier G., Lange J. F., Hofman A., Jeekel J.
in Surgery 2015

576. Humbilical & Epigastric Hernia

DeAsis, Gitelis F. M., Chao S., Lapin B., Linn J., Denham W., Haggerty S., Carbray J., Ujiki M., Olory-Togbe J. L., Gbessi D. G., Dossou F. M., Lawani I. , Souaibou Y. I., Gnangnon I., Denakpo M., Soton R. R., Djrouo G., Gogan P., Trukhalev W., Kukosh M., Panyushkin A., Safronova E., Jairam A., Kaufmann R., Jeekel J., Lange J. F., Volmer U., Kersten C. C., Arlt G., Skach J., Harcubova R., Petrakova V. , Mandoboy J. D., Ngom G., Faye A. L., Ndour O., Sankale A. A., Ndoye M., Daneiii P., Leone N. , Ballerini A., Bondurri A., Cavallaro G., Silecchia G., Raparelli L., Greco F., Iorio O., Iossa A., Angelis F., Rizzello M., Olmi S., Cesana G., Baldazzi G., Manoocheri F. , Campanile F. C., Munipalle P., Khan S., Gwiti P. , Kanakala V., Viswanath Y., Kokotovic D., Sjølander H., Gögenur I., Helgstrand F., Devadhar S. , Hounnou G., Elegbede O. T. A., Hadonou A. A., Mensah E. D., Agossou-Voyeme A. K., Konate I. , Toure A. O., Cisse M., Zaki M., Diao M. L., Tendeng J. N., Toure F. B., Toure C. T., Subramanian V., Froghi F., Carvalho F. C., Salimin L. ,Drabble E.
in Hernia 2015

577. Reply to comment to: A systematic review of the surgical treatment of large incisional hernia. T. Georgiev-Hristov, A. Celdrán.

Deerenberg E., o. b. o. a. authors, Jeekel H.
in Hernia 2015

578. Treatment of Cognitive Deficits in Genetic Disorders: A Systematic Review of Clinical Trials of Diet and Drug Treatments.

van der Vaart T, Overwater IE, Oostenbrink R, Moll HA, Elgersma Y
in JAMA neurology 2015

579. The birth of a unique journal

Frens M. A., Wei W.
in Erasmus Journal of Medicine 2015

580. Reply to letter: "blood transfusions and prognosis in colorectal cancer. long-term results of a randomized controlled trial"

Harlaar J. J., Gosselink M. P., Hop W. C. , Lange J. F., Busch O. R., Jeekel H.
in Ann Surg 2015

581. Long-term follow-up of peptidergic and nonpeptidergic reinnervation of the epidermis following sciatic nerve reconstruction in rats

Kambiz, S., L. S. Duraku, M. Baas, T. H. J. Nijhuis, S. G. Cosgun, S. E. R. Hovius, T. J. H. Ruigrok and E. T. Walbeehm
in Journal of Neurosurgery 2015

582. An essential role for UBE2A/HR6A in learning and memory and mGLUR-dependent long-term depression.

Bruinsma CF, Savelberg SM, Kool MJ, Jolfaei MA, Van Woerden GM, Baarends WM, Elgersma Y
in Human molecular genetics 2015

583. HCN channels are a novel therapeutic target for cognitive dysfunction in Neurofibromatosis type 1.

Omrani A, van der Vaart T, Mientjes E, van Woerden GM, Hojjati MR, Li KW, Gutmann DH, Levelt CN, Smit AB, Silva AJ, Kushner SA, Elgersma Y
in Molecular psychiatry 2015

584. Preeclampsia and first-onset postpartum psychiatric episodes: A Danish population-based cohort study.

Bergink V, Munk-Laursen T, Winther-Johannsen BM, Kushner SA, Meltzer-Brody S, Munk-Olsen T
in Psychological Medicine 2015

585. Autoimmune encephalitis in postpartum psychosis.

Bergink V, Armangue T, Titulaer M, Markx S, Dalmau J, Kushner SA
in American Journal of Psychiatry 2015

586. Angiotensin II type 2 receptor- and acetylcholine-mediated relaxation: the essential contribution of female sex hormones and chromosomes.

