241. Synthetic Polymers Provide a Robust Substrate for Functional Neuron Culture.
Zhang Y, Venkateswaran S, Higuera GA, Nath S, Shpak G, Matray J, Fratila-Apachitei LE, Zadpoor AA, Kushner SA, Bradley M, De Zeeuw CI
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242. NINscope, a versatile miniscope for multi-region circuit investigations.
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243. SK2 channels in cerebellar Purkinje cells contribute to excitability modulation in motor-learning-specific memory traces.
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244. The Effects of Preferred Music on Laparoscopic Surgical Performance: A Randomized Crossover Study.
245. Assessing the requirements of prenatal UBE3A expression for rescue of behavioral phenotypes in a mouse model for Angelman syndrome.
in Molecular autism 2020
246. A novel UBE3A sequence variant identified in eight related individuals with neurodevelopmental delay, results in a phenotype which does not match the clinical criteria of Angelman syndrome.
Geerts-Haages A, Bossuyt SNV, den Besten I, Bruggenwirth H, van der Burgt I, Yntema HG, Punt AM, Brooks A, Elgersma Y, Distel B, Valstar M
in Molecular genetics & genomic medicine 2020
247. Conserved UBE3A subcellular distribution between human and mice is facilitated by non-homologous isoforms.
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in Human molecular genetics 2020
248. Coding Mask Design for Single Sensor Ultrasound Imaging.
Pim van der Meulen, Pieter Kruizinga, Johannes G. Bosch, Geert Leus
in IEEE Trans. Computational Imaging 2020
249. Lack of a Clear Behavioral Phenotype in an Inducible FXTAS Mouse Model Despite the Presence of Neuronal FMRpolyG-Positive Aggregates.
Haify SN, Mankoe RSD, Boumeester V, van der Toorn EC, Verhagen RFM, Willemsen R, Hukema RK, Bosman LWJ
in Frontiers in molecular biosciences 2020
250. No effect of anodal tDCS on motor cortical excitability and no evidence for responders in a large double-blind placebo-controlled trial.
in Brain stimulation 2020
251. Unilateral L2-Level DRG-stimulation evokes bilateral CPG-Like motor response in a patient with chronic pain
Sadaf Soloukey, Judith D. de Rooij, Judith Drenthen, Chris I. De Zeeuw, Frank J.P.M. Huygen, Biswadjiet S. Harhangi
in Brain Simulation 2020
252. A FN-MdV pathway and its role in cerebellar multimodular control of sensorimotor behavior
in Nature Communications 2020
253. Second-tier trio exome sequencing after negative solo clinical exome sequencing: an efficient strategy to increase diagnostic yield and decipher molecular bases in undiagnosed developmental disorders.
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254. Long-Term Outcomes of Postpartum Psychosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
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in The Journal of clinical psychiatry 2020
255. From transformation to chronification of migraine: pathophysiological and clinical aspects
256. Bidirectional learning in upbound and downbound microzones of the cerebellum.
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in Brain stimulation 2020
258. CaMKII controls neuromodulation via neuropeptide gene expression and axonal targeting of neuropeptide vesicles.
259. IMDfence - Architecting a Secure Protocol for Implantable Medical Devices.
260. Assessment of Flexion Elongation Relation and Type of Failure after Capsulodesis.
261. Expanding Clinical Presentations Due to Variations in THOC2 mRNA Nuclear Export Factor.
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in Frontiers in molecular neuroscience 2020
262. flexHH: A Flexible Hardware Library for Hodgkin-Huxley-Based Neural Simulations
in IEEE Access 2020
263. Angelman Syndrome: From Mouse Models to Therapy.
264. Plug-and-play adaptive optics for commercial laser scanning fluorescence microscopes based on an adaptive lens
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265. Examination of the genetic factors underlying the cognitive variability associated with neurofibromatosis type 1.
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in Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 2020
266. Structure-function relation of the developing calyx of Held synapse in vivo.
267. The Dorsal Root Ganglion as a Novel Neuromodulatory Target to Evoke Strong and Reproducible Motor Responses in Chronic Motor Complete Spinal Cord Injury: A Case Series of Five Patients
Sadaf Soloukey , Judith D de Rooij , Rutger Osterthun , Judith Drenthen , Chris I De Zeeuw , Frank J P M Huygen , Biswadjiet S Harhangi
in Neuromodulation 2020
268. Blood Pressure in Andean Adults Living Permanently at Different Altitudes.
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in High altitude medicine & biology 2020
269. Lack of a Clear Behavioral Phenotype in an Inducible FXTAS Mouse Model Despite the Presence of Neuronal FMRpolyG-Positive Aggregates
S.N. Haify, R.S.D. Mankoe, V. Boumeester, E.C. van der Toorn, R.F.M. Verhagen, R. Willemsen, R.K. Hukema, L.W.J. Bosman
in Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 2020
270. Decoding the infrastructure of the cerebellum.
271. Early intervention for children at risk of visual processing dysfunctions from 1 year of age: a randomized controlled trial protocol.
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272. Traumatic Meniscal Tears Are Associated With Meniscal Degeneration.
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in The American journal of sports medicine 2020
273. The Influence of Radiograph Obliquity on Böhler
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in The Journal of foot and ankle surgery : official publication of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons 2020
274. Functional Convergence of Autonomic and Sensorimotor Processing in the Lateral Cerebellum.
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in Cell reports 2020
Sadaf Soloukey, Arnaud J P E Vincent, Djaina D Satoer, Frits Mastik, Marion Smits, Clemens M F Dirven, Christos Strydis, Antonius F W van der Steen, Johannes G Bosch, Chris I De Zeeuw, Sebastiaan K E Koekkoek, Pieter Kruizinga
in Neuro-Oncology 2020
276. A Neuroanatomically Grounded Optimal Control Model of the Compensatory Eye Movement System in Mice.
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in Frontiers in systems neuroscience 2020
277. Clinical aspects of a large group of adults with Angelman syndrome.
den Besten I, de Jong RF, Geerts-Haages A, Bruggenwirth HT, Koopmans M, Brooks A, Elgersma Y, Festen DAM, Valstar MJ
in American journal of medical genetics. Part A 2020
278. Functional Ultrasound (fUS) During Awake Brain Surgery: The Clinical Potential of Intra-Operative Functional and Vascular Brain Mapping
Soloukey Sadaf, Vincent Arnaud J. P. E., Satoer Djaina D., Mastik Frits, Smits Marion, Dirven Clemens M. F., Strydis Christos, Bosch Johannes G., van der Steen Antonius F. W., De Zeeuw Chris I., Koekkoek Sebastiaan K. E., Kruizinga Pieter
in Frontiers in Neuroscience 2020
279. Bilateral L2 dorsal root ganglion-stimulation suppresses lower limb spasticity following chronic motor complete Spinal Cord Injury: A case report
Sadaf Soloukey, Judith Drenthen, Rutger Osterthun, Judith D.de Rooij, Chris I.De Zeeuw, Frank J.P.M.Huygen, Biswadjiet S.Harhangi
in Brain Stimulation 2020
280. Diagnosing Embodiment Should Become Part of Our Repertoire
Sadaf Soloukey , Biswadjiet S Harhangi , Awee W Prins, Maartje H N Schermer
in Disability and Rehabilitation 2020
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