Publications Directory

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1041. Total extraperitoneal inguinal hernia repair compared with Lichtenstein (the LEVEL-Trial): a randomized controlled trial

Langeveld HR, van't Riet M, Weidema WF, Stassen LP, Steyerberg EW, Lange J, Bonjer HJ, Jeekel J
in Ann Surg 2010

1042. Presynaptic plasticity at cerebellar parallel fiber terminals

Le Guen MC, Zeeuw CI
in Funct Neurol 2010

1043. Reverse cochlear propagation in the intact cochlea of the gerbil: evidence for slow traveling waves

Meenderink SW, van der Heijden M
in J Neurophysiol 2010

1044. Stiffer fixation of the tibial double-tunnel anterior cruciate ligament complex versus the single tunnel: a biomechanical study

Meuffels DE, Docter PT, van Dongen RA, Kleinrensink GJ, Verhaar JA, Reijman M
in Arthroscopy 2010

1045. In vivo dynamic clamp study of I(h) in the mouse inferior colliculus

Nagtegaal AP, Borst JG
in J Neurophysiol 2010

1046. Genetic dissection of the function of hindbrain axonal commissures

Renier N, Schonewille M, Giraudet F, Badura A, Tessier-Lavigne M, Avan P, De Zeeuw CI, Chédotal A
in PLoS Biol 2010

1047. Assessment of visual orienting behaviour in young children using remote eye tracking: methodology and reliability

Pel JJ, Manders JC, van der Steen J
in J Neurosci Methods 2010

1048. Long-term changes in cerebellar activation during functional recovery from transient peripheral motor paralysis

Smit A, van der Geest J, Metselaar M, van der Lugt A, VanderWerf F, De Zeeuw CI
in Exp Neurol 2010

1049. Efficient genomic DNA extraction from low target concentration bacterial cultures using SCODA DNA extraction technology

So A, Pel J, Rajan S, Marziali A
in Cold Spring Harb Protoc 2010

1050. Delayed appearance of the scaffolding proteins PSD-95 and Homer-1 at the developing rat calyx of held synapse

Soria Van Hoeve JS, Borst JG
in J Comp Neurol 2010

1051. Bicaudal D2, dynein, and kinesin-1 associate with nuclear pore complexes and regulate centrosome and nuclear positioning during mitotic entry

Splinter D, Tanenbaum ME, Lindqvist A, Jaarsma D, Flotho A, Yu KL, Grigoriev I, Engelsma D, Haasdijk ED, Keijzer N, Demmers J, Fornerod M, Melchior F, Hoogenraad CC, Medema RH, Akhmanova A
in PLoS Biol 2010

1052. Calcium action potentials in hair cells pattern auditory neuron activity before hearing onset

Tritsch NX, Rodríguez-Contreras A, Crins TT, Wang HC, Borst JG, Bergles DE
in Nat Neurosci 2010

1053. Three-dimensional optokinetic eye movements in the C57BL/6J mouse

van Alphen B, Winkelman BH, Frens MA
in Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2010

1054. Human chorionic gonadotropin treatment of anti-Hu-associated paraneoplastic neurological syndromes

van Broekhoven F, de Graaf MT, Bromberg JE, Hooijkaas H, van den Bent MJ, de Beukelaar JW, Khan NA, Gratama JW, van der Geest JN, Frens M, Benner R, Sillevis Smitt PA
in J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2010

1055. Interaural correlation fails to account for detection in a classic binaural task: dynamic ITDs dominate N0Spi detection

van der Heijden M, Joris PX
in J Assoc Res Otolaryngol 2010

1056. Anti-malaria drug mefloquine induces motor learning deficits in humans

in Front Neurosci 2010

1057. Long-term changes in cerebellar activation during functional recovery from transient peripheral motor paralysis.

Smit A, van der Geest J, Metselaar M, van der Lugt A, VanderWerf F, De Zeeuw C
in Experimental neurology 2010

1058. Therapeutic alternatives for burst abdomen

van Ramshorst GH, Eker HH, Harlaar JJ, Nijens KJ, Jeekel J, Lange JF
in Surg Technol Int 2010

1059. Noninvasive assessment of intra-abdominal pressure by measurement of abdominal wall tension

van Ramshorst GH, Salih M, Hop WC, Waes OJ, Kleinrensink GJ, Goossens RH, Lange JF
in J Surg Res 2010

1060. Abdominal wound dehiscence in adults: development and validation of a risk model

van Ramshorst GH, Nieuwenhuizen J, Hop WC, Arends P, Boom J, Jeekel J, Lange JF
in World J Surg 2010

