- m.sonzogni@erasmusmc.nl
- +31 010 70 37339
- Room: Ee-1493
- Dr. Molewaterplein 40, Faculty Building, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Monica Sonzogni (M.)
- Position: Phd Student, Erasmus MC
1. UBE3A reinstatement as a disease-modifying therapy for Angelman syndrome.
2. Assessing the requirements of prenatal UBE3A expression for rescue of behavioral phenotypes in a mouse model for Angelman syndrome.
in Molecular autism 2020
3. Conserved UBE3A subcellular distribution between human and mice is facilitated by non-homologous isoforms.
Zampeta IF, Sonzogni M, Niggl E, Lendemeijer B, Smeenk H, de Vrij FMS, Kushner SA, Distel B, Elgersma Y
in Human molecular genetics 2020
4. Loss of nuclear UBE3A causes electrophysiological and behavioral deficits in mice and is associated with Angelman syndrome.
Avagliano Trezza R, Sonzogni M, Bossuyt SNV, Zampeta FI, Punt AM, van den Berg M, Rotaru DC, Koene LMC, Munshi ST, Stedehouder J, Kros JM, Williams M, Heussler H, de Vrij FMS, Mientjes EJ, van Woerden GM, Kushner SA, Distel B, Elgersma Y
in Nature neuroscience 2019
5. Delayed loss of UBE3A reduces the expression of Angelman syndrome-associated phenotypes.
Sonzogni M, Hakonen J, Bernabé Kleijn M, Silva-Santos S, Judson MC, Philpot BD, van Woerden GM, Elgersma Y
in Molecular autism 2019
6. A behavioral test battery for mouse models of Angelman syndrome: a powerful tool for testing drugs and novel mutants.
in Molecular autism 2018