Publications Directory

Order By: A-Z Year Type



681. Critical analysis of cyanoacrylate in intestinal and colorectal anastomosis

Wu, Z., Boersema, G. S. A., Vakalopoulos, K. A., Daams, F., Sparreboom, C. L., Kleinrensink, G. J., Jeekel, J. and Lange, J. F.
in Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials 2014

682. Colorectal anastomotic leakage caused by insufficient suturing after partial colectomy: A new experimental model

Wu, Z., Daams, F., Boersema, G. S. A., Vakalopoulos, K. A., Lam, K. H., Van Der Horst, P. H., Kleinrensink, G. J., Jeekel, J. and Lange, J. F.
in Surgical Infections 2014

683. Cerebellar modules operate at different frequencies

Zhou, H., Lin, Z., Voges, K., Ju, C., Gao, Z., Bosman, L. W. J., Ruigrok, T. J., Hoebeek, F. E., De Zeeuw, C. I. and Schonewille, M
in eLife 2014

684. Is the Frequent Sonographic Anechoic Area Distally in Metacarpophalangeal Joints a Sign of Arthritis?

Ten Cate, D. F., Luime, J. J., Hazes, J. M. W., Kleinrensink, G. J. and Jacobs, J. W. G.
in Ultrasound Med Biol. 2014

685. The microtubule destabilizing protein stathmin controls the transition from dividing neuronal precursors to postmitotic neurons during adult hippocampal neurogenesis

Boekhoorn, K., van Dis, V., Goedknegt, E., Sobel, A., Lucassen, P. J. and Hoogenraad, C. C.
in Dev Neurobiol. 2014

686. Neuregulin-3 in the Mouse Medial Prefrontal Cortex Regulates Impulsive Action

Loos, M., Mueller, T., Gouwenberg, Y., Wijnands, R., van der Loo, R. J., Brussaard, A. B., Borst, G., Elgersma, Y., Galjart, N., Horst, G. T. v. d., Levelt, C. N., Pennartz, C. M., Smit, A. E., Spruijt, B. M., Verhage, M., De Zeeuw, C., Birchmeier, C., Smit, A. B. and Spijker, S.
in Biol Psychiatry. 2014

687. Epigenetic characterization of the FMR1 promoter in induced pluripotent stem cells from human fibroblasts carrying an unmethylated full mutation.

De Esch CE, Ghazvini M‎, Loos F‎, Schelling-Kazaryan N‎‎, Widagdo‎ W, Munshi‎ ST, van der Wal‎ E, Douben H‎, Gunhanlar N, Kushner‎ SA, Pijnappel‎ WW, de Vrij FM, Geijsen N, Gribnau‎ J, Willemsen R
in Stem Cell Reports 2014

688. Temporal and region-specific requirements of αCaMKII in spatial and contextual learning.

Achterberg KG, Buitendijk GH, Kool M, Goorden SM, Post L, Slump DE, Silva AJ, van Woerden GM, Kushner SA, Elgersma Y
in Journal of Neuroscience 2014

689. Neurons are recruited to a memory trace based on relative neuronal excitability immediately before training.

Yiu AP, Mercaldo V, Yan C, Richards B, Rashid AJ, Hsiang HL, Pressey J, Mahadevan V, Tran MM, Kushner SA, Woodin MA, Frankland PW, Josselyn SA
in Neuron 2014

690. Lithium during pregnancy.

Bergink V, Kushner SA
in American Journal of Psychiatry 2014

691. Neuroanatomical phenotypes in a mouse model of the 22q11.2 micro deletion.

Ellegood J, Markx S, Lerch JP, Steadman PE, Genç C, Provenzano F, Kushner SA, Henkelman RM, Karayiorgou M, Gogos JA
in Molecular Psychiatry 2014

692. Synaptic gain-of-function effects of mutant Cav2.1 channels in a mouse model of familial hemiplegic migraine are due to increased basal [Ca2+]i.

