Publications Directory

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641. Nystagmus in patients with congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) originates from synchronously firing retinal ganglion cells.

Winkelman BHJ, Howlett MHC, Hölzel MB, Joling C, Fransen KH, Pangeni G, Kamermans S, Sakuta H, Noda M, Simonsz HJ, McCall MA, De Zeeuw CI, Kamermans M
in PLoS biology 2019


642. Older age relates to worsening of fine motor skills: A population based study of middle-aged and elderly persons

Hoogendam, Y. Y., van der Geest'>van der Lijn, F., Vernooij, M. W., Hofman, A., Niessen, W. J., van der Geest'>van der Lugt, A., Ikram, M. A. and van der Geest, J. N.
in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2014

643. Olivary Subthreshold Oscillations and Burst Activity Revisited

in Frontiers in Neural Circuits 2012

644. Olivocerebellar control of movement symmetry.

Romano V, Zhai P, van der Horst A, Mazza R, Jacobs T, Bauer S, Wang X, White JJ, De Zeeuw CI
in Current biology : CB 2022

645. Olov Oscarsson's Description of Afferent Pathways to the Cerebellum: Excellent Physiology, Base for Anatomy, and Road Toward Understanding Function

in Cerebellum (London, England) 2023

646. Omphalocele at school age: What do parents report? A call for long-term follow-up of complex omphalocele patients.

Hijkoop A, Rietman AB, Wijnen RMH, Tibboel D, Cohen-Overbeek TE, van Rosmalen J, IJsselstijn H
in Early human development 2019

647. On supporting rapid exploration of memory hierarchies onto FPGAs.

Harry Sidiropoulos, Kostas Siozios, Dimitrios Soudris
in J. Syst. Archit. 2013

648. Open incisional hernia repair with a self-gripping retromuscular Parietex mesh: A retrospective cohort study

Verhelst, J., B. de Goede, G. J. Kleinrensink, J. Jeekel, J. F. Lange and K. H. A. van Eeghem
in International Journal of Surgery 2015

649. Operation compared with watchful waiting in elderly male inguinal hernia patients: a review and data analysis

INCA Trialists Collaboration.(Jeekel J)
in J Am Coll Surg 2011

650. OptiFlex: Multi-Frame Animal Pose Estimation Combining Deep Learning With Optical Flow.

Liu X, Yu SY, Flierman NA, Loyola S, Kamermans M, Hoogland TM, De Zeeuw CI
in Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 2021

651. Optimal surgical approach for the treatment of Quervains disease: A surgical-anatomical study.

Poublon AR, Kleinrensink GJ, Kerver A, Coert JH, Walbeehm ET
in World journal of orthopedics 2018

652. Optimizing Extended Hodgkin-Huxley Neuron Model Simulations for a Xeon/Xeon Phi Node.

George Chatzikonstantis, Dimitrios Rodopoulos, Christos Strydis, Chris I. De Zeeuw, Dimitrios Soudris
in IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 2017

653. Organization of Cerebral Projections to Identified Cerebellar Zones in the Posterior Cerebellum of the Rat

Suzuki, L., P. Coulon, E. H. Sabel-Goedknegt, and T. J. H. Ruigrok.
in Journal of Neuroscience 2012

654. Orienting responses to various visual stimuli in children with visual processing impairments or infantile nystagmus syndrome

Pel, J. J., Kooiker, M. J., van der Does, J. M., Boot, F. H., de Faber, J. T., van der Steen-Kant, S. P. and van der Steen, J.
in J Child Neurol 2014

655. Outcome measures in Angelman syndrome.

Hagenaar DA, Bindels-de Heus KGCB, van Gils MM, van den Berg L, Ten Hoopen LW, Affourtit P, Pel JJM, Joosten KFM, Hillegers MHJ, Moll HA, de Wit MY, Dieleman GC, Mous SE
in Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders 2024

656. Oxytocin moderates the association between testosterone-cortisol ratio and trustworthiness: A randomized placebo-controlled study.

Berends YR, Tulen JHM, Wierdsma AI, de Rijke YB, Kushner SA, van Marle HJC
in Comprehensive psychoneuroendocrinology 2021

657. Oxytocin, vasopressin and trust: Associations with aggressive behavior in healthy young males.

Berends YR, Tulen JHM, Wierdsma AI, van Pelt J, Kushner SA, van Marle HJC
in Physiology & behavior 2019


658. Pain Experience is Somatotopically Organized and Overlaps with Pain Anticipation in the Human Cerebellum.

Michelle Welman FHS, Smit AE, Jongen JLM, Tibboel D, van der Geest JN, Holstege JC
in Cerebellum (London, England) 2018

659. PAK2 is an effector of TSC1/2 signaling independent of mTOR and a potential therapeutic target for Tuberous Sclerosis Complex.

