Publications Directory

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961. Whisker kinematics in the cerebellum.

in The Journal of physiology 2023

962. WhiskEras: A New Algorithm for Accurate Whisker Tracking.

in Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 2020

963. Whole brain 7T-fMRI during pelvic floor muscle contraction in male subjects.

Groenendijk IM, Luijten SPR, de Zeeuw CI, Holstege JC, Scheepe JR, van der Zwaag W, Blok BFM
in Neurourology and urodynamics 2019

964. Whole-Cell Properties of Cerebellar Nuclei Neurons In Vivo.

Canto CB, Witter L, De Zeeuw CI
in PloS one 2016

965. Wireless closed-loop optogenetics across the entire dorsoventral spinal cord in mice.

Kathe C, Michoud F, Schönle P, Rowald A, Brun N, Ravier J, Furfaro I, Paggi V, Kim K, Soloukey S, Asboth L, Hutson TH, Jelescu I, Philippides A, Alwahab N, Gandar J, Huber D, De Zeeuw CI, Barraud Q, Huang Q, Lacour SP, Courtine G
in Nature biotechnology 2021


966. Young Domestic Pigs Can Perform Pavlovian Eyeblink Conditioning.

Boele HJ, Joung S, Fil JE, Mudd AT, Fleming SA, Koekkoek SKE, Dilger RN
in Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 2021


967. Zero-Power Defense Done Right - Shielding IMDs from Battery-Depletion Attacks.

in J. Signal Process. Syst. 2021


968. Α-Calcium Calmodulin Kinase Ii Modulates the Temporal Structure of Hippocampal Bursting Patterns

Cho J., Bhatt R. , Elgersma Y., Silva A. J.
in PLoS ONE 2012

969. βCaMKII controls the direction of plasticity at parallel fiber–Purkinje cell synapses

van Woerden GM, Hoebeek FE, Gao Z, Nagaraja RY, Hoogenraad CC, Kushner SA, Hansel C, De Zeeuw CI, Elgersma Y
in Nature neuroscience 2009

970. βCaMKII plays a nonenzymatic role in hippocampal synaptic plasticity and learning by targeting αCaMKII to synapses

Borgesius NZ, van Woerden GM, Buitendijk GH, Keijzer N, Jaarsma D, Hoogenraad CC, Elgersma Y
in J Neurosci 2011