521. Letter to the Editor on the article “Extraperitoneal vs. intraperitoneal route for permanent colostomy: a meta-analysis of 1071 patients”
Kroese, L. F., Jeekel, J., Kleinrensink, G. J. and Lange, J. F.
in International Journal of Colorectal Disease 2016
522. Letter to the Editor on the article "Open ventral hernia repair using ProGrip™ self-gripping mesh"
Kroese, L. F., Verhelst, J., Jeekel, J., Kleinrensink, G. J. and Lange, J. F.
in International Journal of Surgery 2016
523. Dynein Regulator NDEL1 Controls Polarized Cargo Transport at the Axon Initial Segment
Kuijpers, M., van de Willige, D., Freal, A., Chazeau, A., Franker, M. A., Hofenk, J., Rodrigues, R. J. C., Kapitein, L. C., Akhmanova, A., Jaarsma, D. and Hoogenraad, C. C.
in Neuron 2016
524. The Roles of the Olivocerebellar Pathway in Motor Learning and Motor Control
Lang, E. J., Apps, R., Bengtsson, F., Cerminara, N. L., de Zeeuw, C. I., Ebner, T. J., Heck, D. H., Jaeger, D., Jörntell, H., Kawato, M., Otis, T. S., Ozyildirim, O., Popa, L. S., Reeves, A. M. B., Schweighofer, N., Sugihara, I. and Xiao, J.
in Cerebellum 2016
525. The development of self-regulated learning during the pre-clinical stage of medical school: A comparison between a lecture-based and a problem based curriculum
Lucieer, S. M., van der Geest, J. N., Elói-Santos, S. M., de Faria, R. M. D., Jonker, L., Visscher, C., Rikers, R. M. J. P. and Themmen, A. P. N.
in Advances in Health Sciences Education 2016
526. Cerebellar tDCS does not improve performance in probabilistic classification learning.
Seyed Majidi N, Verhage MC, Donchin O, Holland P, Frens MA, van der Geest JN
in Experimental brain research 2016
527. Metatarsophalangeal joint stability: A systematic review on the plantar plate of the lesser toes
Maas, N. M. G., van der Grinten, M., Bramer, W. M. and Kleinrensink, G. J.
in Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 2016
528. Cervico-ocular Reflex Is Increased in People With Nonspecific Neck Pain.
in Physical therapy 2016
529. Sirolimus for epilepsy in children with tuberous sclerosis complex
Overwater, I. E., Rietman, A. B., Bindels-De Heus, K., Looman, C. W. N., Rizopoulos, D., Sibindi, T. M., Cherian, P. J., Jansen, F. E., Moll, H. A., Elgersma, Y. and De Wit, M. C. Y.
in Neurology 2016
530. Calcium threshold shift enables frequency-independent control of plasticity by an instructive signal
Piochon, C., Titley, H. K., Simmons, D. H., Grasselli, G., Elgersma, Y. and Hansel, C.
in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2016
531. Anatomical study of the dorsal cutaneous branch of the ulnar nerve (DCBUN) and its clinical relevance in TFCC repair
Poublon, A. R., Kraan, G., Lau, S. P., Kerver, A. L. A. and Kleinrensink, G. J.
in Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 2016
532. Tactile stimulation evokes long-lasting potentiation of purkinje cell discharge in vivo
Ramakrishnan, K. B., Voges, K., De Propris, L., De Zeeuw, C. I. and D’Angelo, E.
in Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 2016
533. Caveats in transneuronal tracing with unmodified rabies virus: An evaluation of aberrant results using a nearly perfect tracing technique
534. Superposition violations in the compensatory eye movement system
Sibindi, T. M., Holland, P. J., Van Der Geest, J. N., Donchin, O. and Frens, M. A.
in Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2016
535. Cytokines as early markers of colorectal anastomotic leakage: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Sparreboom, C. L., Wu, Z., Dereci, A., Boersema, G. S. A., Menon, A. G., Ji, J., Kleinrensink, G. J. and Lange, J. F.
in Gastroenterology Research and Practice 2016
536. The Fourth International Symposium on Genetic Disorders of the Ras/MAPK pathway
Stevenson, D. A., Schill, L., Schoyer, L., Andresen, B. S., Bakker, A., Bayrak-Toydemir, P., Burkitt-Wright, E., Chatfield, K., Elefteriou, F., Elgersma, Y., Fisher, M. J., Franz, D., Gelb, B. D., Goriely, A., Gripp, K. W., Hardan, A. Y., Keppler-Noreuil, K. M., Kerr, B., Korf, B., Leoni, C., McCormick, F., Plotkin, S. R., Rauen, K. A., Reilly, K., Roberts, A., Sandler, A., Siegel, D., Walsh, K. and Widemann, B. C.
in American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A 2016
537. Tract-specific white matter microstructure and gait in humans
Verlinden, V. J. A., van der Geest'>de Groot, M., Cremers, L. G. M., van der Geest, J. N., Hofman, A., Niessen, W. J., van der Lugt, A., Vernooij, M. W. and Ikram, M. A.
in Neurobiology of Aging 2016
538. The associations of alcohol, coffee and tobacco consumption with gait in a community-dwelling population
Verlinden, V. J. A., Maksimovic, A., Mirza, S. S., Ikram, M. A., Kiefte-De Jong, J. C., Hofman, A., Franco, O. H., Tiemeier, H. and Van Der Geest, J. N.
