- m.proiettionori@erasmusmc.nl
- Room: Ee1483
- Dr. Molewaterplein 40, Faculty Building, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Martina Proietti Onori (M.)
- Position: Phd Student, Erasmus MC
1. Role of calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase 2 in neurodevelopmental disorders.
2. Protein phosphatase 2B dual function facilitates synaptic integrity and motor learning.
Lin Z, Wu B, Paul MW, Li KW, Yao Y, Smal I, Onori MP, Hasanbegovic H, Bezstarosti K, Demmers J, Houtsmuller AB, Meijering E, Hoebeek FE, Schonewille M, Smit AB, Gao Z, De Zeeuw CI
in The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2021
3. RHEB/mTOR hyperactivity causes cortical malformations and epileptic seizures through increased axonal connectivity.
Proietti Onori M, Koene LMC, Schäfer CB, Nellist M, de Brito van Velze M, Gao Z, Elgersma Y, van Woerden GM
in PLoS biology 2021
4. Effects of antiepileptic drugs in a new TSC/mTOR-dependent epilepsy mouse model.
Koene LMC, van Grondelle SE, Proietti Onori M, Wallaard I, Kooijman NHRM, van Oort A, Schreiber J, Elgersma Y
in Annals of clinical and translational neurology 2019
5. CAMK2-Dependent Signaling in Neurons Is Essential for Survival.
Kool MJ, Proietti Onori M, Borgesius NZ, van de Bree JE, Elgersma-Hooisma M, Nio E, Bezstarosti K, Buitendijk GHS, Aghadavoud Jolfaei M, Demmers JAA, Elgersma Y, van Woerden GM
in The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2019
6. The intellectual disability-associated CAMK2G p.Arg292Pro mutation acts as a pathogenic gain-of-function
Proietti Onori M, Koopal B, Everman DB, Worthington JD, Jones JR, Ploeg MA, Mientjes E, van Bon BW, Kleefstra T, Schulman H, Kushner SA, Küry S, Elgersma Y, van Woerden GM
in Hum Mutat 2018
7. Dynamic modulation of activity in cerebellar nuclei neurons during pavlovian eyeblink conditioning in mice.
Ten Brinke MM, Heiney SA, Wang X, Proietti-Onori M, Boele HJ, Bakermans J, Medina JF, Gao Z, De Zeeuw CI
in eLife 2017
8. Variation in a range of mTOR-related genes associates with intracranial volume and intellectual disability.
Reijnders MRF, Kousi M, van Woerden GM, Klein M, Bralten J, Mancini GMS, van Essen T, Proietti-Onori M, Smeets EEJ, van Gastel M, Stegmann APA, Stevens SJC, Lelieveld SH, Gilissen C, Pfundt R, Tan PL, Kleefstra T, Franke B, Elgersma Y, Katsanis N, Brunner HG
in Nature communications 2017
9. Excitatory Cerebellar Nucleocortical Circuit Provides Internal Amplification during Associative Conditioning.
Gao Z, Proietti-Onori M, Lin Z, Ten Brinke MM, Boele HJ, Potters JW, Ruigrok TJ, Hoebeek FE, De Zeeuw CI
in Neuron 2016