1. The Road to a Realistic 3D Model for Estimating R and R* Relaxation Versus Gd-DTPA Concentration in Whole Blood and Brain Tumor Vasculature.
van Dorth D, Alafandi A, Soloukey S, Kruizinga P, Venugopal K, Delphin A, Poot DHJ, Christen T, Smits M, de Bresser J, Hernandez-Tamames JA, van Osch MJP
in NMR in biomedicine 2025
2. Genomics yields biological and phenotypic insights into bipolar disorder.
O'Connell KS, Koromina M, van der Veen T, Boltz T, David FS, Yang JMK, Lin KH, Wang X, Coleman JRI, Mitchell BL, McGrouther CC, Rangan AV, Lind PA, Koch E, Harder A, Parker N, Bendl J, Adorjan K, Agerbo E, Albani D, Alemany S, Alliey-Rodriguez N, Als TD, Andlauer TFM, Antoniou A, Ask H, Bass N, Bauer M, Beins EC, Bigdeli TB, Pedersen CB, Boks MP, Børte S, Bosch R, Brum M, Brumpton BM, Brunkhorst-Kanaan N, Budde M, Bybjerg-Grauholm J, Byerley W, Cabana-Domínguez J, Cairns MJ, Carpiniello B, Casas M, Cervantes P, Chatzinakos C, Chen HC, Clarence T, Clarke TK, Claus I, Coombes B, Corfield EC, Cruceanu C, Cuellar-Barboza A, Czerski PM, Dafnas K, Dale AM, Dalkner N, Degenhardt F, DePaulo JR, Djurovic S, Drange OK, Escott-Price V, Fanous AH, Fellendorf FT, Ferrier IN, Forty L, Frank J, Frei O, Freimer NB, Fullard JF, Garnham J, Gizer IR, Gordon SD, Gordon-Smith K, Greenwood TA, Grove J, Guzman-Parra J, Ha TH, Hahn T, Haraldsson M, Hautzinger M, Havdahl A, Heilbronner U, Hellgren D, Herms S, Hickie IB, Hoffmann P, Holmans PA, Huang MC, Ikeda M, Jamain S, Johnson JS, Jonsson L, Kalman JL, Kamatani Y, Kennedy JL, Kim E, Kim J, Kittel-Schneider S, Knowles JA, Kogevinas M, Kranz TM, Krebs K, Kushner SA, Lavebratt C, Lawrence J, Leber M, Lee HJ, Liao C, Lucae S, Lundberg M, MacIntyre DJ, Maier W, Maihofer AX, Malaspina D, Manchia M, Maratou E, Martinsson L, Mattheisen M, McGregor NW, McInnis MG, McKay JD, Medeiros H, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Millischer V, Morris DW, Moutsatsou P, Mühleisen TW, O'Donovan C, Olsen CM, Panagiotaropoulou G, Papiol S, Pardiñas AF, Park HY, Perry A, Pfennig A, Pisanu C, Potash JB, Quested D, Rapaport MH, Regeer EJ, Rice JP, Rivera M, Schulte EC, Senner F, Shadrin A, Shilling PD, Sigurdsson E, Sindermann L, Sirignano L, Siskind D, Slaney C, Sloofman LG, Smeland OB, Smith DJ, Sobell JL, Soler Artigas M, Stein DJ, Stein F, Su MH, Sung H, Świątkowska B, Terao C, Tesfaye M, Tesli M, Thorgeirsson TE, Thorp JG, Toma C, Tondo L, Tooney PA, Tsai SJ, Tsermpini EE, Vawter MP, Vedder H, Vreeker A, Walters JTR, Winsvold BS, Witt SH, Won HH, Ye R, Young AH, Zandi PP, Zillich L, Adolfsson R, Alda M, Alfredsson L, Backlund L, Baune BT, Bellivier F, Bengesser S, Berrettini WH, Biernacka JM, Boehnke M, Børglum AD, Breen G, Carr VJ, Catts S, Cichon S, Corvin A, Craddock N, Dannlowski U, Dikeos D, Etain B, Ferentinos P, Frye M, Fullerton JM, Gawlik M, Gershon ES, Goes FS, Green MJ, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Hauser J, Henskens FA, Hjerling-Leffler J, Hougaard DM, Hveem K, Iwata N, Jones I, Jones LA, Kahn RS, Kelsoe JR, Kircher T, Kirov G, Kuo PH, Landén M, Leboyer M, Li QS, Lissowska J, Lochner C, Loughland C, Luykx