Publications Directory

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521. Tissue adhesives in gastrointestinal anastomosis: A systematic review

Vakalopoulos, K. A., Daams, F., Wu, Z., Timmermans, L., Jeekel, J. J., Kleinrensink, G. J., Van Der Ham, A., & Lange, J. F.
in Journal of Surgical Research 2013

522. Whisker kinematics in the cerebellum.

in The Journal of physiology 2023

523. Purkinje-cell-specific MeCP2 deficiency leads to motor deficits and autistic-like behavior due to aberrations in PTP1B-TrkB-SK signaling

Fang-Xiao Xu, Xin-Tai Wang, Xin-Yu Cai, Jia-Yu Liu, Jing-Wen Guo, Fan Yang, Wei Chen, Martijn Schonewille, Chris De Zeeuw, Lin Zhou, Ying Shen
in Cell Reports 2023

524. Cerebellar potentiation and learning a whisker-based object localization task with a time response window.

Rahmati N, Owens CB, Bosman LW, Spanke JK, Lindeman S, Gong W, Potters JW, Romano V, Voges K, Moscato L, Koekkoek SK, Negrello M, De Zeeuw CI
in The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2014

525. Long-term follow-up of peptidergic and nonpeptidergic reinnervation of the epidermis following sciatic nerve reconstruction in rats

Kambiz, S., L. S. Duraku, M. Baas, T. H. J. Nijhuis, S. G. Cosgun, S. E. R. Hovius, T. J. H. Ruigrok and E. T. Walbeehm
in Journal of Neurosurgery 2015

526. Standard and individually determined thermal pain stimuli induce similar brain activations

van den Bosch, G. E., van Hemmen, J., White, T., Tibboel, D., Peters, J. W., & van der Geest, J. N.
in Eur J Pain 2013

527. Graded error signals in eyeblink conditioning.

in Neurobiology of learning and memory 2019

528. Biomechanical characteristics of rib fracture fixation systems.

Prins JTH, Van Wijck SFM, Leeflang SA, Kleinrensink GJ, Lottenberg L, de la Santa Barajas PM, Van Huijstee PJ, Vermeulen J, Verhofstad MHJ, Zadpoor AA, Wijffels MME, Van Lieshout EMM
in Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon) 2023

529. Synaptic mechanisms for associative learning in the cerebellar nuclei.

Broersen R, Albergaria C, Carulli D, Carey MR, Canto CB, De Zeeuw CI
in Nature communications 2023

530. Pre-ataxic loss of intrinsic plasticity and motor learning in a mouse model of SCA1

531. Single-Cell Stimulation in Barrel Cortex Influences Psychophysical Detection Performance.

Tanke N, Borst JGG, Houweling AR
in The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2018

532. Rotterdam Advanced Multiple Plate: a novel method to measure cold hyperalgesia and allodynia in freely behaving rodents.

Duraku LS, Niehof SP, Misirli Y, Everaers M, Hoendervangers S, Holstege J, Boele HJ, Koekkoek SK, Smits ES, Selles RW, Walbeehm ET
in Journal of neuroscience methods 2013

533. Reply to Can we avoid rectus abdominis muscle atrophy and midline shift after colostomy creation?

Timmermans, L., Deerenberg, E. B., Van Dijk, S. M., Lamme, B., Koning, A. H., Kleinrensink, G. J., Jeekel, J. and Lange, J. F.
in Surgery (United States) 2014

534. Simvastatin for cognitive deficits and behavioural problems in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1-SIMCODA): A randomised, placebo-controlled trial.

van der Vaart, T., Plasschaert, E., Rietman, A. B., Renard, M., Oostenbrink, R., Vogels, A., de Wit, M. C. Y., Descheemaeker, M. J., Vergouwe, Y., Catsman-Berrevoets, C. E., Legius, E., Elgersma, Y., & Moll, H. A.
in The Lancet Neurology 2013

535. A Longer Interstimulus Interval Yields Better Learning in Adults and Young Adolescents.

Kjell K, Löwgren K, Rasmussen A
in Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 2018

536. The incidence of extraction site incisional hernia after minimally invasive colorectal surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

den Hartog FPJ, van Egmond S, Poelman MM, Menon AG, Kleinrensink GJ, Lange JF, Tanis PJ, Deerenberg EB
in Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland 2022

537. Feedback from HTC Vive Sensors Results in Transient Performance Enhancements on a Juggling Task in Virtual Reality.

Filip Borglund, Michael Young, Joakim Eriksson, Anders Rasmussen
in Sensors 2021

538. ExaFlexHH: an exascale-ready, flexible multi-FPGA library for biologically plausible brain simulations.

in Frontiers in neuroinformatics 2024

539. Sodium salicylate improves detection of amplitude-modulated sound in mice.

van den Berg MM, Wong AB, Houtak G, Williamson RS, Borst JGG
in iScience 2024

540. Enhanced Transmission at the Calyx of Held Synapse in a Mouse Model for Angelman Syndrome.

in Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 2018

541. Cerebellar motor learning deficits in medicated and medication-free men with recent-onset schizophrenia.

Coesmans M, Röder CH, Smit AE, Koekkoek SK, De Zeeuw CI, Frens MA, van der Geest JN
in Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience : JPN 2014