in European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2016
539. Trajectories of decline in cognition and daily functioning in preclinical dementia
Verlinden, V. J. A., Van Der Geest, J. N., De Bruijn, R. F. A. G., Hofman, A., Koudstaal, P. J. and Ikram, M. A.
in Alzheimer's and Dementia 2016
540. Restricted diet delays accelerated ageing and genomic stress in DNA-repair-deficient mice
Vermeij, W. P., Dollé, M. E. T., Reiling, E., Jaarsma, D., Payan-Gomez, C., Bombardieri, C. R., Wu, H., Roks, A. J. M., Botter, S. M. and van der Eerden, B. C.
in Nature 2016
541. Postoperative Hemodynamic Index Measurement with Miniaturized Dynamic Light Scattering Predicts Colorectal Anastomotic Healing
Wu, Z., Boersema, G. S. A., Taha, D., Fine, I., Menon, A., Kleinrensink, G. J., Jeekel, J. and Lange, J. F.
in Surgical Innovation 2016
542. In vivo matching of postsynaptic excitability with spontaneous synaptic inputs during formation of the rat calyx of Held synapse.
543. Predicting binaural responses from monaural responses in the gerbil medial superior olive.
544. Author Response.
in Physical therapy 2016
545. Impaired Spatio-Temporal Predictive Motor Timing Associated with Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 6.
Broersen R, Onuki Y, Abdelgabar AR, Owens CB, Picard S, Willems J, Boele HJ, Gazzola V, Van der Werf YD, De Zeeuw CI
in PloS one 2016
546. Multiplexed coding by cerebellar Purkinje neurons.
547. Whole-Cell Properties of Cerebellar Nuclei Neurons In Vivo.
548. The GABAA receptor is an FMRP target with therapeutic potential in fragile X syndrome.
Braat S, D'Hulst C, Heulens I, De Rubeis S, Mientjes E, Nelson DL, Willemsen R, Bagni C, Van Dam D, De Deyn PP, Kooy RF
in Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.) 2015
549. Parastomal Hernia: Impact on Quality of Life?
van Dijk, S. M., L. Timmermans, E. B. Deerenberg, B. Lamme, G. J. Kleinrensink, J. Jeekel and J. F. Lange
in World Journal of Surgery 2015
550. High frequency switched-mode stimulation can evoke post synaptic responses in cerebellar principal neurons
in Frontiers in Neuroengineering 2015
551. Open incisional hernia repair with a self-gripping retromuscular Parietex mesh: A retrospective cohort study
Verhelst, J., B. de Goede, G. J. Kleinrensink, J. Jeekel, J. F. Lange and K. H. A. van Eeghem
in International Journal of Surgery 2015
552. Trajectories of decline in cognition and daily functioning in preclinical dementia.
Verlinden VJA, van der Geest JN, de Bruijn RFAG, Hofman A, Koudstaal PJ, Ikram MA
in Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association 2015
553. Chronic joint pain in the lower body is associated with gait differences independent from radiographic osteoarthritis.
de Kruijf M, Verlinden VJ, Huygen FJ, Hofman A, van der Geest JN, Uitterlinden AG, Bierma-Zeinstra SM, Ikram MA, van Meurs JB
in Gait & posture 2015
554. The development of self-regulated learning during the pre-clinical stage of medical school: a comparison between a lecture-based and a problem-based curriculum.
Lucieer SM, van der Geest JN, Elói-Santos SM, de Faria RM, Jonker L, Visscher C, Rikers RM, Themmen AP
in Advances in health sciences education : theory and practice 2015
555. Reducing colorectal anastomotic leakage with tissue adhesive in experimental inflammatory bowel disease
Wu, Z., G. S. A. Boersema, L. F. Kroese, D. Taha, S. Vennix, Y. M. Bastiaansen-Jenniskens, K. H. Lam, G. J. Kleinrensink, J. Jeekel, M. Peppelenbosch and J. F. Lange
in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2015
556. Numb deficiency in cerebellar Purkinje cells impairs synaptic expression of metabotropic glutamate receptor and motor coordination
Zhou, L., D. Yang, D. J. Wang, Y. J. Xie, J. H. Zhou, L. Zhou, H. Huang, S. Han, C. Y. Shao, H. S. Li, J. J. Zhu, M. S. Qiu, C. I. De Zeeuw and Y. Shen
in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2015
557. Prematurity, Opioid Exposure and Neonatal Pain: Do They Affect the Developing Brain?
van den Bosch GE, White T, El Marroun H, Simons SH, van der Lugt A, van der Geest JN, Tibboel D, van Dijk M
in Neonatology 2015
558. Late effects of adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer on fine motor function.
Hoogendam YY, Schagen SB, Ikram MA, Boogerd W, Seynaeve C, Seidler RD, Breteler MM, Van der Geest JN, Koppelmans V
in Psycho-oncology 2015
559. The impact of restless legs syndrome on physical functioning in a community-dwelling population of middle-aged and elderly people.
Hanewinckel R, Maksimovic A, Verlinden VJ, van der Geest JN, Hofman A, van Doorn PA, Boon AJ, Tiemeier H, Ikram MA
in Sleep medicine 2015
560. Epilepsy in children with tuberous sclerosis complex: Chance of remission and response to antiepileptic drugs.
Overwater IE, Bindels-de Heus K, Rietman AB, Ten Hoopen LW, Vergouwe Y, Moll HA, de Wit MC
in Epilepsia 2015
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