Publications Directory

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721. Priming of microglia in a DNA-repair deficient model of accelerated aging

Raj, D. D. A., Jaarsma, D., Holtman, I. R., Olah, M., Ferreira, F. M., Schaafsma, W., Brouwer, N., Meijer, M. M., De Waard, M. C., Van der Pluijm, I., Brandt, R., Kreft, K. L., Laman, J. D., De Haan, G., Biber, K. P. H., Hoeijmakers, J. H. J., Eggen, B. J. L. and Boddeke, H. W. G. M.
in Neurobiology of Aging 2014

722. ATP Hydrolysis Is Critically Required for Function of CaV1.3 Channels in Cochlear Inner Hair Cells via Fueling Ca2+ Clearance

Weiler, S., S. Krinner, A. B. Wong, T. Moser and T. Pangršič (2014)
in The Journal of Neuroscience 2014

723. Familial Alzheimer's disease-associated presenilin-1 alters cerebellar activity and calcium homeostasis

Sepulveda-Falla, D., Barrera-Ocampo, A., Hagel, C., Korwitz, A., Vinueza-Veloz, M. F., Zhou, K., Schonewille, M., Zhou, H., Velazquez-Perez, L., Rodriguez-Labrada, R., Villegas, A., Ferrer, I., Lopera, F., Langer, T., De Zeeuw, C. I. and Glatzel, M.
in Journal of Clinical Investigation 2014

724. ESL design of customizable real-time neuron networks.

Martijn F. van Eijk, Carlo Galuzzi, Amir Zjajo, Georgios Smaragdos, Christos Strydis, Rene van Leuken
in IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS) 2014

725. Human gaze following response is affected by visual acuity

Spoor, M., Hosseini, B., Van Alphen, B., Frens, M. A. and Van Der Geest, J. N.
in Journal of Ophthalmology 2014

726. A probabilistic analysis of resilient reconfigurable designs.

Alirad Malek, Stavros Tzilis, Danish Anis Khan, Ioannis Sourdis, Georgios Smaragdos, Christos Strydis
in IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems, DFT 2014

727. Unacylated ghrelin suppresses grelin-induced neuronal activity in the hypothalamus and brainstem of male rats

Stevanovic, D. M., Grefhorst, A., Themmen, A. P. N., Popovic, V., Holstege, J., Haasdijk, E., Trajkovic, V., Van Der Lely, A. J. and Delhanty, P. J. D.
in PLoS ONE 2014

728. FPGA-based biophysically-meaningful modeling of olivocerebellar neurons.

Georgios Smaragdos, Sebastián Isaza, Martijn F. van Eijk, Ioannis Sourdis, Christos Strydis
in ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, FPGA 2014

729. High Bandwidth Synaptic Communication and Frequency Tracking in Human Neocortex

Testa-Silva, G., Verhoog, M. B., Linaro, D., de Kock, C. P. J., Baayen, J. C., Meredith, R. M., De Zeeuw, C. I., Giugliano, M. and Mansvelder, H. D.
in PLoS Biology 2014

730. Meta-analysis of sublay versus onlay mesh repair in incisional hernia surgery

Timmermans, L., De Goede, B., Van Dijk, S. M., Kleinrensink, G. J., Jeekel, J. and Lange, J. F.
in American Journal of Surgery 2014

731. A Dependable Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Multicore Array.

Georgios Smaragdos, Danish Anis Khan, Ioannis Sourdis, Christos Strydis, Alirad Malek, Stavros Tzilis
in RAW as part of the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2014

732. The relationship between visual orienting responses and clinical characteristics in children attending special education for the visually impaired.

in Journal of child neurology 2014

733. Abdominal rectus muscle atrophy and midline shift after colostomy creation

Timmermans, L., Deerenberg, E. B., Van Dijk, S. M., Lamme, B., Koning, A. H., Kleinrensink, G. J., Jeekel, J. and Lange, J. F.
in Surgery (United States) 2014

734. Behavioral inhibition errors in Parkinson

735. Reliability of visual orienting response measures in children with and without visual impairments.

in Journal of neuroscience methods 2014

736. Viewing behavior and related clinical characteristics in a population of children with visual impairments in the Netherlands.

in Research in developmental disabilities 2014

737. Spinal autofluorescent flavoprotein imaging in a rat model of nerve injury-induced pain and the effect of spinal cord stimulation.

Jongen JL, Smits H, Pederzani T, Bechakra M, Hossaini M, Koekkoek SK, Huygen FJ, De Zeeuw CI, Holstege JC, Joosten EA
in PloS one 2014

738. Cerebellar potentiation and learning a whisker-based object localization task with a time response window.

Rahmati N, Owens CB, Bosman LW, Spanke JK, Lindeman S, Gong W, Potters JW, Romano V, Voges K, Moscato L, Koekkoek SK, Negrello M, De Zeeuw CI
in The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2014

739. Reply to Can we avoid rectus abdominis muscle atrophy and midline shift after colostomy creation?

Timmermans, L., Deerenberg, E. B., Van Dijk, S. M., Lamme, B., Koning, A. H., Kleinrensink, G. J., Jeekel, J. and Lange, J. F.
in Surgery (United States) 2014

740. Cerebellar motor learning deficits in medicated and medication-free men with recent-onset schizophrenia.

Coesmans M, Röder CH, Smit AE, Koekkoek SK, De Zeeuw CI, Frens MA, van der Geest JN
in Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience : JPN 2014

741. Interaction of SH-SY5Y cells with nanogratings during neuronal differentiation: Comparison with primary neurons

Tonazzini, I., Cecchini, A., Elgersma, Y. and Cecchini, M.
in Advanced Healthcare Materials 2014

