601. Protein kinase C activity is a protective modifier of Purkinje neuron degeneration in cerebellar ataxia.
602. Cerebellar modules operate at different frequencies
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603. Reducing anastomotic leakage by reinforcement of colorectal anastomosis with cyanoacrylate glue
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604. Disentangling heterogeneity of childhood disruptive behavior problems into dimensions and subgroups.
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605. Early intervention for children at risk of visual processing dysfunctions from 1 year of age: a randomized controlled trial protocol.
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606. Traumatic Meniscal Tears Are Associated With Meniscal Degeneration.
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607. In vivo 5-ethynyluridine (EU) labelling detects reduced transcription in Purkinje cell degeneration mouse mutants, but can itself induce neurodegeneration.
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608. Dynamic modulation of activity in cerebellar nuclei neurons during pavlovian eyeblink conditioning in mice.
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609. Is the Frequent Sonographic Anechoic Area Distally in Metacarpophalangeal Joints a Sign of Arthritis?
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610. Lithium blood levels and dosing strategies during pregnancy and the postpartum period.
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611. Pathomechanisms of ALS8: altered autophagy and defective RNA binding protein (RBP) homeostasis due to the VAPB P56S mutation.
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612. Corrigendum: Synchronicity and Rhythmicity of Purkinje Cell Firing during Generalized Spike-and-Wave Discharges in a Natural Mouse Model of Absence Epilepsy.
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613. Climbing fiber input shapes reciprocity of Purkinje cell firing.
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614. The microtubule destabilizing protein stathmin controls the transition from dividing neuronal precursors to postmitotic neurons during adult hippocampal neurogenesis
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615. Activity-based protein profiling reveals off-target proteins of the FAAH inhibitor BIA 10-2474.
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616. The Influence of Radiograph Obliquity on Böhler
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617. Mesoscale simulations predict the role of synergistic cerebellar plasticity during classical eyeblink conditioning.
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618. Synchronicity and Rhythmicity of Purkinje Cell Firing during Generalized Spike-and-Wave Discharges in a Natural Mouse Model of Absence Epilepsy.
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619. Neuregulin-3 in the Mouse Medial Prefrontal Cortex Regulates Impulsive Action
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620. Aberrant white matter microstructure in children and adolescents with the subtype of Prader Willi Syndrome at high risk for psychosis.
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621. Incisional Hernia Cannot Be Diagnosed by a Patient-Reported Diagnostic Questionnaire.
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622. PRRT2-dependent dyskinesia: cerebellar, paroxysmal and persistent.
623. Gait patterns associated with thyroid function: The Rotterdam Study
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624. Risk of postpartum episodes in women with bipolar disorder after lamotrigine or lithium use during pregnancy: a population-based cohort study.
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625. Functional Convergence of Autonomic and Sensorimotor Processing in the Lateral Cerebellum.
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626. Hallucinations and Brain Morphology Across Early Adolescence: A Longitudinal Neuroimaging Study.
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627. Impact of Intrauterine Insults on Fetal and Postnatal Cerebellar Development in Humans and Rodents.
628. Ablation of TFR1 in Purkinje Cells Inhibits mGlu1 Trafficking and Impairs Motor Coordination, But Not Autistic-Like Behaviors.
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629. Heterogeneous expression of t-type ca2+ channels defines different neuronal populations in the inferior olive of the mouse
630. Mechanisms underlying cognitive deficits in a mouse model for Costello Syndrome are distinct from other RASopathy mouse models.
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631. Dissecting schizophrenia phenotypic variation: the contribution of genetic variation, environmental exposures, and gene-environment interactions.
632. Impairment of Long-Term Plasticity of Cerebellar Purkinje Cells Eliminates the Effect of Anodal Direct Current Stimulation on Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex Habituation.
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633. Erratum to 'Is aortoiliac calcification linked to colorectal anastomotic leakage? A case-control study'
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634. Myelination of parvalbumin interneurons: A parsimonious locus of pathophysiological convergence in schizophrenia.
635. Slowed Saccadic Reaction Times in Seemingly Normal Parts of Glaucomatous Visual Fields.
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636. An expandable embryonic stem cell-derived Purkinje neuron progenitor population that exhibits in vivo maturation in the adult mouse cerebellum.
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637. Is aortoiliac calcification linked to colorectal anastomotic leakage? A case-control study
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638. Functional Recovery After Postpartum Psychosis: A Prospective Longitudinal Study.
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639. The reduction of intraepidermal P2X nerve fiber density correlates with behavioral hyperalgesia in a rat model of nerve injury-induced pain.
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in The Journal of comparative neurology 2017
640. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves colorectal anastomotic healing
Boersema, G. S. A., Wu, Z., Kroese, L. F., Vennix, S., Bastiaansen-Jenniskens, Y. M., van Neck, J. W., Lam, K. H., Kleinrensink, G. J., Jeekel, J. and Lange, J. F.
in International Journal of Colorectal Disease 2016
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