Publications Directory

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481. Impact of parallel fiber to Purkinje cell long-term depression is unmasked in absence of inhibitory input.

Boele HJ, Peter S, Ten Brinke MM, Verdonschot L, IJpelaar ACH, Rizopoulos D, Gao Z, Koekkoek SKE, De Zeeuw CI
in Science advances 2018

482. Impact of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) on Neuronal Functions.

Das S, Holland P, Frens MA, Donchin O
in Frontiers in neuroscience 2016

483. Impaired cerebellar Purkinje cell potentiation generates unstable spatial map orientation and inaccurate navigation.

Lefort JM, Vincent J, Tallot L, Jarlier F, De Zeeuw CI, Rondi-Reig L, Rochefort C
in Nature communications 2019

484. Impaired Neurite Contact Guidance in Ubiquitin Ligase E3a (Ube3a)-Deficient Hippocampal Neurons on Nanostructured Substrates.

Tonazzini I, Meucci S, Van Woerden GM, Elgersma Y, Cecchini M
in Advanced healthcare materials 2016

485. Impaired Spatio-Temporal Predictive Motor Timing Associated with Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 6.

Broersen R, Onuki Y, Abdelgabar AR, Owens CB, Picard S, Willems J, Boele HJ, Gazzola V, Van der Werf YD, De Zeeuw CI
in PloS one 2016

486. Impairment of Long-Term Plasticity of Cerebellar Purkinje Cells Eliminates the Effect of Anodal Direct Current Stimulation on Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex Habituation.

Das S, Spoor M, Sibindi TM, Holland P, Schonewille M, De Zeeuw CI, Frens MA, Donchin O
in Frontiers in neuroscience 2017

487. Improved health by combining dietary restriction and promoting muscle growth in DNA repair-deficient progeroid mice.

Vermeij WP, Alyodawi K, van Galen I, von der Heide JL, Birkisdóttir MB, Van't Sant LJ, Ozinga RA, Komninos DSJ, Smit K, Rijksen YMA, Brandt RMC, Barnhoorn S, Jaarsma D, Vaiyapuri S, Ritvos O, Huber TB, Kretz O, Patel K
in Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle 2024

488. Improvement of ubiquitylation site detection by Orbitrap mass spectrometry

van der Wal L, Bezstarosti K, Sap KA, Dekkers DHW, Rijkers E, Mientjes E, Elgersma Y, Demmers JAA
in J Proteomics 2018

489. Improving the Security of the IEEE 802.15.6 Standard for Medical BANs.

Muhammad Ali Siddiqi, Georg Hahn, Said Hamdioui, Wouter A. Serdijn, Christos Strydis
in IEEE Access 2022

490. In vivo 5-ethynyluridine (EU) labelling detects reduced transcription in Purkinje cell degeneration mouse mutants, but can itself induce neurodegeneration.

van’t Sant L.J., White J.J., Hoeijmakers J.H.J., Vermeij W.P., Jaarsma D.
in Acta neuropathologica communications 2021

491. In vivo differences in inputs and spiking between neurons in lobules VI/VII of neocerebellum and lobule X of archaeocerebellum.

Witter L, De Zeeuw CI
in Cerebellum (London, England) 2015

492. In vivo dynamic clamp study of I(h) in the mouse inferior colliculus

Nagtegaal AP, Borst JG
in J Neurophysiol 2010

493. In vivo matching of postsynaptic excitability with spontaneous synaptic inputs during formation of the rat calyx of Held synapse.

Sierksma MC, Tedja MS, Borst JG
in The Journal of physiology 2016

494. In vivo synaptic transmission and morphology in mouse models of Tuberous sclerosis, Fragile X syndrome, Neurofibromatosis type 1, and Costello syndrome.

Wang T, de Kok L, Willemsen R, Elgersma Y, Borst JG
in Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 2015

495. Incisional Hernia Cannot Be Diagnosed by a Patient-Reported Diagnostic Questionnaire.

Sneiders D, Jairam AP, de Smet GHJ, Dawson I, van Eeghem LHA, Vrijland WW, Kleinrensink GJ, Lange JF
in The Journal of surgical research 2019

496. Increased susceptibility to cortical spreading depression and epileptiform activity in a mouse model for FHM2.

Kros L, Lykke-Hartmann K, Khodakhah K
in Scientific reports 2018

497. Independent Genetic Loci for Sensorimotor Gating and Attentional Performance in Bxd Recombinant Inbred Strains.

Loos, M., J. Staal, T. Pattij, A. B. Brussaard, J. G. Borst, Y. Elgersma, N. Galjart, G. T. van der Horst, C. N. Levelt, C. M. Pennartz, A. B. Smit, B. M. Spruijt, M. Verhage, C. I. de Zeeuw, and S. Spijker
in Genes, Brain and Behavior 2012

498. Individual differences in error-related frontal midline theta activity during visuomotor adaptation.

Jonker ZD, van der Vliet R, Maquelin G, van der Cruijsen J, Ribbers GM, Selles RW, Donchin O, Frens MA
in NeuroImage 2021

