Publications Directory

Order By: A-Z Year Type



761. CaMKIIβ regulates oligodendrocyte maturation and CNS myelination

Waggener, C. T., Dupree, J. L., Elgersma, Y., & Fuss, B.
in Journal of Neuroscience 2013

762. Modulation of synaptic depression of the calyx of Held synapse by GABAB receptors and spontaneous activity

Wang, T., Rusu, S. I., Hruskova, B., Turecek, R., & Borst, J. G. G.
in Journal of Physiology 2013

763. Reducing anastomotic leakage by reinforcement of colorectal anastomosis with cyanoacrylate glue

Wu, Z., Vakalopoulos, K. A., Kroese, L. F., Boersema, G. S. A., Kleinrensink, G. J., Jeekel, J., & Lange, J. F.
in European Surgical Research 2013

764. Climbing fiber input shapes reciprocity of Purkinje cell firing.

Badura A, Schonewille M, Voges K, Galliano E, Renier N, Gao Z, Witter L, Hoebeek FE, Chédotal A, De Zeeuw CI
in Neuron 2013

765. Immune system dysregulation in first-onset postpartum psychosis.

Bergink V, Burgerhout KM, Weigelt K, de Witt HJ, Pop VJ, Kushner SA, Drexhage HA
in Biological Psychiatry 2013

766. Strength and timing of motor responses mediated by rebound firing in the cerebellar nuclei after Purkinje cell activation

Witter L, Canto CB, Hoogland TM, de Gruijl JR, De Zeeuw CI
in Front Neural Circuits 2013

767. Directional hearing by linear summation of binaural inputs at the medial superior olive.

van der Heijden M, Lorteije JA, Plauška A, Roberts MT, Golding NL, Borst JG
in Neuron 2013

768. Valentino Braitenberg: From neuroanatomy to behavior and back.

in Biological cybernetics 2013

769. Hippocampal-cerebellar interaction during spatio-temporal prediction


770. NPHP4 variants are associated with pleiotropic heart malformations.

French VM, van de Laar IM, Wessels MW, Rohe C, Roos-Hesselink JW, Wang G, Frohn-Mulder IM, Severijnen LA, de Graaf BM, Schot R, Breedveld G, Mientjes E, van Tienhoven M, Jadot E, Jiang Z, Verkerk A, Swagemakers S, Venselaar H, Rahimi Z, Najmabadi H, Meijers-Heijboer H, de Graaff E, Helbing WA, Willemsen R, Devriendt K, Belmont JW, Oostra BA, Amack JD, Bertoli-Avella AM
in Circulation research 2012

771. Discomfort and pain in newborns with myelomeningocele: a prospective evaluation.

Ottenhoff MJ, Dammers R, Kompanje EJ, Tibboel D, de Jong TH
in Pediatrics 2012

772. Distributed synergistic plasticity and cerebellar learning

Gao Z, Beugen B, De Zeeuw C
in Nature Reviews Neuroscience 2012

773. Cerebellar ataxia by enhanced CaV2. 1 currents is alleviated by Ca2+-dependent K+-channel activators in Cacna1aS218L mutant mice

Gao Z, Todorov B, Barrett C, van Dorp S, Ferrari M, van den Maagdenberg A, De Zeeuw C, Hoebeek F
in Journal of Neuroscience 2012

774. The Surgical Anatomy of the Small Saphenous Vein and Adjacent Nerves in Relation to Endovenous Thermal Ablation

Kerver, A. L. A., A. C. Van Der Ham, H. P. Theeuwes, P. H. C. Eilers, A. R. Poublon, A. J. H. Kerver, and G. J. Kleinrensink
in Journal of Vascular Surgery 2012

775. How Do Short-Term Changes at Synapses Fine-Tune Information Processing?

Klug, A., J. G. G. Borst, B. A. Carlson, C. Kopp-Scheinpflug, V. A. Klyachko, and M. A. Xu-Friedman
in Journal of Neuroscience 2012

776. Liver Fat Content Is Associated with Increased Carotid Atherosclerosis in a Chinese Middle-Aged and Elderly Population: The Shanghai Changfeng Study