JJ, Martin NG, Mathews CA, Mayoral F, McElroy SL, McIntosh AM, McMahon FJ, Medland SE, Melle I, Milani L, Mitchell PB, Morken G, Mors O, Mortensen PB, Müller-Myhsok B, Myers RM, Myung W, Neale BM, Nievergelt CM, Nordentoft M, Nöthen MM, Nurnberger JI, O'Donovan MC, Oedegaard KJ, Olsson T, Owen MJ, Paciga SA, Pantelis C, Pato CN, Pato MT, Patrinos GP, Pawlak JM, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Reif A, Reininghaus EZ, Ribasés M, Rietschel M, Ripke S, Rouleau GA, Roussos P, Saito T, Schall U, Schalling M, Schofield PR, Schulze TG, Scott LJ, Scott RJ, Serretti A, Smoller JW, Squassina A, Stahl EA, Stefansson H, Stefansson K, Stordal E, Streit F, Sullivan PF, Turecki G, Vaaler AE, Vieta E, Vincent JB, Waldman ID, Weickert CS, Weickert TW, Werge T, Whiteman DC, Zwart JA, Edenberg HJ, McQuillin A, Forstner AJ, Mullins N, Di Florio A, Ophoff RA, Andreassen OA
in Nature 2025
3. Kilohertz electrical stimulation evokes robust cellular responses like conventional frequencies but distinct population dynamics.
Ravasio CR, Kondabolu K, Zhou S, Lowet E, San Antonio E, Mount RA, Bhogal SK, Han X
in Communications biology 2025
4. How and where Effectively Apply Cerebellum Stimulation: The frequency-dependent Modulation of Cerebellar Output by Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation.
5. A Study on Potential Sources of Perineuronal Net-Associated Sema3A in Cerebellar Nuclei Reveals Toxicity of Non-Invasive AAV-Mediated Cre Expression in the Central Nervous System.
Gimenez GA, Romijn M, van den Herik J, Meijer W, Eggers R, Hobo B, De Zeeuw CI, Canto CB, Verhaagen J, Carulli D
in International journal of molecular sciences 2025
6. Acute aerobic exercise enhances associative learning in regular exercisers but not in non-regular exercisers.
in Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 2025
7. Encoding of cerebellar dentate neuron activity during visual attention in rhesus macaques.
in eLife 2025
8. Neuronal dynamics of cerebellum and medial prefrontal cortex in adaptive motor timing.
in Nature communications 2025
9. Developmental trajectories of visual orienting functions in children born very or extremely preterm.
in Early human development 2025
10. Multiparametric Assays Capture Sex- and Environment-Dependent Modifiers of Behavioral Phenotypes in Autism Mouse Models.
in Biological psychiatry global open science 2024
11. The modified elevated gap interaction test: a novel paradigm to assess social preference.
in Open biology 2024
12. Classification of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer
Koppelmans V, Ruitenberg MFL, Schaefer SY, King JB, Jacobo JM, Silvester BP, Mejia AF, van der Geest J, Hoffman JM, Tasdizen T, Duff K
in Neuro-degenerative diseases 2024
13. The Effect of Nucleo-Olivary Stimulation on Climbing Fiber EPSPs in Purkinje Cells.
Öhman J, Sjölin E, Cundari M, Johansson F, Gilbert M, Boele HJ, Svensson P, Rasmussen A
in Cerebellum (London, England) 2024
14. Temporal evolution of microstructural integrity in cerebellar peduncles in Parkinson's disease: Stage-specific patterns and dopaminergic correlates.
