Publications Directory

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481. Ablation of TFR1 in Purkinje Cells Inhibits mGlu1 Trafficking and Impairs Motor Coordination, But Not Autistic-Like Behaviors.

Zhou JH, Wang XT, Zhou L, Zhou L, Xu FX, Su LD, Wang H, Jia F, Xu FQ, Chen GQ, De Zeeuw CI, Shen Y
in The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2017

482. Mechanisms underlying cognitive deficits in a mouse model for Costello Syndrome are distinct from other RASopathy mouse models.

Schreiber J, Grimbergen LA, Overwater I, van der Vaart MT, Stedehouder J, Schuhmacher AJ, Guerra C, Kushner SA, Jaarsma D, Elgersma Y
in Scientific Reports 2017

483. Impairment of Long-Term Plasticity of Cerebellar Purkinje Cells Eliminates the Effect of Anodal Direct Current Stimulation on Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex Habituation.

Das S, Spoor M, Sibindi TM, Holland P, Schonewille M, De Zeeuw CI, Frens MA, Donchin O
in Frontiers in neuroscience 2017

484. Myelination of parvalbumin interneurons: A parsimonious locus of pathophysiological convergence in schizophrenia.

Stedehouder J, Kushner SA
in Molecular Psychiatry 2017

485. An expandable embryonic stem cell-derived Purkinje neuron progenitor population that exhibits in vivo maturation in the adult mouse cerebellum.

Higuera GA, Iaffaldano G, Bedar M, Shpak G, Broersen R, Munshi ST, Dupont C, Gribnau J, de Vrij FMS, Kushner SA, De Zeeuw CI
in Scientific reports 2017

486. Functional Recovery After Postpartum Psychosis: A Prospective Longitudinal Study.

Burgerhout KM, Kamperman AM, Roza SJ, Lambregtse-Van den Berg ML, Koorengevel KM, Hoogendijk WJ, Kushner SA, Bergink V
in Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2017

487. The reduction of intraepidermal P2X nerve fiber density correlates with behavioral hyperalgesia in a rat model of nerve injury-induced pain.

Bechakra M, Schüttenhelm BN, Pederzani T, van Doorn PA, de Zeeuw CI, Jongen JLM
in The Journal of comparative neurology 2017

488. A balanced translocation disrupting BCL2L10 and PNLDC1 segregates with affective psychosis.

Bouwkamp CG, Kievit AJ, Olgiati S, Breedveld GJ, Coesmans M, Wouters C, Bonifati V, Kushner SA
in American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B 2017

489. BrainFrame: a node-level heterogeneous accelerator platform for neuron simulations.

Smaragdos G, Chatzikonstantis G, Kukreja R, Sidiropoulos H, Rodopoulos D, Sourdis I, Al-Ars Z, Kachris C, Soudris D, De Zeeuw CI, Strydis C
in Journal of neural engineering 2017

490. Possibility of quantitative T2-mapping MRI of cartilage near metal in high tibial osteotomy: A human cadaver study.

Verschueren J, Meuffels DE, Bron EE, Klein S, Kleinrensink GJ, Verhaar JAN, Bierma-Zeinstra SMA, Krestin GP, Wielopolski PA, Reijman M, Oei EHG
in Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society 2017

491. Serial, parallel and hierarchical decision making in primates.

Zylberberg A, Lorteije JA, Ouellette BG, De Zeeuw CI, Sigman M, Roelfsema P
in eLife 2017

492. Reinforcement of the colon anastomosis with cyanoacrylate glue: a porcine model.

Boersema GSA, Vennix S, Wu Z, Te Lintel Hekkert M, Duncker DGM, Lam KH, Menon AG, Kleinrensink GJ, Lange JF
in The Journal of surgical research 2017

493. PVA matches human liver in needle-tissue interaction.

de Jong TL, Pluymen LH, van Gerwen DJ, Kleinrensink GJ, Dankelman J, van den Dobbelsteen JJ
in Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 2017

494. The influence of cervical movement on eye stabilization reflexes: a randomized trial.

495. Participation in a scientific pre-university program and medical students

de Leng WE, Stegers-Jager KM, Born MP, Frens MA, Themmen APN
in BMC medical education 2017

496. BDNF Val66Met but not transcranial direct current stimulation affects motor learning after stroke.

van der Vliet R, Ribbers GM, Vandermeeren Y, Frens MA, Selles RW
in Brain stimulation 2017

