Publications Directory

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161. A response to “Living with a fragmented body”: a qualitative study on perceptions about body changes after a spinal cord injury

Soloukey S., Prins A. W., ZwartH., Slatman J.
in Spinal Cord 2021

162. Music to prevent deliriUm during neuroSurgerY (MUSYC) Clinical trial: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.

Kappen P, Jeekel J, Dirven CMF, Klimek M, Kushner S, Osse RJ, Coesmans M, Poley MJ, Vincent AJPE
in BMJ open 2021

163. Theta but not beta power is positively associated with better explicit motor task learning.

van der Cruijsen J, Manoochehri M, Jonker ZD, Andrinopoulou ER, Frens MA, Ribbers GM, Schouten AC, Selles RW
in NeuroImage 2021

164. Environmental Enrichment Improves Vestibular Oculomotor Learning in Mice.

in Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 2021

165. Tuned vibration modes in a miniature hearing organ: Insights from the bushcricket.

Vavakou A, Scherberich J, Nowotny M, van der Heijden M
in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2021

166. Secure Opportunistic Contextual Logging for Wearable Healthcare Sensing Devices.

Muhammad Siddiqi, Syed Taha Ali, Vijay Sivaraman
in IEEE Trans. Dependable Secur. Comput. 2021

167. OptiFlex: Multi-Frame Animal Pose Estimation Combining Deep Learning With Optical Flow.

Liu X, Yu SY, Flierman NA, Loyola S, Kamermans M, Hoogland TM, De Zeeuw CI
in Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 2021

168. Acidosis, cognitive dysfunction and motor impairments in patients with kidney disease.

Imenez Silva PH, Unwin R, Hoorn EJ, Ortiz A, Trepiccione F, Nielsen R, Pesic V, Hafez G, Fouque D, Massy ZA, De Zeeuw CI, Capasso G, Wagner CA
in Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association 2021

169. Secreted retrovirus-like GAG-domain-containing protein PEG10 is regulated by UBE3A and is involved in Angelman syndrome pathophysiology.

Pandya NJ, Wang C, Costa V, Lopatta P, Meier S, Zampeta FI, Punt AM, Mientjes E, Grossen P, Distler T, Tzouros M, Martí Y, Banfai B, Patsch C, Rasmussen S, Hoener M, Berrera M, Kremer T, Dunkley T, Ebeling M, Distel B, Elgersma Y, Jagasia R
in Cell reports. Medicine 2021

170. Individual differences in error-related frontal midline theta activity during visuomotor adaptation.

Jonker ZD, van der Vliet R, Maquelin G, van der Cruijsen J, Ribbers GM, Selles RW, Donchin O, Frens MA
in NeuroImage 2021

171. A haploscope based binocular pupillometer system to quantify the dynamics of direct and consensual Pupillary Light Reflex.

Meethal NSK, Mazumdar D, Morshchavka S, Robben J, van der Steen J, George R, Pel JJM
in Scientific reports 2021

172. The Perception and Attitude Toward Noise and Music in the Operation Room: A Systematic Review.

Fu VX, Oomens P, Merkus N, Jeekel J
in The Journal of surgical research 2021

173. Antisense oligonucleotide treatment rescues UBE3A expression and multiple phenotypes of an Angelman syndrome mouse model.

Milazzo C, Mientjes EJ, Wallaard I, Rasmussen SV, Erichsen KD, Kakunuri T, van der Sman ASE, Kremer T, Miller MT, Hoener MC, Elgersma Y
in JCI insight 2021

174. Protein phosphatase 2B dual function facilitates synaptic integrity and motor learning.

Lin Z, Wu B, Paul MW, Li KW, Yao Y, Smal I, Onori MP, Hasanbegovic H, Bezstarosti K, Demmers J, Houtsmuller AB, Meijering E, Hoebeek FE, Schonewille M, Smit AB, Gao Z, De Zeeuw CI
in The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2021

175. GenNet framework: interpretable deep learning for predicting phenotypes from genetic data.

van Hilten A, Kushner SA, Kayser M, Arfan Ikram M, Adams HHH, Klaver CCW, Niessen WJ, Roshchupkin GV
in Communications biology 2021

176. Cortical overgrowth in a preclinical forebrain organoid model of CNTNAP2-associated autism spectrum disorder.

de Jong JO, Llapashtica C, Genestine M, Strauss K, Provenzano F, Sun Y, Zhu H, Cortese GP, Brundu F, Brigatti KW, Corneo B, Migliori B, Tomer R, Kushner SA, Kellendonk C, Javitch JA, Xu B, Markx S
in Nature communications 2021

177. Electrical match between initial segment and somatodendritic compartment for action potential backpropagation in retinal ganglion cells.

