Publications Directory

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1. Sensorimotor control of standing balance

2. The calyx of Held synapse. In: Synaptic mechanisms in the auditory system

Borst JGG, Rusu SI
in 2011

3. Cerebellum and cerebellar connections. The Rat Nervous System.

Ruigrok T. J. H., Sillitoe E. V., Voogd J.
in 2015

4. Questioning the Cerebellar Doctrine

Galliano, E. and De Zeeuw, C. I.
in 2014

5. Measuring Cerebellar Processing and Sensorimotor Functions in Non-Human Primates

Nico A. Flierman, Eric Avila, Chris I. De Zeeuw, Aleksandra Badura
in 2022