801. Organization of Cerebral Projections to Identified Cerebellar Zones in the Posterior Cerebellum of the Rat
Suzuki, L., P. Coulon, E. H. Sabel-Goedknegt, and T. J. H. Ruigrok.
in Journal of Neuroscience 2012
802. Medieval Times in Surgery
Timmermans, L., E. B. Deerenberg, G. J. Kleinrensink, J. F. Lange, and J. Jeekel
in Surgery (United States) 2012
803. Abdominal Wall Bulging after Thoracic Surgery, an Underdiagnosed Wound Complication
Timmermans, L., P. J. Klitsie, A. P. W. M. Maat, B. de Goede, G. J. Kleinrensink, and J. F. Lange
in Hernia 2012
804. Purkinje Cell-Specific Ablation of Cav2.1 Channels Is Sufficient to Cause Cerebellar Ataxia in Mice
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in Cerebellum 2012
805. Marked Reduction of Akt1 Expression and Deregulation of Akt1-Associated Pathways in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells of Schizophrenia Patients
Van Beveren, N. J. M., G. H. S. Buitendijk, S. Swagemakers, L. C. Krab, C. Röder, L. de Haan, P. van der Spek, and Y. Elgersma
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806. Functional Gene-Expression Analysis Shows Involvement of Schizophrenia-Relevant Pathways in Patients with 22q11 Deletion Syndrome
Van Beveren, N. J. M., L. C. Krab, S. Swagemakers, G. Buitendijk, E. Boot, P. van der Spek, Y. Elgersma, and T. A. M. J. van Amelsvoort
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807. Letters to Editor/Reply by Authors. Re: Surgical Anatomy of the 10th and 11th Intercostal, and Subcostal Nerves: Prevention of Damage During Lumbotomy
808. Impact of Incisional Hernia on Health-Related Quality of Life and Body Image: A Prospective Cohort Study
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809. Ct Arthrography of the Human Knee to Measure Cartilage Quality with Low Radiation Dose
Van Tiel, J., M. Siebelt, J. H. Waarsing, T. M. Piscaer, M. Van Straten, R. Booij, M. L. Dijkshoorn, G. J. Kleinrensink, J. A. N. Verhaar, G. P. Krestin, H. Weinans, and E. H. G. Oei
in Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2012
810. Elimination of Inhibitory Synapses Is a Major Component of Adult Ocular Dominance Plasticity
Van Versendaal, D., R. Rajendran, M. Saiepour, J. Klooster, L. Smit-Rigter, J. P. Sommeijer, C. De Zeeuw, S. Hofer, J. Heimel, and C. Levelt
in Neuron 2012
811. Long-Term Effect of Prednisolone on Functional Blink Recovery after Transient Peripheral Facial Motor Paralysis
VanderWerf, F., D. Reits, M. Metselaar, and C. I. De Zeeuw
in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 2012
812. Does Enriched Acoustic Environment in Humans Abolish Chronic Tinnitus Clinically and Electrophysiologically? A Double Blind Placebo Controlled Study
Vanneste, S., M. van Dongen, B. De Vree, S. Hiseni, E. van der Velden, C. Strydis, K. Joos, A. Norena, W. Serdijn, and D. De Ridder
in Hearing Research 2012
813. Visuomotor Impairment in Early-Stage Alzheimer's Disease: Changes in Relative Timing of Eye and Hand Movements
Verheij, S., D. Muilwijk, J. J. M. Pel, T. J. M. Van Der Cammen, F. U. S. Mattace-Raso, and J. Van Der Steen
in Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2012
814. Gait Patterns in a Community-Dwelling Population Aged 50 Years and Older
Verlinden, V. J. A., J. N. van der Geest, Y. Y. Hoogendam, A. Hofman, M. M. B. Breteler, and M. A. Ikram
in Gait and Posture 2012
815. Basilar Membrane Responses to Tones and Tone Complexes: Nonlinear Effects of Stimulus Intensity
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in JARO - Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 2012
816. The Effect of an Mglur5 Inhibitor on Procedural Memory and Avoidance Discrimination Impairments in Fmr1 Ko Mice
Vinueza Veloz, M. F., R. A. M. Buijsen, R. Willemsen, A. Cupido, L. W. J. Bosman, S. K. E. Koekkoek, J. W. Potters, B. A. Oostra, and C. I. De Zeeuw
in Genes, Brain and Behavior 2012
817. Visuomotor Cerebellum in Human and Nonhuman Primates
818. Renal Function-Dependent Association of Serum Uric Acid with Metabolic Syndrome and Hepatic Fat Content in a Middle-Aged and Elderly Chinese Population
Xia, M. F., H. D. Lin, X. M. Li, H. M. Yan, H. Bian, X. X. Chang, W. Y. He, J. Jeekel, A. Hofman, and X. Gao
in Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 2012
819. Immune system dysregulation in first-onset postpartum psychosis.
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in Biological psychiatry 2012
820. Effects of new anti-adhesion polyvinyl alcohol gel on healing of colon anastomoses in rats.
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in Surgical infections 2012
821. Prevention of Postpartum Psychosis and Mania in Women at High Risk.
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in American Journal of Psychiatry 2012
822. Re-innervation patterns by peptidergic Substance-P, non-peptidergic P2X3, and myelinated NF-200 nerve fibers in epidermis and dermis of rats with neuropathic pain.
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in Experimental neurology 2012
823. Spatiotemporal dynamics of re-innervation and hyperinnervation patterns by uninjured CGRP fibers in the rat foot sole epidermis after nerve injury.
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in Molecular pain 2012
824. A Cre-dependent GCaMP3 reporter mouse for neuronal imaging in vivo.
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826. The Learning Disabilities Network (Leadnet): Using Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (Nf1) as a Paradigm for Translational Research
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827. Acute Effects of Whole-Body Vibration on Jump Force and Jump Rate of Force Development: A Comparative Study of Different Devices
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in Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 2012
828. Shared Synaptic Pathophysiology in Syndromic and Nonsyndromic Rodent Models of Autism
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in Science 2012
829. Olivary Subthreshold Oscillations and Burst Activity Revisited
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830. Properties of the Nucleo-Olivary Pathway: An in Vivo Whole-Cell Patch Clamp Study
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831. Factors Related to Impaired Visual Orienting Behavior in Children with Intellectual Disabilities
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832. Quantification of Visual Orienting Responses to Coherent Form and Motion in Typically Developing Children Aged 0-12 Years.
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in Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2012
833. Delayed Visual Orienting Responses in Children with Developmental and/or Intellectual Disabilities
Boot F. H., Pel J. J. M., Vermaak M. P. , Van der Steen J., Evenhuis H. M.
in Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 2012
834. The Calyx of Held Synapse: From Model Synapse to Auditory Relay
835. Treatment of Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Adulthood
836. Α-Calcium Calmodulin Kinase Ii Modulates the Temporal Structure of Hippocampal Bursting Patterns
837. Introduction of the Rotterdam Mandibular Distractor and a Biomechanical Skull Analysis of Mandibular Midline Distraction
De Gijt J. P., Van Der Wal K. G. H., Kleinrensink G. J. , Smeets J. B. J., Koudstaal M. J.
in British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2012
838. Climbing Fiber Burst Size and Olivary Sub-Threshold Oscillations in a Network Setting
in PLoS Computational Biology 2012
839. Video-Oculography in Mice
840. A Novel Foil Flip-over System as the Final Layer in Wound Closure: Excellent Cosmetic Results and Patient Comfort
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