- m.vanderheyden@erasmusmc.nl
- Dr. Molewaterplein 40, Faculty Building, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Dr. Marcel van der Heijden (M.L.)
- Position: PhD, Associate Professor, Erasmus MC
- Lab Head in:
1. Tuned vibration modes in a miniature hearing organ: Insights from the bushcricket.
Vavakou A, Scherberich J, Nowotny M, van der Heijden M
in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2021
2. Rectifying and sluggish: Outer hair cells as regulators rather than amplifiers.
3. Early Binaural Hearing: The Comparison of Temporal Differences at the Two Ears
Philip X. Joris and Marcel van der Heijden
in Annual Review of Neuroscience 2019
4. The frequency limit of outer hair cell motility measured in vivo.
5. Vibration hotspots reveal longitudinal funneling of sound-evoked motion in the mammalian cochlea.
NIgel P. Cooper, Anna Vavakou, Marcel van der Heijden
in Nature communications 2018
6. A synaptic theory of internal delays
7. A Test of the Stereausis Hypothesis for Sound Localization in Mammals.
Plauška A, van der Heijden M, Borst JGG
in The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2017
8. Dynamics of Cochlear Nonlinearity.
in Advances in experimental medicine and biology 2016
9. Predicting binaural responses from monaural responses in the gerbil medial superior olive.
Plauška A, Borst JG, van der Heijden M
in Journal of neurophysiology 2016
10. Energy Flux in the Cochlea: Evidence Against Power Amplification of the Traveling Wave
Marcel van der Heijden and Corstiaen C. P. Versteegh
in J Assoc Res Otolaryng 2015