499. Individual Differences in Motor Noise and Adaptation Rate Are Optimally Related.

500. Inducible expression of human C9ORF72 36x G4C2 hexanucleotide repeats is sufficient to cause RAN translation and rapid muscular atrophy in mice

F.W. Riemslagh, E.C. van der Toorn, R.F.M. Verhagen, A. Maas, L.W.J. Bosman, R.K. Hukema, R. Willemsen
in Disease Models & Mechanisms 2021

501. Input and output organization of the mesodiencephalic junction for cerebro-cerebellar communication.

in Journal of neuroscience research 2021

502. Ins and Outs of Cerebellar Modules

in Cerebellum 2011

503. Ins and outs of cerebellar modules.

in Cerebellum (London, England) 2011

504. Intact neuronal function in Rheb1 mutant mice: Implications for TORC1-based treatments.

Goorden S. M. I.,Abs E. , Bruinsma C. F., Riemslagh F. W., Van Woerden G. M., Elgersma Y.
in Human Molecular Genetics 2015

505. Interaction of schizophrenia polygenic risk and cortisol level on pre-adolescent brain structure.

Bolhuis K, Tiemeier H, Jansen PR, Muetzel RL, Neumann A, Hillegers MHJ, van den Akker ETL, van Rossum EFC, Jaddoe VWV, Vernooij MW, White T, Kushner SA
in Psychoneuroendocrinology 2018

506. Interaction of SH-SY5Y cells with nanogratings during neuronal differentiation: Comparison with primary neurons

Tonazzini, I., Cecchini, A., Elgersma, Y. and Cecchini, M.
in Advanced Healthcare Materials 2014

507. Interaural correlation fails to account for detection in a classic binaural task: dynamic ITDs dominate N0Spi detection

van der Heijden M, Joris PX
in J Assoc Res Otolaryngol 2010

508. Interpreting thoughts during sleep.

De Zeeuw CI, Canto CB
in Science (New York, N.Y.) 2022

509. Interval timing is intact in arrhythmic Cry1/Cry2-deficient mice

Papachristos EB, Jacobs EH, Elgersma Y
in J Biol Rhythms. 2011

510. Intracellular responses to frequency modulated tones in the dorsal cortex of the mouse inferior colliculus

Geis, H. R. A. P., & Borst, J. G. G.
in Frontiers in Neural Circuits 2013

511. Intranasal administration of oxytocin decreases task-related aggressive responses in healthy young males.

Berends YR, Tulen JHM, Wierdsma AI, van Pelt J, Feldman R, Zagoory-Sharon O, de Rijke YB, Kushner SA, van Marle HJC
in Psychoneuroendocrinology 2019

512. Intrinsic excitement in cerebellar nuclei neurons during learning.

Canto CB, Broersen R, De Zeeuw CI
in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2018

513. Intrinsic plasticity complements long-term potentiation in parallel fiber input gain control in cerebellar Purkinje cells

Belmeguenai A, Hosy E, Bengtsson F, Pedroarena CM, Piochon C, Teuling E, He Q, Ohtsuki G, De Jeu MT, Elgersma Y, De Zeeuw CI, Jörntell H, Hansel C.
in J Neurosci 2010

514. Introduction of the "Rotterdam mandibular distractor" and a biomechanical skull analysis of mandibular midline distraction

de Gijt JP, van der Wal KG, Kleinrensink GJ, Smeets JB, Koudstaal MJ
in Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2011

515. Introduction of the Rotterdam Mandibular Distractor and a Biomechanical Skull Analysis of Mandibular Midline Distraction

De Gijt J. P., Van Der Wal K. G. H., Kleinrensink G. J. , Smeets J. B. J., Koudstaal M. J.
in British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2012

516. Is aortoiliac calcification linked to colorectal anastomotic leakage? A case-control study

Boersema, G. S. A., Vakalopoulos, K. A., Kock, M. C. J. M., van Ooijen, P. M. A., Havenga, K., Kleinrensink, G. J., Jeekel, J. and Lange, J. F.
in International Journal of Surgery 2016

517. Is the Frequent Sonographic Anechoic Area Distally in Metacarpophalangeal Joints a Sign of Arthritis?

Ten Cate, D. F., Luime, J. J., Hazes, J. M. W., Kleinrensink, G. J. and Jacobs, J. W. G.
in Ultrasound Med Biol. 2014

518. Isokinetic strength of the trunk flexor muscles after surgical repair for incisional hernia

den Hartog D, Eker HH, Tuinebreijer WE, Kleinrensink GJ, Stam HJ, Lange JF.
in Hernia 2010


519. Joining forces to develop individualized antisense oligonucleotides for patients with brain or eye diseases: the example of the Dutch Center for RNA Therapeutics.

Aartsma-Rus A, Collin RWJ, Elgersma Y, Lauffer MC, van Roon-Mom W
in Therapeutic advances in rare disease 2024

520. Joint position sense error in people with neck pain: A systematic review.

de Vries J, Ischebeck BK, Voogt LP, van der Geest JN, Janssen M, Frens MA, Kleinrensink GJ
in Manual therapy 2015