Goethals S, Sierksma MC, Nicol X, Reaux-Le Goazigo A, Brette R
in Journal of neurophysiology 2021

178. Inducible expression of human C9ORF72 36x G4C2 hexanucleotide repeats is sufficient to cause RAN translation and rapid muscular atrophy in mice

F.W. Riemslagh, E.C. van der Toorn, R.F.M. Verhagen, A. Maas, L.W.J. Bosman, R.K. Hukema, R. Willemsen
in Disease Models & Mechanisms 2021

179. Feedback from HTC Vive Sensors Results in Transient Performance Enhancements on a Juggling Task in Virtual Reality.

Filip Borglund, Michael Young, Joakim Eriksson, Anders Rasmussen
in Sensors 2021

180. Neural Implementations of Bayesian Inference

181. Zero-Power Defense Done Right - Shielding IMDs from Battery-Depletion Attacks.

in J. Signal Process. Syst. 2021

182. Using ephaptic coupling to estimate the synaptic cleft resistivity of the calyx of Held synapse.

in PLoS computational biology 2021

183. Temporal dynamics of the cerebello-cortical convergence in ventro-lateral motor thalamus.

Schäfer CB, Gao Z, De Zeeuw CI, Hoebeek FE
in The Journal of physiology 2021

184. Cerebellar Purkinje cells can differentially modulate coherence between sensory and motor cortex depending on region and behavior.

Lindeman S, Hong S, Kros L, Mejias JF, Romano V, Oostenveld R, Negrello M, Bosman LWJ, De Zeeuw CI
in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2021

185. Publisher Correction: Diversity and dynamism in the cerebellum.

De Zeeuw CI, Lisberger SG, Raymond JL
in Nature neuroscience 2021

186. Oxytocin moderates the association between testosterone-cortisol ratio and trustworthiness: A randomized placebo-controlled study.

Berends YR, Tulen JHM, Wierdsma AI, de Rijke YB, Kushner SA, van Marle HJC
in Comprehensive psychoneuroendocrinology 2021

187. In vivo 5-ethynyluridine (EU) labelling detects reduced transcription in Purkinje cell degeneration mouse mutants, but can itself induce neurodegeneration.

van’t Sant L.J., White J.J., Hoeijmakers J.H.J., Vermeij W.P., Jaarsma D.
in Acta neuropathologica communications 2021

188. Pathomechanisms of ALS8: altered autophagy and defective RNA binding protein (RBP) homeostasis due to the VAPB P56S mutation.

Tripathi P, Guo H, Dreser A, Yamoah A, Sechi A, Jesse CM, Katona I, Doukas P, Nikolin S, Ernst S, Aronica E, Glaß H, Hermann A, Steinbusch H, Feller AC, Bergmann M, Jaarsma D, Weis J, Goswami A
in Cell death & disease 2021

189. Slowed Saccadic Reaction Times in Seemingly Normal Parts of Glaucomatous Visual Fields.

Thepass G, Lemij HG, Vermeer KA, van der Steen J, Pel JJM
in Frontiers in medicine 2021

190. Sleep quality does not mediate the negative effects of chronodisruption on body composition and metabolic syndrome in healthcare workers in Ecuador.

Carpio Arias TV, Mogrovejo Arias DC, Nicolalde Cifuentes TM, Tapia Veloz EC, De Zeeuw CI, Vinueza Veloz MF
in Diabetes & metabolic syndrome 2021

191. Computerised patient-specific prediction of the recovery profile of upper limb capacity within stroke services: the next step.

Selles R, Andrinopoulou ER, Nijland R, van der Vliet R, Slaman J, van Wegen E, Rizopoulos D, Ribbers G, Meskers C, Kwakkel G
in Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry 2021

192. Predicting persistence of hallucinations from childhood to adolescence.

Steenkamp LR, Tiemeier H, Blanken LME, Hillegers MHJ, Kushner SA, Bolhuis K
in The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science 2021

193. MEK inhibition ameliorates social behavior phenotypes in a Spred1 knockout mouse model for RASopathy disorders.

Borrie SC, Plasschaert E, Callaerts-Vegh Z, Yoshimura A, D'Hooge R, Elgersma Y, Kushner SA, Legius E, Brems H
in Molecular autism 2021

194. Activity of Cerebellar Nuclei Neurons Correlates with ZebrinII Identity of Their Purkinje Cell Afferents.

Beekhof GC, Gornati SV, Canto CB, Libster AM, Schonewille M, De Zeeuw CI, Hoebeek FE
in Cells 2021

195. Sphingolipid metabolism governs Purkinje cell patterned degeneration in Atxn1[82Q]/+ mice

in 2021

196. Learning to stand with unexpected sensorimotor delays.

Rasman BG, Forbes PA, Peters RM, Ortiz O, Franks I, Inglis JT, Chua R, Blouin JS
in eLife 2021

197. Securing Implantable Medical Devices Using Ultrasound Waves.

198. Trajectories of Cognitive and Motor Function Between Ages 45 and 90 Years: A Population-Based Study.

van der Willik KD, Licher S, Vinke EJ, Knol MJ, Darweesh SKL, van der Geest JN, Schagen SB, Ikram MK, Luik AI, Ikram MA
in The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences 2021

199. Fully integrating functional Ultrasound (fUS) into the onco-neurosurgical operating room: Towards a new real-time, high-resolution image-guided resection tool with multimodal potential

Soloukey S , Verhoef L , Mastik F , Generowicz B S , Bos E M , Harhangi B S, Collée K E , Satoer D D, Smits M , Dirven C M F , De Zeeuw C I , Koekkoek S K E , Vincent A J P E , Kruizinga P
in Neuro-Oncology 2021

200. Perception of auditory stimuli during general anesthesia and its effects on patient outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Fu VX, Sleurink KJ, Janssen JC, Wijnhoven BPL, Jeekel J, Klimek M
in Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d 2021