• Department of Neuroscience

    Erasmus MC

  • Wide range of techniques and research questions

    From molecules to circuits and disease mechanisms

Research Objectives

Our research is dedicated to Plasticity and Dynamics of Sensori-Motor Systems and Cognitive Systems in health and disease. We investigate those at the physiological, anatomical, behavioral and molecular level in 21 research groups.


The Department of Neuroscience of Erasmus Medical University Center, Rotterdam, is embedded in the dynamic, internationally competitive research community of over 40 biomedical research labs, encompassing the departments of: Bioinformatics, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Genetics, Genetic and Genetic Identification. We collaborate with universities and institutes at a national and international level and host fruitful relationships with our industry partners.

Academic excellence

The main objective of the two-year Research Master’s Program in Neuroscience is to teach and to provide training for talented students in the rapidly expanding field of neuroscience. The program prepares students for future fundamental research in various medical fields in which neuroscience is increasingly important. The program combines a broad range of tutorials and workshops in neuro-anatomy, neurophysiology, molecular biology, psychology and psychiatry with an extensive period of research training.

Department of Neuroscience is placed in the Research Tower of the Erasmus Medical Center (Ee building). The Department Chair is Prof. Dr. Chris de Zeeuw.

Recent Publications

The department of Neuroscience strives to publish Open Access. Accepted versions of most published papers can be found in the Erasmus University institutional repository repub.eur.nl


The Road to a Realistic 3D Model for Estimating R and R* Relaxation Versus Gd-DTPA Concentration in Whole Blood and Brain Tumor Vasculature.

van Dorth D, Alafandi A, Soloukey S, Kruizinga P, Venugopal K, Delphin A, Poot DHJ, Christen T, Smits M, de Bresser J, Hernandez-Tamames JA, van Osch MJP
in NMR in biomedicine 2025

Genomics yields biological and phenotypic insights into bipolar disorder.