742. Enhanced AMPA receptor function promotes cerebellar long-term depression rather than potentiation

Van Beugen, B. J., Qiao, X., Simmons, D. H., De Zeeuw, C. I. and Hansel, C.
in Learning and Memory 2014

743. Golgi fragmentation precedes neuromuscular denervation and is associated with endosome abnormalities in SOD1-ALS mouse motor neurons

van Dis, V., Kuijpers, M., Haasdijk, E. D., Teuling, E., Oakes, S. A., Hoogenraad, C. C. and Jaarsma, D.
in Acta neuropathologica communications 2014

744. Structural and microstructural brain changes predict impairment in daily functioning

Verlinden, V. J. A., Van Der Geest, J. N., De Groot, M., Hofman, A., Niessen, W. J., Van Der Lugt, A., Vernooij, M. W. and Ikram, M. A.
in American Journal of Medicine 2014

745. Cognition and gait show a distinct pattern of association in the general population

Verlinden, V. J. A., Van Der Geest, J. N., Hofman, A. and Ikram, M. A.
in Alzheimer's and Dementia 2014

746. The Copper Metabolism MURR1 Domain protein 1 (COMMD1) modulates the aggregation of misfolded protein species in a client-specific manner

Vonk, W. I. M., Kakkar, V., Bartuzi, P., Jaarsma, D., Berger, R., Hofker, M. H., Klomp, L. W. J., Wijmenga, C., Kampinga, H. H. and Van De Sluis, B.
in PLoS ONE 2014

747. Critical analysis of cyanoacrylate in intestinal and colorectal anastomosis

Wu, Z., Boersema, G. S. A., Vakalopoulos, K. A., Daams, F., Sparreboom, C. L., Kleinrensink, G. J., Jeekel, J. and Lange, J. F.
in Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials 2014

748. Colorectal anastomotic leakage caused by insufficient suturing after partial colectomy: A new experimental model

Wu, Z., Daams, F., Boersema, G. S. A., Vakalopoulos, K. A., Lam, K. H., Van Der Horst, P. H., Kleinrensink, G. J., Jeekel, J. and Lange, J. F.
in Surgical Infections 2014

749. Cerebellar modules operate at different frequencies

Zhou, H., Lin, Z., Voges, K., Ju, C., Gao, Z., Bosman, L. W. J., Ruigrok, T. J., Hoebeek, F. E., De Zeeuw, C. I. and Schonewille, M
in eLife 2014

750. Is the Frequent Sonographic Anechoic Area Distally in Metacarpophalangeal Joints a Sign of Arthritis?

Ten Cate, D. F., Luime, J. J., Hazes, J. M. W., Kleinrensink, G. J. and Jacobs, J. W. G.
in Ultrasound Med Biol. 2014

751. The microtubule destabilizing protein stathmin controls the transition from dividing neuronal precursors to postmitotic neurons during adult hippocampal neurogenesis

Boekhoorn, K., van Dis, V., Goedknegt, E., Sobel, A., Lucassen, P. J. and Hoogenraad, C. C.
in Dev Neurobiol. 2014

752. Neuregulin-3 in the Mouse Medial Prefrontal Cortex Regulates Impulsive Action

Loos, M., Mueller, T., Gouwenberg, Y., Wijnands, R., van der Loo, R. J., Brussaard, A. B., Borst, G., Elgersma, Y., Galjart, N., Horst, G. T. v. d., Levelt, C. N., Pennartz, C. M., Smit, A. E., Spruijt, B. M., Verhage, M., De Zeeuw, C., Birchmeier, C., Smit, A. B. and Spijker, S.
in Biol Psychiatry. 2014

753. Epigenetic characterization of the FMR1 promoter in induced pluripotent stem cells from human fibroblasts carrying an unmethylated full mutation.

De Esch CE, Ghazvini M‎, Loos F‎, Schelling-Kazaryan N‎‎, Widagdo‎ W, Munshi‎ ST, van der Wal‎ E, Douben H‎, Gunhanlar N, Kushner‎ SA, Pijnappel‎ WW, de Vrij FM, Geijsen N, Gribnau‎ J, Willemsen R
in Stem Cell Reports 2014

754. Temporal and region-specific requirements of αCaMKII in spatial and contextual learning.

Achterberg KG, Buitendijk GH, Kool M, Goorden SM, Post L, Slump DE, Silva AJ, van Woerden GM, Kushner SA, Elgersma Y
in Journal of Neuroscience 2014

755. Neurons are recruited to a memory trace based on relative neuronal excitability immediately before training.

Yiu AP, Mercaldo V, Yan C, Richards B, Rashid AJ, Hsiang HL, Pressey J, Mahadevan V, Tran MM, Kushner SA, Woodin MA, Frankland PW, Josselyn SA
in Neuron 2014

756. Lithium during pregnancy.

Bergink V, Kushner SA
in American Journal of Psychiatry 2014

757. Neuroanatomical phenotypes in a mouse model of the 22q11.2 micro deletion.

Ellegood J, Markx S, Lerch JP, Steadman PE, Genç C, Provenzano F, Kushner SA, Henkelman RM, Karayiorgou M, Gogos JA
in Molecular Psychiatry 2014

758. Synaptic gain-of-function effects of mutant Cav2.1 channels in a mouse model of familial hemiplegic migraine are due to increased basal [Ca2+]i.

Di Guilmi MN, Wang T, Inchauspe CG, Forsythe ID, Ferrari MD, van den Maagdenberg AM, Borst JG, Uchitel OD
in The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2014

759. Treatment of intractable epilepsy in tuberous sclerosis complex with everolimus is not yet evidence-based.

Overwater IE, Rietman AB, Elgersma Y, de Wit MC
in Annals of neurology 2014

760. Modulation of electrotonic coupling in the inferior olive by inhibitory and excitatory inputs: integration in the glomerulus.