Publications Directory

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41. ExaFlexHH: an exascale-ready, flexible multi-FPGA library for biologically plausible brain simulations.

in Frontiers in neuroinformatics 2024

42. Sodium salicylate improves detection of amplitude-modulated sound in mice.

van den Berg MM, Wong AB, Houtak G, Williamson RS, Borst JGG
in iScience 2024

43. Predicting occupant head displacements in evasive maneuvers; tuning and comparison of a rotational based and a translational based neck muscle controller.

Larsson E, Iraeus J, Pipkorn B, Östh J, Forbes PA, Davidsson J
in Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 2024

44. SECURED for Health: Scaling Up Privacy to Enable the Integration of the European Health Data Space.

Francesco Regazzoni 0001, Gergely Ács, Albert Zoltan Aszalos, Christos Avgerinos, Nikolaos Bakalos, Josep Lluis Berral, Joppe W. Bos, Marco Brohet, Andrés G. Castillo Sanz, Gareth T. Davies, Stefanos Florescu, Pierre-Elisée Flory, Alberto Gutierrez-Torre, Evangelos Haleplidis, Alice Héliou, Sotirios Ioannidis, Alexander Islam El-Kady, Katarzyna Kapusta, Konstantina Karagianni, Pieter Kruizinga, Kyrian Maat, Zoltán Ádám Mann, Kalliopi Mastoraki, SeoJeong Moon, Maja Nisevic, Balázs Pejó, Kostas Papagiannopoulos, Vassilis Paliouras, Paolo Palmieri 0001, Francesca Palumbo, Juan Carlos Pérez Baun, Péter Pollner, Eduard Porta-Pardo, Luca Pulina, Muhammad Ali Siddiqi, Daniela Spajic, Christos Strydis, Georgios Tasopoulos, Vincent Thouvenot, Christos Tselios, Apostolos P. Fournaris
in 2024

45. Mesoscale simulations predict the role of synergistic cerebellar plasticity during classical eyeblink conditioning.

Geminiani A, Casellato C, Boele HJ, Pedrocchi A, De Zeeuw CI, D'Angelo E
in PLoS computational biology 2024

46. Impact of Intrauterine Insults on Fetal and Postnatal Cerebellar Development in Humans and Rodents.

Westerhuis JAW, Dudink J, Wijnands BECA, De Zeeuw CI, Canto CB
in Cells 2024

47. Cerebellar encoding of prior knowledge of temporal statistics

Koppen, J., Bayones, L., Klinkhamer, I., Runge, M., & Narain, D.
in 2024

48. Fast implicit and slow explicit learning of temporal context in cortico-cerebellar loops

49. Morphological correlates of pyramidal cell axonal myelination in mouse and human neocortex.

Pascual-García M, Unkel M, Slotman JA, Bolleboom A, Bouwen B, Houtsmuller AB, Dirven C, Gao Z, Hijazi S, Kushner SA
in Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) 2024

50. Plasticity mechanisms of genetically distinct Purkinje cells.

in BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology 2024

51. Probing the glioma microvasculature: a case series of the comparison between perfusion MRI and intraoperative high-frame-rate ultrafast Doppler ultrasound.

Alafandi A, Tbalvandany SS, Arzanforoosh F, van Der Voort SR, Incekara F, Verhoef L, Warnert EAH, Kruizinga P, Smits M
in European radiology experimental 2024

52. PP2B-dependent cerebellar plasticity sets the amplitude of the vestibulo-ocular reflex during juvenile development.

Wu B, Post L, Lin Z, Schonewille M
in The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2024

53. SDK4ED: a platform for building energy efficient, dependable, and maintainable embedded software.

Miltiadis G. Siavvas, Dimitrios Tsoukalas, Charalambos Marantos, Lazaros Papadopoulos, Christos P. Lamprakos, Oliviu Matei, Christos Strydis, Muhammad Ali Siddiqi, Philippe Chrobocinski, Katarzyna Filus, Joanna Domanska, Paris Avgeriou, Apostolos Ampatzoglou, Dimitrios Soudris, Alexander Chatzigeorgiou, Erol Gelenbe, Dionisis D. Kehagias, Dimitrios Tzovaras
in Autom. Softw. Eng. 2024

54. Real-Time Supervised Spiking Neural Network for Cerebellar Purkinje Cells Spike Detection and Classification.

Alireza Raisiardali, Muhammad Ali Siddiqi, Christos Strydis, Said Hamdioui, Dante Gabriel Muratore, Rajendra Bishnoi
in 2024

