Modeling the tripartite synapse at the nanoscale

5:00pm - 6:00pm
Prof. Andries Querido Lecture Hall
Speakers Website
Erik de Schutter

Classic descriptions of synapses consider only the presynaptic terminal and postsynaptic density. It is now generally accepted that astrocytic processes are an integral part, forming the tripartite synapse. Our work builds on the STEPS software ( for stochastic reaction-diffusion simulations in irregular meshes. Recently we added modeling of all key aspects of vesicle structure and function. Using this technology, we were able to model the synaptic vesicle cycle in a realistic hippocampal pyramidal cell synaptic bouton morphology at unprecedented levels of molecular and spatial detail, from docking and priming to fusion and recycling. Similarly, we simulate AMPA receptor trafficking and its regulation in hippocampal spines during the expression of synaptic plasticity. Finally, we have built detailed models of how calcium release in astrocytic processes depends on their nanoscale morphology.


Chris de Zeeuw