Pessôa BS, Slump DE, Ibrahimi K, Grefhorst A, van Veghel R, Garrelds IM, Roks AJ, Kushner SA, Danser AH, van Esch JH
in Hypertension 2015

587. Small bites versus large bites for closure of abdominal midline incisions (STITCH): a double-blind, multicentre, randomised controlled trial.

Deerenberg EB, Harlaar JJ, Steyerberg EW, Lont HE, van Doorn HC, Heisterkamp J, Wijnhoven BP, Schouten WR, Cense HA, Stockmann HB, Berends FJ, Dijkhuizen FPH, Dwarkasing RS, Jairam AP, van Ramshorst GH, Kleinrensink GJ, Jeekel J, Lange JF
in Lancet (London, England) 2015

588. Reversibility of neuropathology and motor deficits in an inducible mouse model for FXTAS.

Hukema RK, Buijsen RA, Schonewille M, Raske C, Severijnen LA, Nieuwenhuizen-Bakker I, Verhagen RF, van Dessel L, Maas A, Charlet-Berguerand N, De Zeeuw CI, Hagerman PJ, Berman RF, Willemsen R
in Human molecular genetics 2015

589. Ube3a reinstatement identifies distinct treatment windows in Angelman syndrome model mice.

in Journal of Clinical Investigation 2015

590. Differential Purkinje cell simple spike activity and pausing behavior related to cerebellar modules.

Zhou H, Voges K, Lin Z, Ju C, Schonewille M
in Journal of neurophysiology 2015

591. Treatment of psychosis and mania in the postpartum period.

Bergink V, Burgerhout KM, Koorengevel KM, Lambregtse-van den Berg MP, Kushner SA
in American Journal of Psychiatry 2015

592. Sex-specific mechanism of social hierarchy in mice.

Van den Berg WE, Lamballais S, Kushner SA
in Neuropsychopharmacology 2015

593. Fragile X mice have robust mGluR5-dependent alterations of social behaviour in the Automated Tube Test.

De Esch CE, van den Berg WE, Buijsen RA, Jaafara IA, Nieuwenhuizen-Bakkera IM, Gasparini F, Kushner SA, Willemsen R
in Neurobiology of Disease 2015

594. Reduced trigeminovascular cyclicity in patients with menstrually related migraine.

Ibrahimi K, van Oosterhout WP, van Dorp W, Danser AH, Garrelds IM, Kushner SA, Lesaffre EM, Terwindt GM, Ferrari MD, van den Meiracker AH, MaassenVanDenBrink A
in Neurology 2015

595. Cerebellar tDCS does not affect performance in the N-back task.

van Wessel BW, Claire Verhage M, Holland P, Frens MA, van der Geest JN
in Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology 2015

596. Smooth Pursuit Eye Movement Deficits in Patients With Whiplash and Neck Pain are Modulated by Target Predictability.

597. Single session imaging of cerebellum at 7 Tesla: obtaining structure and function of multiple motor subsystems in individual subjects.

Batson MA, Petridou N, Klomp DW, Frens MA, Neggers SF
in PloS one 2015

598. Joint position sense error in people with neck pain: A systematic review.

de Vries J, Ischebeck BK, Voogt LP, van der Geest JN, Janssen M, Frens MA, Kleinrensink GJ
in Manual therapy 2015

599. Cytoplasmic dynein and its regulatory proteins in Golgi pathology in nervous system disorders.

Jaarsma D, Hoogenraad CC
in Frontiers in neuroscience 2015

600. Editorial on the honorary cerebellum issue for the retirement of Enrico Mugnaini.

De Zeeuw CI, Jaarsma D, Voogd J, Llinas R, Martina M
in Cerebellum (London, England) 2015