Xiaolu  Wang


  • x.wang@erasmusmc.nl
  • Room: Ee-1218
  • Dr. Molewaterplein 40, Faculty Building, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Dr. Xiaolu Wang (X.)


1. Neuronal dynamics of cerebellum and medial prefrontal cortex in adaptive motor timing.

2. Disynaptic inhibitory cerebellar control over caudal medial accessory olive.

3. Excitatory nucleo-olivary pathway shapes cerebellar outputs for motor control

Xiaolu Wang, Zhiqiang Liu, Milen Angelov, Zhao Feng, Xiangning Li, Anan Li, Yan Yang, Hui Gong & Zhenyu Gao
in Nature Neuroscience 2023

4. A disynaptic basal ganglia connection to the inferior olive: potential for basal ganglia influence on cerebellar learning.

Ruigrok TJH, Wang X, Sabel-Goedknegt E, Coulon P, Gao Z
in Frontiers in systems neuroscience 2023

5. Olivocerebellar control of movement symmetry.

Romano V, Zhai P, van der Horst A, Mazza R, Jacobs T, Bauer S, Wang X, White JJ, De Zeeuw CI
in Current biology : CB 2022

6. Input and output organization of the mesodiencephalic junction for cerebro-cerebellar communication.

in Journal of neuroscience research 2021

7. A FN-MdV pathway and its role in cerebellar multimodular control of sensorimotor behavior

8. Differential Coding Strategies in Glutamatergic and GABAergic Neurons in the Medial Cerebellar Nucleus.

Özcan OO, Wang X, Binda F, Dorgans K, De Zeeuw CI, Gao Z, Aertsen A, Kumar A, Isope P
in The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2019

9. Dynamic modulation of activity in cerebellar nuclei neurons during pavlovian eyeblink conditioning in mice.

Ten Brinke MM, Heiney SA, Wang X, Proietti-Onori M, Boele HJ, Bakermans J, Medina JF, Gao Z, De Zeeuw CI
in eLife 2017
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