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204. Cerebellar granule cells acquire a widespread predictive feedback signal during motor learning.
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205. Cerebellar Granule Cells: Dense, Rich and Evolving Representations.
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208. Cerebellar learning properties are modulated by the CRF receptor in granular cells.
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209. Cerebellar Modules and Their Role as Operational Cerebellar Processing Units.
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216. Cerebellar plasticity and associative memories are controlled by perineuronal nets.
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217. Cerebellar potentiation and learning a whisker-based object localization task with a time response window.
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218. Cerebellar Purkinje cells can differentially modulate coherence between sensory and motor cortex depending on region and behavior.
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222. Cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation effects on saccade adaptation.
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