VIDI grant awarded to Dr. Aaron B. Wong

to Dr. Aaron B. Wong for receiving the Vidi grant from the Dutch Research
Council (NWO) for his project “Hearing more than Sound”.
This year, the
NWO has awarded 101 researchers out of 625 applicants a Vidi grant worth 800,000 euros. Vidi is
part of the NWO Talent Programme
aimed at experienced researchers who have carried out successful
research for a number of years after obtaining their PhDs. The grant will enable Dr. Wong to develop his own innovative line of research and
set up his own research
group in the coming five years.
More than Sound
The perception of sound can often be enhanced by stimulus
from a different sense. For instance, lip-reading helps the understanding of
speech. This fundamental brain function, called “multisensory integration”,
depends on putting the right information at the right place at the right time. Dr. Wong and his team will
use microscopy and electric recordings to investigate how brain cells connect
and communicate with each other, and uncover how they integrate sound
information with information from other senses.
Official announcement
from NWO:
on Amazing Erasmus MC (Dutch):