542. Interaction of SH-SY5Y cells with nanogratings during neuronal differentiation: Comparison with primary neurons

Tonazzini, I., Cecchini, A., Elgersma, Y. and Cecchini, M.
in Advanced Healthcare Materials 2014

543. Long-Term Outcome Study in Patients with Abdominal Wound Dehiscence: A Comparative Study on Quality of Life, Body Image, and Incisional Hernia

van Ramshorst, G. H., Eker, H. H., van der Voet, J. A., Jeekel, J., & Lange, J. F.
in Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 2013

544. Glissades Are Altered by Lesions to the Oculomotor Vermis but Not by Saccadic Adaptation

Flierman N.A., Ignashchenkova A., Negrello M., Their P., De Zeeuw C.I., Badura A.
in Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 2019

545. Learning and Timing of Voluntary Blink Responses Match Eyeblink Conditioning.

Rasmussen A, Jirenhed DA
in Scientific reports 2017

546. Health-related quality of life in children with neurofibromatosis type 1: contribution of demographic factors, disease-related factors, and behavior.

Krab LC, Oostenbrink R, de Goede-Bolder A, Aarsen FK, Elgersma Y, Moll HA
in The Journal of pediatrics 2008

547. Activity map of a cortico-cerebellar loop underlying motor planning

Zhu J, Hasanbegovic H, Liu LD, Gao Z, Li N
in Nature Neuroscience 2023

548. A Test of the Stereausis Hypothesis for Sound Localization in Mammals.

in The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2017

549. Anatomical pathways involved in generating and sensing rhythmic whisker movements.

Bosman LW, Houweling AR, Owens CB, Tanke N, Shevchouk OT, Rahmati N, Teunissen WH, Ju C, Gong W, Koekkoek SK, De Zeeuw CI
in Frontiers in integrative neuroscience 2011

550. Enhanced AMPA receptor function promotes cerebellar long-term depression rather than potentiation

Van Beugen, B. J., Qiao, X., Simmons, D. H., De Zeeuw, C. I. and Hansel, C.
in Learning and Memory 2014

551. A comparative assessment of surgeons' tracking methods for surgical site infections

Van Ramshorst, G. H., Vos, M. C., Den Hartog, D., Hop, W. C. J., Jeekel, J., Hovius, S. E. R., & Lange, J. F.
in Surgical Infections 2013

552. Maternal and paternal cannabis use during pregnancy and the risk of psychotic-like experiences in the offspring

Bolhuis K, Kushner SA, Yalniz S, Hillegers MHJ, Jaddoe VWV, Tiemeier H, El Marroun H
in Schizophrenia Research 2018

553. Impact of neurofibromatosis type 1 on school performance.

Krab LC, Aarsen FK, de Goede-Bolder A, Catsman-Berrevoets CE, Arts WF, Moll HA, Elgersma Y
in Journal of child neurology 2008

554. Resistance to action potential depression of a rat axon terminal in vivo.

in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2017

555. AFQ056, a new mGluR5 antagonist for treatment of fragile X syndrome.

Levenga J, Hayashi S, de Vrij FM, Koekkoek SK, van der Linde HC, Nieuwenhuizen I, Song C, Buijsen RA, Pop AS, Gomezmancilla B, Nelson DL, Willemsen R, Gasparini F, Oostra BA
in Neurobiology of disease 2011

556. Golgi fragmentation precedes neuromuscular denervation and is associated with endosome abnormalities in SOD1-ALS mouse motor neurons

van Dis, V., Kuijpers, M., Haasdijk, E. D., Teuling, E., Oakes, S. A., Hoogenraad, C. C. and Jaarsma, D.
in Acta neuropathologica communications 2014

557. TRAK/Milton Motor-Adaptor Proteins Steer Mitochondrial Trafficking to Axons and Dendrites.

van Spronsen, M., Mikhaylova, M., Lipka, J., Schlager, M. A., van den Heuvel, D. J., Kuijpers, M., Wulf, P. S., Keijzer, N., Demmers, J., Kapitein, L. C., Jaarsma, D., Gerritsen, H. C., Akhmanova, A., & Hoogenraad, C. C.
in Neuron 2013

558. No evidence for an interaction between 5-HTTLPR genotype and early life adversity in cortisol responsivity to psychosocial stress in women.

Aleknaviciute J, Tulen JHM, de Rijke YB, van der Kroeg M, Kooiman CG, Kushner SA
in BJPsych Open 2018

559. Neural Implementations of Bayesian Inference

560. The basal interstitial nucleus (BIN) of the cerebellum provides diffuse ascending inhibitory input to the floccular granule cell layer.

Jaarsma D, Blot FGC, Wu B, Venkatesan S, Voogd J, Meijer D, Ruigrok TJH, Gao Z, Schonewille M, De Zeeuw CI
in The Journal of comparative neurology 2018