Li, X., M. Xia, H. Ma, A. Hofman, Y. Hu, H. Yan, W. He, H. Lin, J. Jeekel, N. Zhao, J. Gao, and X. Gao
in Atherosclerosis 2012

777. Cerebellar Activation Related to Saccadic Inaccuracies.

Liem, E. I. M. L., M. A. Frens, M. Smits, and J. N. van der Geest
in Cerebellum 2012

778. Independent Genetic Loci for Sensorimotor Gating and Attentional Performance in Bxd Recombinant Inbred Strains.

Loos, M., J. Staal, T. Pattij, A. B. Brussaard, J. G. Borst, Y. Elgersma, N. Galjart, G. T. van der Horst, C. N. Levelt, C. M. Pennartz, A. B. Smit, B. M. Spruijt, M. Verhage, C. I. de Zeeuw, and S. Spijker
in Genes, Brain and Behavior 2012

779. Diversity and Complexity of Roles of Granule Cells in the Cerebellar Cortex. Editorial.

Manto, M., and C. I. De Zeeuw
in Cerebellum 2012

780. Eurahs: The Development of an International Online Platform for Registration and Outcome Measurement of Ventral Abdominal Wall Hernia Repair

Muysoms, F., G. Campanelli, G. G. Champault, A. C. DeBeaux, U. A. Dietz, J. Jeekel, U. Klinge, F. Köckerling, V. Mandala, A. Montgomery, S. Morales Conde, F. Puppe, R. K. J. Simmermacher, M. Śmietański, and M. Miserez
in Hernia 2012

781. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Motor Plasticity in Human Lateral Cerebellum: Dual Effect on Saccadic Adaptation.

Panouillères, M., S. F. Neggers, T. P. Gutteling, R. Salemme, S. V. D. Stigchel, J. N. van der Geest, M. A. Frens, and D. Pélisson
in Human Brain Mapping 2012

782. A Novel Qtl Underlying Early-Onset, Low-Frequency Hearing Loss in Bxd Recombinant Inbred Strains

Nagtegaal, A. P., S. Spijker, T. T. H. Crins, Neuro-Bsik Mouse Phenomics Consortium, and J. G. G. Borst
in Genes, Brain and Behavior 2012

783. Bergmann Glial Ampa Receptors Are Required for Fine Motor Coordination

Saab, A. S., A. Neumeyer, H. M. Jahn, A. Cupido, A. A. M. Šimek, H. J. Boele, A. Scheller, K. Le Meur, M. Götz, H. Monyer, R. Sprengel, M. E. Rubio, J. W. Deitmer, C. I. De Zeeuw, and F. Kirchhoff
in Science 2012

784. Raising Cytosolic Cl - in Cerebellar Granule Cells Affects Their Excitability and Vestibulo-Ocular Learning

Seja, P., M. Schonewille, G. Spitzmaul, A. Badura, I. Klein, Y. Rudhard, W. Wisden, C. A. Hübner, C. I. De Zeeuw, and T. J. Jentsch
in EMBO Journal 2012

785. Effects of New Anti-Adhesion Polyvinyl Alcohol Gel on Healing of Colon Anastomoses in Rats

lieker, J. C., M. Ditzel, J. J. Harlaar, I. M. Mulder, E. B. Deerenberg, Y. M. Bastiaansen-Jenniskens, G. J. J. Kleinrensink, J. Jeekel, and J. F. Lange
in Surgical Infections 2012

786. Long-Term and Perioperative Corticosteroids in Anastomotic Leakage: A Prospective Study of 259 Left-Sided Colorectal Anastomoses

Slieker, J. C., N. Komen, G. H. Mannaerts, T. M. Karsten, P. Willemsen, M. Murawska, J. Jeekel, and J. F. Lange
in Archives of Surgery 2012

787. Training in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery: A New Educational Model Using Specially Embalmed Human Anatomical Specimen

Slieker, J. C., H. P. Theeuwes, G. L. Van Rooijen, J. F. Lange, and G. J. Kleinrensink
in Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques 2012