He C, Yang R, Rong S, Zhang P, Chen X, Qi Q, Gao Z, Li Y, Li H, de Leeuw FE, Tuladhar AM, Duering M, Helmich RC, van der Vliet R, Darweesh SKL, Liu Z, Wang L, Cai M, Zhang Y
in NeuroImage. Clinical 2024
15. Outcome measures in Angelman syndrome.
Hagenaar DA, Bindels-de Heus KGCB, van Gils MM, van den Berg L, Ten Hoopen LW, Affourtit P, Pel JJM, Joosten KFM, Hillegers MHJ, Moll HA, de Wit MY, Dieleman GC, Mous SE
in Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders 2024
16. Patient-Specific Vascular Flow Phantom for MRI- and Doppler Ultrasound Imaging.
Soloukey S, Generowicz B, Warnert E, Springeling G, Schouten J, De Zeeuw C, Dirven C, Vincent A, Kruizinga P
in Ultrasound in medicine & biology 2024
17. Eyes on CVI: Eye movements unveil distinct visual search patterns in Cerebral Visual Impairment compared to ADHD, dyslexia, and neurotypical children.
in Research in developmental disabilities 2024
18. Purkinje cell models: past, present and future
Fernández Santoro Elías Mateo , Karim Arun , Warnaar Pascal , De Zeeuw Chris I. , Badura Aleksandra , Negrello Mario
in Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 2024
19. Genetic investigation of the ubiquitin-protein ligase E3A gene as putative target in Angelman syndrome.
Manoubi W, Mahdouani M, Hmida D, Kdissa A, Rouissi A, Turki I, Gueddiche N, Soyah N, Saad A, Bouwkamp C, Elgersma Y, Mougou-Zerelli S, Gribaa M
in World journal of clinical cases 2024
20. Metabolomic analysis of dietary-restriction-induced attenuation of sarcopenia in prematurely aging DNA repair-deficient mice.
He Y, Yang W, Huang L, Mever MA, Ramautar R, Harms A, Rijksen Y, Brandt RMC, Barnhoorn S, Smit K, Jaarsma D, Lindenburg P, Hoeijmakers JHJ, Vermeij WP, Hankemeier T
in Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle 2024
21. Beta-frequency sensory stimulation enhances gait rhythmicity through strengthened coupling between striatal networks and stepping movement.
22. Improved health by combining dietary restriction and promoting muscle growth in DNA repair-deficient progeroid mice.
Vermeij WP, Alyodawi K, van Galen I, von der Heide JL, Birkisdóttir MB, Van't Sant LJ, Ozinga RA, Komninos DSJ, Smit K, Rijksen YMA, Brandt RMC, Barnhoorn S, Jaarsma D, Vaiyapuri S, Ritvos O, Huber TB, Kretz O, Patel K
in Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle 2024
23. autoMEA: machine learning-based burst detection for multi-electrode array datasets.
Hernandes V, Heuvelmans AM, Gualtieri V, Meijer DH, van Woerden GM, Greplova E
in Frontiers in neuroscience 2024
24. CAMK2; four genes, one syndrome? Delineation of genotype-phenotype correlations.
25. Meeting summary of The NYO3 5th NO-Age/AD meeting and the 1st Norway-UK joint meeting on ageing and dementia: recent progress on the mechanisms and interventional strategies.