Di Guilmi MN, Wang T, Inchauspe CG, Forsythe ID, Ferrari MD, van den Maagdenberg AM, Borst JG, Uchitel OD
in The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2014

693. Treatment of intractable epilepsy in tuberous sclerosis complex with everolimus is not yet evidence-based.

Overwater IE, Rietman AB, Elgersma Y, de Wit MC
in Annals of neurology 2014

694. Modulation of electrotonic coupling in the inferior olive by inhibitory and excitatory inputs: integration in the glomerulus.

695. Collateralization of cerebellar output to functionally distinct brainstem areas. A retrograde, non-fluorescent tracing study in the rat.

Ruigrok, T. J. H. and Teune, T. M.
in Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 2014

696. Motor systems: Reaching out and grasping the molecular tools

Zhou, K., Wolpert, D. M. and De Zeeuw, C. I.
in Current Biology 2014

697. Behavioral correlates of complex spike synchrony in cerebellar microzones.

De Gruijl JR, Hoogland TM, De Zeeuw CI
in The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2014


698. Silencing the majority of cerebellar granule cells uncovers their essential role in motor learning and consolidation

Galliano E, Gao Z, Schonewille M, Todorov B, Simons E, Pop AS, D'Angelo E, van den Maagdenberg AM, Hoebeek FE, De Zeeuw CI.
in Cell Reports 2013

699. Small effects of neck torsion on healthy human voluntary eye movements.

Janssen M, de Vries J, Ischebeck BK, Frens MA, van der Geest JN
in European journal of applied physiology 2013

700. On supporting rapid exploration of memory hierarchies onto FPGAs.

Harry Sidiropoulos, Kostas Siozios, Dimitrios Soudris
in J. Syst. Archit. 2013

701. TORC1-dependent epilepsy caused by acute biallelic Tsc1 deletion in adult mice

Abs, E., Goorden, S. M. I., Schreiber, J., Overwater, I. E., Hoogeveen-Westerveld, M., Bruinsma, C. F., Aganović, E., Borgesius, N. Z., Nellist, M., & Elgersma, Y.
in Annals of Neurology, 2013

702. Corrigendum to "The Learning Disabilities Network (LeaDNet): Using Neurofibromatosis Type 1 [NF1] as a Paradigm for Translational Research"

Acosta, M. T., Bearden, C. E., Castellanos, X. F., Cutting, L., Elgersma, Y., Gioia, G., Gutmann, D. H., Lee, Y. S., Legius, E., Muenke, M., North, K., Parada, L. F., Ratner, N., Hunter-Schaedle, K., & Silva, A. J.
in American Journal of Medical Genetics 2013

703. Climbing fiber input shapes reciprocity of purkinje cell firing

Badura, A., Schonewille, M., Voges, K., Galliano, E., Renier, N., Gao, Z., Witter, L., Hoebeek, F., Chédotal, A., & DeZeeuw, C. I.
in Neuron 2013

704. Axonal sprouting and formation of terminals in the adult cerebellum during associative motor learning

Boele, H. J., Koekkoek, S. K. E., De Zeeuw, C. I., & Ruigrok, T. J. H.
in Journal of Neuroscience 2013

705. Local ischaemia does not influence anastomotic healing: An experimental study

Daams, F., Monkhorst, K., Van Den Broek, J., Slieker, J. C., Jeekel, J., & Lange, J. F.
in European Surgical Research 2013

706. Repeatability of the timing of eye-hand coordinated movements across different cognitive tasks

De Boer, C., Van der Steen, J., Schol, R. J., & Pel, J. J. M.
in Journal of Neuroscience Methods 2013

707. Meta-analysis of glue versus sutured mesh fixation for Lichtenstein inguinal hernia repair

De Goede, B., Klitsie, P. J., Van Kempen, B. J. H., Timmermans, L., Jeekel, J., Kazemier, G., & Lange, J. F.
in British Journal of Surgery 2013

708. Bologna guidelines for diagnosis and management of adhesive small bowel obstruction (ASBO): 2013 update of the evidence-based guidelines from the world society of emergency surgery ASBO working group