55. Different mechanisms of contextual inference govern associatively learned and sensory-evoked postural responses.

Leeuwis M, Asar Y, White JJ, Rasman BG, Forbes PA
in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2024

56. Cross-species single-cell spatial transcriptomic atlases of the cerebellar cortex.

Hao S, Zhu X, Huang Z, Yang Q, Liu H, Wu Y, Zhan Y, Dong Y, Li C, Wang H, Haasdijk E, Wu Z, Li S, Yan H, Zhu L, Guo S, Wang Z, Ye A, Lin Y, Cui L, Tan X, Liu H, Wang M, Chen J, Zhong Y, Du W, Wang G, Lai T, Cao M, Yang T, Xu Y, Li L, Yu Q, Zhuang Z, Xia Y, Lei Y, An Y, Cheng M, Zhao Y, Han L, Yuan Y, Song X, Song Y, Gu L, Liu C, Lin X, Wang R, Wang Z, Wang Y, Li S, Li H, Song J, Chen M, Zhou W, Yuan N, Sun S, Wang S, Chen Y, Zheng M, Fang J, Zhang R, Zhang S, Chai Q, Liu J, Wei W, He J, Zhou H, Sun Y, Liu Z, Liu C, Yao J, Liang Z, Xu X, Poo M, Li C, De Zeeuw CI, Shen Z, Liu Z, Liu L, Liu S, Sun Y, Liu C
in Science (New York, N.Y.) 2024

57. Discrimination training affects stimulus generalization in mice during Pavlovian eyeblink conditioning.

58. Endocrine and non-endocrine causes of fatigue in adults with Neurofibromatosis type 1.

Rosenberg AGW, Mochèl K, Hähner LM, Ruules L, Davidse K, Bos-Roubos AG, van Dijk SA, Zillikens MC, Taal W, van der Lely AJ, de Graaff LCG
in Frontiers in endocrinology 2024

59. Parent-reported problems in children with Cerebral Visual Impairment: Improving the discriminative ability from ADHD and dyslexia using screening inventories.

60. A recurrent missense variant in the E3 ubiquitin ligase substrate recognition subunit FEM1B causes a rare syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder.

Lecoquierre F, Punt AM, Ebstein F, Wallaard I, Verhagen R, Studencka-Turski M, Duffourd Y, Moutton S, Tran Mau-Them F, Philippe C, Dean J, Tennant S, Brooks AS, van Slegtenhorst MA, Jurgens JA, Barry BJ, Chan WM, England EM, Martinez Ojeda M, Engle EC, Robson CD, Morrow M, Innes AM, Lamont R, Sanderson M, Krüger E, Thauvin C, Distel B, Faivre L, Elgersma Y, Vitobello A
in Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 2024

61. Running in the FAMILY: understanding and predicting the intergenerational transmission of mental illness.

van Houtum LAEM, Baaré WFC, Beckmann CF, Castro-Fornieles J, Cecil CAM, Dittrich J, Ebdrup BH, Fegert JM, Havdahl A, Hillegers MHJ, Kalisch R, Kushner SA, Mansuy IM, Mežinska S, Moreno C, Muetzel RL, Neumann A, Nordentoft M, Pingault JB, Preisig M, Raballo A, Saunders J, Sprooten E, Sugranyes G, Tiemeier H, van Woerden GM, Vandeleur CL, van Haren NEM
in European child & adolescent psychiatry 2024

62. Heterogeneous spatial tuning in the auditory pathway of the Mongolian Gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus).

van den Wildenberg MF, Bremen P
in The European journal of neuroscience 2024

63. Impact of daily music on comfort scores in preterm infants: a randomized controlled trial.

van der Straaten M, van den Hoogen A, Tataranno ML, van Berkel CJM, Schmit L, Jeekel H, Hennink A, Benders M, Dudink J
in Pediatric research 2024

64. Differential susceptibility of human motor neurons to infection with Usutu and West Nile virus.

Marshall EM, Bauer L, Nelemans T, Sooksawasdi Na Ayudhya S, Benavides F, Lanko K, de Vrij FMS, Kushner SA, Koopmans M, van Riel D, Rockx B
in Journal of neuroinflammation 2024

65. A Lightweight Architecture for Real-Time Neuronal-Spike Classification.

Muhammad Ali Siddiqi, David Vrijenhoek, Lennart P. L. Landsmeer, Job van der Kleij, Anteneh Gebregiorgis, Vincenzo Romano, Rajendra Bishnoi, Said Hamdioui, Christos Strydis
in 2024