497. Cerebellar tDCS Does Not Enhance Performance in an Implicit Categorization Learning Task.

Verhage MC, Avila EO, Frens MA, Donchin O, van der Geest JN
in Frontiers in psychology 2017

498. Eye stabilization reflexes in traumatic and non-traumatic chronic neck pain patients.

in Musculoskeletal science & practice 2017

499. Cerebellar Cathodal Transcranial Direct Stimulation and Performance on a Verb Generation Task: A Replication Study.

Spielmann K, van der Vliet R, van de Sandt-Koenderman WM, Frens MA, Ribbers GM, Selles RW, van Vugt S, van der Geest JN, Holland P
in Neural plasticity 2017

500. Performance on tasks of visuospatial memory and ability: A cross-sectional study in 330 adolescents aged 11 to 20.

Burggraaf R, Frens MA, Hooge ITC, van der Geest JN
in Applied neuropsychology. Child 2017

501. 2D and 3D assessment of sustentaculum tali screw fixation with or without Screw Targeting Clamp.

De Boer AS, Van Lieshout EMM, Vellekoop L, Knops SP, Kleinrensink GJ, Verhofstad MHJ
in Injury 2017

502. Reply to Invited comment to the

Kroese LF, Jeekel J, Kleinrensink GJ, Lange JF
in Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery 2017

503. Correction: The complex genetics of gait speed: genome-wide meta-analysis approach.

Ben-Avraham D, Karasik D, Verghese J, Lunetta KL, Smith JA, Eicher JD, Vered R, Deelen J, Arnold AM, Buchman AS, Tanaka T, Faul JD, Nethander M, Fornage M, Adams HH, Matteini AM, Callisaya ML, Smith AV, Yu L, De Jager PL, Evans DA, Gudnason V, Hofman A, Pattie A, Corley J, Launer LJ, Knopman DS, Parimi N, Turner ST, Bandinelli S, Beekman M, Gutman D, Sharvit L, Mooijaart SP, Liewald DC, Houwing-Duistermaat JJ, Ohlsson C, Moed M, Verlinden VJ, Mellström D, van der Geest JN, Karlsson M, Hernandez D, McWhirter R, Liu Y, Thomson R, Tranah GJ, Uitterlinden AG, Weir DR, Zhao W, Starr JM, Johnson AD, Ikram MA, Bennett DA, Cummings SR, Deary IJ, Harris TB, Kardia SLR, Mosley TH, Srikanth VK, Windham BG, Newman AB, Walston JD, Davies G, Evans DS, Slagboom EP, Ferrucci L, Kiel DP, Murabito JM, Atzmon G
in Aging 2017

504. Asymptomatic radiographic hip osteoarthritis is associated with gait differences, especially in women: A population-based study.

Verlinden VJA, de Kruijf M, Bierma-Zeinstra SMA, Hofman A, Uitterlinden AG, Ikram MA, van Meurs JBJ, van der Geest JN
in Gait & posture 2017

505. Brain MRI-markers Associate Differentially with Cognitive Versus Functional Decline Leading to Dementia.

Verlinden VJA, van der Geest JN, Hofman A, Niessen WJ, van der Lugt A, Vernooij MW, Ikram MA
in Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2017

506. The complex genetics of gait speed: genome-wide meta-analysis approach.

Ben-Avraham D, Karasik D, Verghese J, Lunetta KL, Smith JA, Eicher JD, Vered R, Deelen J, Arnold AM, Buchman AS, Tanaka T, Faul JD, Nethander M, Fornage M, Adams HH, Matteini AM, Callisaya ML, Smith AV, Yu L, De Jager PL, Evans DA, Gudnason V, Hofman A, Pattie A, Corley J, Launer LJ, Knopman DS, Parimi N, Turner ST, Bandinelli S, Beekman M, Gutman D, Sharvit L, Mooijaart SP, Liewald DC, Houwing-Duistermaat JJ, Ohlsson C, Moed M, Verlinden VJ, Mellström D, van der Geest JN, Karlsson M, Hernandez D, McWhirter R, Liu Y, Thomson R, Tranah GJ, Uitterlinden AG, Weir DR, Zhao W, Starr JM, Johnson AD, Ikram MA, Bennett DA, Cummings SR, Deary IJ, Harris TB, Kardia SL, Mosley TH, Srikanth VK, Windham BG, Newman AB, Walston JD, Davies G, Evans DS, Slagboom EP, Ferrucci L, Kiel DP, Murabito JM, Atzmon G
in Aging 2017

507. Mechanisms underlying vestibulo-cerebellar motor learning in mice depend on movement direction

Voges K, Wu B, Post L, Schonewille M, De Zeeuw CI
in Journal of Physiology 2017

508. Copy Number Variation in Syndromic Forms of Psychiatric Illness: The Emerging Value of Clinical Genetic Testing in Psychiatry.