788. Accelerated Loss of Hearing and Vision in the DNA-Repair Deficient Ercc1 Δ/- Mouse

Spoor, M., A. P. Nagtegaal, Y. Ridwan, N. Z. Borgesius, B. van Alphen, I. van der Pluijm, J. H. J. Hoeijmakers, M. A. Frens, and J. G. G. Borst
in Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 2012

789. Ca2+/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase Iiα (Αcamkii) Controls the Activity of the Dopamine Transporter: Implications for Angelman Syndrome

Steinkellner, T., J. W. Yang, T. R. Montgomery, W. Q. Chen, M. T. Winkler, S. Sucic, G. Lubec, M. Freissmuth, Y. Elgersma, H. H. Sitte, and O. Kudlacek
in Journal of Biological Chemistry 2012

790. Organization of Cerebral Projections to Identified Cerebellar Zones in the Posterior Cerebellum of the Rat

Suzuki, L., P. Coulon, E. H. Sabel-Goedknegt, and T. J. H. Ruigrok.
in Journal of Neuroscience 2012

791. Medieval Times in Surgery

Timmermans, L., E. B. Deerenberg, G. J. Kleinrensink, J. F. Lange, and J. Jeekel
in Surgery (United States) 2012

792. Abdominal Wall Bulging after Thoracic Surgery, an Underdiagnosed Wound Complication

Timmermans, L., P. J. Klitsie, A. P. W. M. Maat, B. de Goede, G. J. Kleinrensink, and J. F. Lange
in Hernia 2012

793. Purkinje Cell-Specific Ablation of Cav2.1 Channels Is Sufficient to Cause Cerebellar Ataxia in Mice

Todorov, B., L. Kros, R. Shyti, P. Plak, E. D. Haasdijk, R. S. Raike, R. R. Frants, E. J. Hess, F. E. Hoebeek, C. I. De Zeeuw, and A. M. J. M. Van Den Maagdenberg
in Cerebellum 2012

794. Marked Reduction of Akt1 Expression and Deregulation of Akt1-Associated Pathways in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells of Schizophrenia Patients

Van Beveren, N. J. M., G. H. S. Buitendijk, S. Swagemakers, L. C. Krab, C. Röder, L. de Haan, P. van der Spek, and Y. Elgersma
in PLoS ONE 2012

795. Functional Gene-Expression Analysis Shows Involvement of Schizophrenia-Relevant Pathways in Patients with 22q11 Deletion Syndrome

Van Beveren, N. J. M., L. C. Krab, S. Swagemakers, G. Buitendijk, E. Boot, P. van der Spek, Y. Elgersma, and T. A. M. J. van Amelsvoort
in PLoS ONE 2012

796. Letters to Editor/Reply by Authors. Re: Surgical Anatomy of the 10th and 11th Intercostal, and Subcostal Nerves: Prevention of Damage During Lumbotomy

Van der Graaf, T, P.C. Verhagen, A.L. Kerver, G.J. Kleinrensink
in Journal of Urology 2012

797. Impact of Incisional Hernia on Health-Related Quality of Life and Body Image: A Prospective Cohort Study

Van Ramshorst, G. H., H. H. Eker, W. C. J. Hop, J. Jeekel, and J. F. Lange
in American Journal of Surgery 2012

798. Ct Arthrography of the Human Knee to Measure Cartilage Quality with Low Radiation Dose

Van Tiel, J., M. Siebelt, J. H. Waarsing, T. M. Piscaer, M. Van Straten, R. Booij, M. L. Dijkshoorn, G. J. Kleinrensink, J. A. N. Verhaar, G. P. Krestin, H. Weinans, and E. H. G. Oei
in Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2012

799. Elimination of Inhibitory Synapses Is a Major Component of Adult Ocular Dominance Plasticity

Van Versendaal, D., R. Rajendran, M. Saiepour, J. Klooster, L. Smit-Rigter, J. P. Sommeijer, C. De Zeeuw, S. Hofer, J. Heimel, and C. Levelt
in Neuron 2012

800. Long-Term Effect of Prednisolone on Functional Blink Recovery after Transient Peripheral Facial Motor Paralysis

VanderWerf, F., D. Reits, M. Metselaar, and C. I. De Zeeuw
in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 2012