66. Gestalt, Navon and Kanizsa illusion processing in CVI, ADHD, and dyslexia Children with Normal verbal IQ.

Hokken MJ, Van Der Zee YJ, Pereira RR, Rours IGIJG, Frens MA, van der Steen J, Pel JJM, Kooiker MJG
in Frontiers in human neuroscience 2024

67. Large-scale deep tissue voltage imaging with targeted-illumination confocal microscopy

Sheng Xiao, William J. Cunningham, Krishnakanth Kondabolu, Eric Lowet, Maria V. Moya, Rebecca A. Mount, Cara Ravasio, Emma Bortz, Dana Shaw, Michael N. Economo, Xue Han & Jerome Mertz
in Nature Methods 2024

68. Tricking AI chips into simulating the human brain: A detailed performance analysis

Landsmeer L, Engelen M, Miedema R, Strydis C
in Neurocomputing 2024

69. Beta-frequency sensory stimulation enhances gait rhythmicity through strengthened coupling between striatal networks and stepping movement

Sudiksha Sridhar, Eric Lowet, Howard J Gritton, Jennifer Freire, Chengqian Zhou, Florence Liang, Xue Han
in Nature Communications 2024


70. Sympathetic components in left and right human cervical vagus nerve: implications for vagus nerve stimulation.

Ruigrok TJH, Mantel SA, Orlandini L, de Knegt C, Vincent AJPE, Spoor JKH
in Frontiers in neuroanatomy 2023

71. Oikonomos-II: A Reinforcement-Learning, Resource-Recommendation System for Cloud HPC.

72. Excitatory nucleo-olivary pathway shapes cerebellar outputs for motor control

Xiaolu Wang, Zhiqiang Liu, Milen Angelov, Zhao Feng, Xiangning Li, Anan Li, Yan Yang, Hui Gong & Zhenyu Gao
in Nature Neuroscience 2023

73. Neuronal responses in mouse inferior colliculus correlate with behavioral detection of amplitude modulated sound.

van den Berg MM, Busscher E, Borst JGG, Wong AB
in Journal of neurophysiology 2023

74. Cerebellum Lecture: the Cerebellar Nuclei-Core of the Cerebellum.

Kebschull JM, Casoni F, Consalez GG, Goldowitz D, Hawkes R, Ruigrok TJH, Schilling K, Wingate R, Wu J, Yeung J, Uusisaari MY
in Cerebellum (London, England) 2023

75. Memristor-Based Lightweight Encryption.

Muhammad Ali Siddiqi, Jan Andrés Galvan Hernández, Anteneh Gebreziorgis, Rajendra Bishnoi, Christos Strydis, Said Hamdioui, Mottaqiallah Taouil
in 2023

76. Functional imaging of the exposed brain

Soloukey Sadaf, Vincent Arnaud J. P. E., Smits Marion, De Zeeuw Chris I., Koekkoek Sebastiaan K. E., Dirven Clemens M. F., Kruizinga Pieter
in Frontiers in Neuroscience 2023

77. Retraction Note: Eye tracking: empirical foundations for a minimal reporting guideline.

Holmqvist K, Örbom SL, Hooge ITC, Niehorster DC, Alexander RG, Andersson R, Benjamins JS, Blignaut P, Brouwer AM, Chuang LL, Dalrymple KA, Drieghe D, Dunn MJ, Ettinger U, Fiedler S, Foulsham T, van der Geest JN, Hansen DW, Hutton SB, Kasneci E, Kingstone A, Knox PC, Kok EM, Lee H, Lee JY, Leppänen JM, Macknik S, Majaranta P, Martinez-Conde S, Nuthmann A, Nyström M, Orquin JL, Otero-Millan J, Park SY, Popelka S, Proudlock F, Renkewitz F, Roorda A, Schulte-Mecklenbeck M, Sharif B, Shic F, Shovman M, Thomas MG, Venrooij W, Zemblys R, Hessels RS
in Behavior research methods 2023

78. Purkinje cell microzones mediate distinct kinematics of a single movement.

Blot FGC, White JJ, van Hattem A, Scotti L, Balaji V, Adolfs Y, Pasterkamp RJ, De Zeeuw CI, Schonewille M
in Nature communications 2023

79. Loss of CAMK2G affects intrinsic and motor behavior but has minimal impact on cognitive behavior.

80. Gene expression changes in cerebellum induced by dietary restriction.

Van't Sant LJ, Birkisdóttir MB, Ozinga RA, Gyenis Á, Hoeijmakers JHJ, Vermeij WP, Jaarsma D
in Frontiers in molecular neuroscience 2023