1061. Visuomotor Cerebellum in Human and Nonhuman Primates

Voogd J, Schraa-Tam CK, van der Geest JN, De Zeeuw CI
in Cerebellum 2010

1062. Surgical anatomy of the floor of the oral cavity and the cervical spaces as a rationale for trans-oral, minimal-invasive endoscopic surgical procedures: results of anatomical studies

Wilhelm T, Harlaar JJ, Kerver A, Kleinrensink GJ, Benhidjeb T
in Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2010

1063. Development of a new trans-oral endoscopic approach for mediastinal surgery based on 'natural orifice surgery': preclinical studies on surgical technique, feasibility, and safety

Wilhelm T, Klemm W, Leschber G, Harlaar JJ, Kerver AL, Kleinrensink GJ, Nemat A
in Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2010

1064. Transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy. Part 1: rationale and anatomical studies

Wilhelm T, Harlaar J, Kerver A, Kleinrensink GJ, Benhidjeb T
in Chirurg 2010

1065. Purkinje cell-specific knockout of the protein phosphatase PP2B impairs potentiation and cerebellar motor learning.

Schonewille M, Belmeguenai A, Koekkoek SK, Houtman SH, Boele HJ, van Beugen BJ, Gao Z, Badura A, Ohtsuki G, Amerika WE, Hosy E, Hoebeek FE, Elgersma Y, Hansel C, De Zeeuw CI
in Neuron 2010

1066. Effects of visual processing and congenital nystagmus on visually guided ocular motor behaviour.

Pel J, Does LV, Boot F, Faber TD, Steen-Kant SV, Willemsen S, Steen HV
in Developmental medicine and child neurology 2010

1067. Calcium score: a new risk factor for colorectal anastomotic leakage.

Komen N, Klitsie P, Dijk JW, Slieker J, Hermans J, Havenga K, Oudkerk M, Weyler J, Kleinrensink GJ, Lange JF
in American journal of surgery 2010

1068. Stiffer fixation of the tibial double-tunnel anterior cruciate ligament complex versus the single tunnel: a biomechanical study.

Meuffels DE, Docter PT, van Dongen RA, Kleinrensink GJ, Verhaar JA, Reijman M
in Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association 2010

1069. Noninvasive assessment of intra-abdominal pressure by measurement of abdominal wall tension.

van Ramshorst GH, Salih M, Hop WC, van Waes OJ, Kleinrensink GJ, Goossens RH, Lange JF
in The Journal of surgical research 2010

1070. Contribution of the mouse calyx of Held synapse to tone adaptation.

Lorteije JA, Borst JG
in The European journal of neuroscience 2010

1071. Delayed appearance of the scaffolding proteins PSD-95 and Homer-1 at the developing rat calyx of Held synapse.

Soria Van Hoeve JS, Borst JG
in The Journal of comparative neurology 2010

1072. The low synaptic release probability in vivo.

in Trends in neurosciences 2010

1073. Synaptic inhibition of Purkinje cells mediates consolidation of vestibulo-cerebellar motor learning

Wulff P, Schonewille M, Renzi M, Viltono L, Sassoè-Pognetto M, Badura A, Gao Z, Hoebeek FE, van Dorp S, Wisden W, Farrant M, De Zeeuw CI
in Nature neuroscience 2009

1074. βCaMKII controls the direction of plasticity at parallel fiber–Purkinje cell synapses

van Woerden GM, Hoebeek FE, Gao Z, Nagaraja RY, Hoogenraad CC, Kushner SA, Hansel C, De Zeeuw CI, Elgersma Y
in Nature neuroscience 2009

1075. Forward models and state estimation in compensatory eye movements

Frens MA, Donchin O
in Front Cell Neurosci 2009

1076. Ultrastructural analysis of the functional domains in FMRP using primary hippocampal mouse neurons.

Levenga J, Buijsen RA, Rifé M, Moine H, Nelson DL, Oostra BA, Willemsen R, de Vrij FM
in Neurobiology of disease 2009

1077. Differences in muscle load between computer and non-computer work among office workers

Richter JM, Mathiassen SE, Slijper HP, Over EA, Frens MA
in Ergonomics 2009

1078. Perineal sound recording for diagnosis of bladder outlet obstruction.

Idzenga T, Pel JJ, van Mastrigt R
in Indian journal of urology : IJU : journal of the Urological Society of India 2009

1079. Differences between smooth pursuit and optokinetic eye movements using limited lifetime dot stimulation: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study.

Schraa-Tam CK, van der Lugt A, Smits M, Frens MA, van Broekhoven PC, van der Geest JN
in Clinical physiology and functional imaging 2009

1080. Statistics predict kinematics of hand movements during everyday activity.

Slijper H, Richter J, Over E, Smeets J, Frens M
in Journal of motor behavior 2009