Lennart  Landsmeer


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Lennart Landsmeer (LPL)


Lennart P. L. Landsmeer received the MSc degree in Nanobiology at Delft University of Technology in 2023 and worked shortly as a scientific coworker at Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany. He is currently pursuing a PhD degree at the Quantum and Computer Engineering Department of Delft University of Technology working on a joint project with the Neuroscience Department of the Erasmus Medical Center. His current research is split between neuromorphic hardware design and new brain-simulation techniques, focussing among others how gradient-based learning can be employed in building realistic large-scale embodied brain-simulations.



Master Nanobiology

in Delft University of Technology


Bachelor Molecular Life Sciences

in Utrecht University


1. Tricking AI chips into simulating the human brain: A detailed performance analysis

Landsmeer L, Engelen M, Miedema R, Strydis C
in Neurocomputing 2024
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