Wang HL, Siow R, Schmauck-Medina T, Zhang J, Sandset PM, Filshie C, Lund Ø, Partridge L, Bergersen LH, Juel Rasmussen L, Palikaras K, Sotiropoulos I, Storm-Mathisen J, Rubinsztein DC, Spillantini MG, De Zeeuw CI, Watne LO, Vyhnalek M, Veverova K, Liang KX, Tavernarakis N, Bohr VA, Yokote K, Saarela J, Nilsen H, Gonos ES, Scheibye-Knudsen M, Chen G, Kato H, Selbæk G, Fladby T, Nilsson P, Simonsen A, Aarsland D, Lautrup S, Ottersen OP, Cox LS, Fang EF
in The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences 2024
26. Effect of ethnic diversity on the saccadic reaction time among healthy Indian and Dutch adults.
in Scientific reports 2024
27. Different Purkinje cell pathologies cause specific patterns of progressive gait ataxia in mice.
Jaarsma D, Birkisdóttir MB, van Vossen R, Oomen DWGD, Akhiyat O, Vermeij WP, Koekkoek SKE, De Zeeuw CI, Bosman LWJ
in Neurobiology of disease 2024
28. Disynaptic inhibitory cerebellar control over caudal medial accessory olive.
van Hoogstraten WS, Lute MCC, Liu Z, Broersen R, Mangili L, Kros L, Gao Z, Wang X, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, De Zeeuw CI
in eNeuro 2024
29. Bridging the gap: neurodevelopmental disorder risks in inborn errors of immunity.
in Current opinion in allergy and clinical immunology 2024
30. Four-dimensional computational ultrasound imaging of brain hemodynamics.
Brown MD, Generowicz BS, Dijkhuizen S, Koekkoek SKE, Strydis C, Bosch JG, Arvanitis P, Springeling G, Leus GJT, De Zeeuw CI, Kruizinga P
in Science advances 2024
31. A role for the cerebellum in motor-triggered alleviation of anxiety.
Zhang XY, Wu WX, Shen LP, Ji MJ, Zhao PF, Yu L, Yin J, Xie ST, Xie YY, Zhang YX, Li HZ, Zhang QP, Yan C, Wang F, De Zeeuw CI, Wang JJ, Zhu JN
in Neuron 2024
32. Developmental fine-tuning of medial superior olive neurons mitigates their predisposition to contralateral sound sources.
33. Learning to stand with sensorimotor delays generalizes across directions and from hand to leg effectors.
in Communications biology 2024
34. Keeping track of time: An interaction of mossy fibers and climbing fibers.
35. Population-wide cerebellar growth models of children and adolescents.
Gaiser C, van der Vliet R, de Boer AAA, Donchin O, Berthet P, Devenyi GA, Mallar Chakravarty M, Diedrichsen J, Marquand AF, Frens MA, Muetzel RL
in Nature communications 2024
36. Visual attention and processing function in relation to executive functioning in very preterm-born children aged 3 years: a prospective cohort study.
in European journal of pediatrics 2024
37. A Repurposed Drug Selection Pipeline to Identify CNS-Penetrant Drug Candidates for Glioblastoma.
Ntafoulis I, Koolen SLW, van Tellingen O, den Hollander CWJ, Sabel-Goedknegt H, Dijkhuizen S, Haeck J, Reuvers TGA, de Bruijn P, van den Bosch TPP, van Dis V, Gao Z, Dirven CMF, Leenstra S, Lamfers MLM
in Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland) 2024
38. Lamotrigine for cognitive deficits associated with neurofibromatosis type 1: A phase II randomized placebo-controlled trial.
Ottenhoff MJ, Mous SE, Castricum J, Rietman AB, Oostenbrink R, van der Vaart T, Tulen JHM, Parra A, Ramos FJ, Legius E, Moll HA, Elgersma Y, de Wit MY
in Developmental medicine and child neurology 2024
39. Joining forces to develop individualized antisense oligonucleotides for patients with brain or eye diseases: the example of the Dutch Center for RNA Therapeutics.
Aartsma-Rus A, Collin RWJ, Elgersma Y, Lauffer MC, van Roon-Mom W
in Therapeutic advances in rare disease 2024
40. ExaFlexHH: an exascale-ready, flexible multi-FPGA library for biologically plausible brain simulations.
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