Bouwkamp CG, Kievit AJA, Markx S, Friedman JI, van Zutven L, van Minkelen R, Vrijenhoek T, Xu B, Sterrenburg-van de Nieuwegiessen I, Veltman JA, Bonifati V, Kushner SA
in The American journal of psychiatry 2017

509. Fast-spiking Parvalbumin Interneurons are Frequently Myelinated in the Cerebral Cortex of Mice and Humans.

Stedehouder J, Couey JJ, Brizee D, Hosseini B, Slotman JA, Dirven CMF, Shpak G, Houtsmuller AB, Kushner SA
in Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) 2017

510. Phenotypic Differences between Asian and African Lineage Zika Viruses in Human Neural Progenitor Cells.

Anfasa F, Siegers JY, van der Kroeg M, Mumtaz N, Stalin Raj V, de Vrij FMS, Widagdo W, Gabriel G, Salinas S, Simonin Y, Reusken C, Kushner SA, Koopmans MPG, Haagmans B, Martina BEE, van Riel D
in mSphere 2017

511. A versatile plasmid system for reconstitution and analysis of mammalian ubiquitination cascades in yeast.

Avagliano Trezza R, van den Burg J, van den Oever N, Distel B
in Microbial cell (Graz, Austria) 2017

512. Audio-Visual Integration in a Redundant Target Paradigm: A Comparison between Rhesus Macaque and Man.

Bremen P, Massoudi R, Van Wanrooij MM, Van Opstal AJ
in Frontiers in systems neuroscience 2017

513. Spatiotemporal network coding of physiological mossy fiber inputs by the cerebellar granular layer.

Sudhakar SK, Hong S, Raikov I, Publio R, Lang C, Close T, Guo D, Negrello M, De Schutter E
in PLoS computational biology 2017

514. Secure Hardware-Software Architectures for Robust Computing Systems - SHARCS.

Sotiris Ioannidis, Cristiano Giuffrida, Ioannis Sourdis, Vassilis Prevelakis, Christos Strydis, John Thomson, Dmitry Pidan, Martin Böhner
in 2017

515. The Sleeping Cerebellum.

Canto CB, Onuki Y, Bruinsma B, van der Werf YD, De Zeeuw CI
in Trends in neurosciences 2017

516. Motor Learning Requires Purkinje Cell Synaptic Potentiation through Activation of AMPA-Receptor Subunit GluA3.

Gutierrez-Castellanos N, Da Silva-Matos CM, Zhou K, Canto CB, Renner MC, Koene LMC, Ozyildirim O, Sprengel R, Kessels HW, De Zeeuw CI
in Neuron 2017

517. The Role of the BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism in Recovery of Aphasia After Stroke.

de Boer RGA, Spielmann K, Heijenbrok-Kal MH, van der Vliet R, Ribbers GM, van de Sandt-Koenderman WME
in Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 2017


518. Excitatory Cerebellar Nucleocortical Circuit Provides Internal Amplification during Associative Conditioning.

Gao Z, Proietti-Onori M, Lin Z, Ten Brinke MM, Boele HJ, Potters JW, Ruigrok TJ, Hoebeek FE, De Zeeuw CI
in Neuron 2016

519. Impaired Neurite Contact Guidance in Ubiquitin Ligase E3a (Ube3a)-Deficient Hippocampal Neurons on Nanostructured Substrates.

Tonazzini I, Meucci S, Van Woerden GM, Elgersma Y, Cecchini M
in Advanced healthcare materials 2016

520. Exome-sequencing in a large population-based study reveals a rare Asn396Ser variant in the LIPG gene associated with depressive symptoms.

Amin N, Jovanova O, Adams HH, Dehghan A, Kavousi M, Vernooij MW, Peeters RP, de Vrij FM, van der Lee SJ, van Rooij JG, van Leeuwen EM, Chaker L, Demirkan A, Hofman A, Brouwer RW, Kraaij R, Willems van Dijk K, Hankemeier T, van Ijcken WF, Uitterlinden AG, Niessen WJ, Franco OH, Kushner SA, Ikram MA, Tiemeier H, van Duijn CM
in Molecular psychiatry 2016