O'Connell KS, Koromina M, van der Veen T, Boltz T, David FS, Yang JMK, Lin KH, Wang X, Coleman JRI, Mitchell BL, McGrouther CC, Rangan AV, Lind PA, Koch E, Harder A, Parker N, Bendl J, Adorjan K, Agerbo E, Albani D, Alemany S, Alliey-Rodriguez N, Als TD, Andlauer TFM, Antoniou A, Ask H, Bass N, Bauer M, Beins EC, Bigdeli TB, Pedersen CB, Boks MP, Børte S, Bosch R, Brum M, Brumpton BM, Brunkhorst-Kanaan N, Budde M, Bybjerg-Grauholm J, Byerley W, Cabana-Domínguez J, Cairns MJ, Carpiniello B, Casas M, Cervantes P, Chatzinakos C, Chen HC, Clarence T, Clarke TK, Claus I, Coombes B, Corfield EC, Cruceanu C, Cuellar-Barboza A, Czerski PM, Dafnas K, Dale AM, Dalkner N, Degenhardt F, DePaulo JR, Djurovic S, Drange OK, Escott-Price V, Fanous AH, Fellendorf FT, Ferrier IN, Forty L, Frank J, Frei O, Freimer NB, Fullard JF, Garnham J, Gizer IR, Gordon SD, Gordon-Smith K, Greenwood TA, Grove J, Guzman-Parra J, Ha TH, Hahn T, Haraldsson M, Hautzinger M, Havdahl A, Heilbronner U, Hellgren D, Herms S, Hickie IB, Hoffmann P, Holmans PA, Huang MC, Ikeda M, Jamain S, Johnson JS, Jonsson L, Kalman JL, Kamatani Y, Kennedy JL, Kim E, Kim J, Kittel-Schneider S, Knowles JA, Kogevinas M, Kranz TM, Krebs K, Kushner SA, Lavebratt C, Lawrence J, Leber M, Lee HJ, Liao C, Lucae S, Lundberg M, MacIntyre DJ, Maier W, Maihofer AX, Malaspina D, Manchia M, Maratou E, Martinsson L, Mattheisen M, McGregor NW, McInnis MG, McKay JD, Medeiros H, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Millischer V, Morris DW, Moutsatsou P, Mühleisen TW, O'Donovan C, Olsen CM, Panagiotaropoulou G, Papiol S, Pardiñas AF, Park HY, Perry A, Pfennig A, Pisanu C, Potash JB, Quested D, Rapaport MH, Regeer EJ, Rice JP, Rivera M, Schulte EC, Senner F, Shadrin A, Shilling PD, Sigurdsson E, Sindermann L, Sirignano L, Siskind D, Slaney C, Sloofman LG, Smeland OB, Smith DJ, Sobell JL, Soler Artigas M, Stein DJ, Stein F, Su MH, Sung H, Świątkowska B, Terao C, Tesfaye M, Tesli M, Thorgeirsson TE, Thorp JG, Toma C, Tondo L, Tooney PA, Tsai SJ, Tsermpini EE, Vawter MP, Vedder H, Vreeker A, Walters JTR, Winsvold BS, Witt SH, Won HH, Ye R, Young AH, Zandi PP, Zillich L, Adolfsson R, Alda M, Alfredsson L, Backlund L, Baune BT, Bellivier F, Bengesser S, Berrettini WH, Biernacka JM, Boehnke M, Børglum AD, Breen G, Carr VJ, Catts S, Cichon S, Corvin A, Craddock N, Dannlowski U, Dikeos D, Etain B, Ferentinos P, Frye M, Fullerton JM, Gawlik M, Gershon ES, Goes FS, Green MJ, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Hauser J, Henskens FA, Hjerling-Leffler J, Hougaard DM, Hveem K, Iwata N, Jones I, Jones LA, Kahn RS, Kelsoe JR, Kircher T, Kirov G, Kuo PH, Landén M, Leboyer M, Li QS, Lissowska J, Lochner C, Loughland C, Luykx JJ, Martin NG, Mathews CA, Mayoral F, McElroy SL, McIntosh AM, McMahon FJ, Medland SE, Melle I, Milani L, Mitchell PB, Morken G, Mors O, Mortensen PB, Müller-Myhsok B, Myers RM, Myung W, Neale BM, Nievergelt CM, Nordentoft M, Nöthen MM, Nurnberger JI, O'Donovan MC, Oedegaard KJ, Olsson T, Owen MJ, Paciga SA, Pantelis C, Pato CN, Pato MT, Patrinos GP, Pawlak JM, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Reif A, Reininghaus EZ, Ribasés M, Rietschel M, Ripke S, Rouleau GA, Roussos P, Saito T, Schall U, Schalling M, Schofield PR, Schulze TG, Scott LJ, Scott RJ, Serretti A, Smoller JW, Squassina A, Stahl EA, Stefansson H, Stefansson K, Stordal E, Streit F, Sullivan PF, Turecki G, Vaaler AE, Vieta E, Vincent JB, Waldman ID, Weickert CS, Weickert TW, Werge T, Whiteman DC, Zwart JA, Edenberg HJ, McQuillin A, Forstner AJ, Mullins N, Di Florio A, Ophoff RA, Andreassen OA
in Nature 2025

Kilohertz electrical stimulation evokes robust cellular responses like conventional frequencies but distinct population dynamics.

Ravasio CR, Kondabolu K, Zhou S, Lowet E, San Antonio E, Mount RA, Bhogal SK, Han X
in Communications biology 2025

How and where Effectively Apply Cerebellum Stimulation: The frequency-dependent Modulation of Cerebellar Output by Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation.

Romano V, Manto M
in Cerebellum (London, England) 2025

How and where Effectively Apply Cerebellum Stimulation: The frequency-dependent Modulation of Cerebellar Output by Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation.

Romano V, Manto M
in Cerebellum (London, England) 2025