Congratulations to Dr. Johan Pel & Dr. Peter Bremen on getting grants from Stichting Lijf en Leven and the Open Competition XS from NWO

We are proud to announce that Dr. Pel and Dr. Bremen received a grant from Stichting Lijf en Leven and an Open Competition Klein-XS grant from The Dutch Research Council (NWO)!
Stichting Lijf en Leven was funded by Cornelius Rook in 1997 and supports translational and clinical research focussing on vision impairments and cardiovascular diseases. With the support by Stichting Lijf en Leven Dr. Pel and Dr. Bremen will develop and validate procedures for evaluating glaucoma patients’ ability to fuse information from both eyes as is needed for e.g. depth perception.
The NWO Open Competition Klein-XS grants support curiosity-driven, high-risk research. The granting scheme is geared towards enabling the quick evaluation of curiosity-driven and out-of-the-box research ideas. Dr. Pel and Dr. Bremen will use this award to assess the potential of audiovisual integration for visual-field deficit screening.