Alves, M. M., Fuhler G. M., Queiroz K. C. S., Scholma J., Goorden S., Anink J., Arnold Spek C., Hoogeveen-Westerveld M., Bruno M. J., Nellist M., Elgersma Y., Aronica E., Peppelenbosch M. P.
in Scientific Reports 2015

660. Parastomal Hernia: Impact on Quality of Life?

van Dijk, S. M., L. Timmermans, E. B. Deerenberg, B. Lamme, G. J. Kleinrensink, J. Jeekel and J. F. Lange
in World Journal of Surgery 2015

661. Parent-reported problems in children with Cerebral Visual Impairment: Improving the discriminative ability from ADHD and dyslexia using screening inventories.

662. Participation in a scientific pre-university program and medical students

de Leng WE, Stegers-Jager KM, Born MP, Frens MA, Themmen APN
in BMC medical education 2017

663. Pathomechanisms of ALS8: altered autophagy and defective RNA binding protein (RBP) homeostasis due to the VAPB P56S mutation.

Tripathi P, Guo H, Dreser A, Yamoah A, Sechi A, Jesse CM, Katona I, Doukas P, Nikolin S, Ernst S, Aronica E, Glaß H, Hermann A, Steinbusch H, Feller AC, Bergmann M, Jaarsma D, Weis J, Goswami A
in Cell death & disease 2021

664. Patient-Specific Vascular Flow Phantom for MRI- and Doppler Ultrasound Imaging.

Soloukey S, Generowicz B, Warnert E, Springeling G, Schouten J, De Zeeuw C, Dirven C, Vincent A, Kruizinga P
in Ultrasound in medicine & biology 2024

665. Patterns of cognitive function in aging: The Rotterdam Study

Hoogendam, Y. Y., Hofman, A., Van Der Geest, J. N., Van Der Lugt, A. and Ikram, M. A.
in European Journal of Epidemiology 2014

666. Patterns of cognitive function in aging: the Rotterdam Study.

Hoogendam YY, Hofman A, van der Geest JN, van der Lugt A, Ikram MA
in European journal of epidemiology 2014

667. Pavlovian eyeblink conditioning is severely impaired in tottering mice.

de Oude NL, Hoebeek FE, Ten Brinke MM, de Zeeuw CI, Boele HJ
in Journal of neurophysiology 2020

668. Peaks and troughs of three-dimensional vestibulo-ocular reflex in humans

Goumans J, Houben MM, Dits J, van der Steen J.
in . J Assoc Res Otolaryngol 2010

669. Peer-reported bullying, rejection and hallucinatory experiences in childhood.

Steenkamp LR, Tiemeier H, Bolhuis K, Hillegers MHJ, Kushner SA, Blanken LME
in Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica 2021

670. Perception of auditory stimuli during general anesthesia and its effects on patient outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Fu VX, Sleurink KJ, Janssen JC, Wijnhoven BPL, Jeekel J, Klimek M
in Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d 2021

671. Perceptual learning, motor learning, and automaticity

Fecteau JH, Roelfsema P, De Zeeuw CI, Kousta S
in Trends Cogn Sci 2010

672. Perforating veins: an anatomical approach to arteriovenous fistula performance in the forearm

Ten Berge MG, Yo TI, Kerver A, de Smet AA, Kleinrensink GJ
in Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2011

673. Performance in eyeblink conditioning is age and sex dependent.

Löwgren K, Bååth R, Rasmussen A, Boele HJ, Koekkoek SKE, De Zeeuw CI, Hesslow G
in PloS one 2017

674. Performance on tasks of visuospatial memory and ability: A cross-sectional study in 330 adolescents aged 11 to 20.

Burggraaf R, Frens MA, Hooge ITC, van der Geest JN
in Applied neuropsychology. Child 2017

675. Perinatal risk factors for visuospatial attention and processing dysfunctions

Kooiker MJ, Swarte RM, Smit LS Reiss IK
in Early Human Development 2019

676. Perineal sound recording for diagnosis of bladder outlet obstruction.

Idzenga T, Pel JJ, van Mastrigt R
in Indian journal of urology : IJU : journal of the Urological Society of India 2009

677. Phenotypic Differences between Asian and African Lineage Zika Viruses in Human Neural Progenitor Cells.

Anfasa F, Siegers JY, van der Kroeg M, Mumtaz N, Stalin Raj V, de Vrij FMS, Widagdo W, Gabriel G, Salinas S, Simonin Y, Reusken C, Kushner SA, Koopmans MPG, Haagmans B, Martina BEE, van Riel D
in mSphere 2017

678. Plasticity mechanisms of genetically distinct Purkinje cells.

in BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology 2024

679. Plug-and-play adaptive optics for commercial laser scanning fluorescence microscopes based on an adaptive lens

Pozzi, P., M. Quintavalla, A. B. Wong, J. G. G. Borst, S. Bonora and M. Verhaegen (2020)
in Opt Lett 2020

680. Polarity-dependent effects of trans-cranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in cerebellar learning depends on the state of neuronal network

Das, S., Holland, P., Schonewille, M., de Zeeuw, C., Frens, M. A. and Donchin, O.
in BRAIN STIMULATION: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation 2014