Di Saverio, S., Coccolini, F., Galati, M., Smerieri, N., Biffl, W. L., Ansaloni, L., Tugnoli, G., Velmahos, G. C., Sartelli, M., Bendinelli, C., Fraga, G. P., Kelly, M. D., Moore, F. A., Mandalà, V., Mandalà, S., Masetti, M., Jovine, E., Pinna, A. D., Peitzman, A. B., Leppaniemi, A., Sugarbaker, P. H., Goor, H. V., Moore, E. E., Jeekel, J., & Catena, F.
in World Journal of Emergency Surgery 2013

709. Three dimensional vestibular ocular reflex testing using a six degrees of freedom motion platform

Dits, J., Houben, M. M., & van der Steen, J.
in J Vis Exp 2013

710. Scaling of compensatory eye movements during translations: Virtual versus real depth

Dits, J., King, W. M., & Van der Steen, J.
in Neuroscience 2013

711. DeSyRe - On-demand system reliability.

Ioannis Sourdis, Christos Strydis, Antonino Armato, Christos-Savvas Bouganis, Babak Falsafi, Georgi Nedeltchev Gaydadjiev, Sebastián Isaza, Alirad Malek, R. Mariani, Dionisios N. Pnevmatikatos, Dhiraj K. Pradhan, Gerard K. Rauwerda, Robert M. Seepers, Rishad A. Shafik, Kim Sunesen, Dimitris Theodoropoulos, Stavros Tzilis, Michalis Vavouras
in Microprocessors and Microsystems - Embedded Hardware Design 2013

712. Version-vergence interactions during memory-guided binocular gaze shifts

Dits, J., Pel, J. J. M., Remmers, A., & van der Steen, J.
in Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2013

713. Biologic meshes are not superior to synthetic meshes in ventral hernia repair: An experimental study with long-term follow-up evaluation

Ditzel, M., Deerenberg, E. B., Grotenhuis, N., Harlaar, J. J., Monkhorst, K., Bastiaansen-Jenniskens, Y. M., Jeekel, J., & Lange, J. F
in Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques 2013

714. Laparoscopic vs open incisional hernia repair a randomized clinical trial

Eker, H. H., Hansson, B. M. E., Buunen, M., Janssen, I. M. C., Pierik, R. E. G. J. M., Hop, W. C., Bonjer, H. J., Jeekel, J., & Lange, J. F.
in JAMA Surgery 2013

715. Size matters: Formation and function of giant synapses

Forsythe, I. D., Wu, C., & Borst, J. G. G.
in Journal of Physiology 2013

716. Anatomical investigation of potential contacts between climbing fibers and cerebellar golgi cells in the mouse

Galliano, E., Baratella, M., Sgritta, M., Ruigrok, T. J. H., Haasdijk, E. D., Hoebeek, F. E., D'Angelo, E., Jaarsma, D., & De Zeeuw, C. I.
in Frontiers in Neural Circuits 2013

717. Synaptic transmission and plasticity at inputs to murine cerebellar purkinje cells are largely dispensable for standard nonmotor tasks

Galliano, E., Potters, J. W., Elgersma, Y., Wisden, W., Kushner, S. A., De Zeeuw, C. I., & Hoebeek, F. E.
in Journal of Neuroscience 2013

718. Remote eye tracking assesses age dependence processing of coherent motion in typically-developing children.

Pel JJ, van der Zee YJ, Boot FH, Evenhuis HM, van der Steen J
in Journal of medical engineering & technology 2013

719. Large GABAergic neurons form a distinct subclass within the mouse dorsal cortex of the inferior colliculus with respect to intrinsic properties, synaptic inputs, sound responses, and projections

Geis, H., & Borst, J. G. G.
in Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2013

720. Intracellular responses to frequency modulated tones in the dorsal cortex of the mouse inferior colliculus

Geis, H. R. A. P., & Borst, J. G. G.
in Frontiers in Neural Circuits 2013